HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-02-17-75BOARD OF TRUST,Vt'IS ~TYFG PEBRUARY 17, 1975 The re~lar meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:~2 p.m. by President Wil]iem McFadden, ~o p~esided. The date had been changed from the 2[th to the 17th to coincide with the Board of Finance meeting. Ali. Board members, Town Attorrey and Town M~a~a~Ter were oresent. T~stee Hinsh~w moved to disnense w~th the readin~ of th~ mim~tes of the last re~lar meetiu~ and aporove thom as ~eceived, Trustee Swift seconded it and it passed ~manimously. HUEY CONSTRUCTION: Upon the recommendation of Utilities I~uager, Trustee Hinshs~ moved ~hat the Town M~nager be authorized to contact Huey Construction Company and ask them for fullfillment or the agreement which they said th:? would do previously and build a road to the lift statio~ as soon as possible, T~stee ~¢ift seconded the motion and it passed unomimously. UTILITY LA~9 CF~RGES: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Manager, T~stee ~ift moved tha~ th~ water service be d~sconneoted from those water customers of Carmel who fail to pay thei~ late charges within 90 days of billing. T,~stee Beach seconded the motion and it passed unomimously. PROOF 07 ~tILING UTILITY BILLS: Upon the reeo~mendatinn of Utilities Manager, T~3stee Hinshaw moved to establish the polffcy sad resolution that the print-out sheet from the computeP, so far as the To~ is conceded, is proof of mailffng of the utility bi!Is, and if the customer claims not to have received s bill that the ]ate charge will stead, as a ~art of his bill if the print-out sheet indicates a bi!] was maffled. T~stee MeYadde~ seconded th~ motion end it p~sse~ !~-1, Tr~stee Stevens voting n~. ~0SIT POLICY: Bosrd instructed Utilities Mansger to review deposit policies of other municipalities and report hack to the Board with recommendations ~%areh 11. CHANGE 0BDEB-BR00KSHIRE PL~N~: Utilities ManaEnr presented prooosed chanTe order on the .,-,-qvsas Const~c%ion contract oD the B~ookshire water p]a~t, increasing the contract ~!9~807.00. Board felt they would like to talk with representatives from Clyde E. Williams ~ Assn. to find out ~.~hy these items were ~ot anticipated s,t the beqinning of the o~oject. T~]stee Beach moved to hold pronosed chenge order for further consultation and take deeJnite ~ction on it at the March !~ meeting. T~stee McFadden seconded the mo~ion e~d it oassed ~manimously. To%,~ Manager to co,tact Clyde E. !~lliems to instruct them to he~e answers at the March 11 meeting. TRAFFIC LIGHT-E[fi~STON~ & CAi~ZML DRIVE: Town ~.%~uager read a letter he had received from the State Highway Commission stating that any signal installation at the inter- section of Carmel Drive and ~eystone (State Road }~1) wonld have to be done by the commercial development creating this warrant which in this c~se would be the Keystone Squsre ~o~ir.~ Center. Letter fur~heTM stated that in accordance with ~anting of origina~ ~my~oval for the establishing 'of this intersection fu 1969, the Keystone later da~e ~ou!d be 2heir ~'esponsibi!ity. ~stee Hjnsha~.r moved 2ha~ ~bo ~o~rn Manager be ~uthorize5 ~o d~at ~ letter 2o !feystone Square Co~. rcq~estin~ 2ha2 2hey ¢u].] fi!] ~'b~ commit~m~n+ bFr ~1~ ~rs~aq. la~on or a tr~ff~c 9~smal in accord w~h the ~at th~ Stat~ H~gbwa? Commission miTht di~ect,~stee ~ift secnnded th~ motio~ STRT~.~T LIGHTS: TIpon the ~eco~mendation of Term Manager, T~stee ~.rift moved that three street l~ps on Be]den Drive be placed by ~b!ic Septics at their reco~ended locations and one on the end ce Carlin Court and s fifth at the intersection of ": Cardin Dri.~e and ~ltam ~_ve., T~stee Stevens s~cond~d it and it passed ~mauimously. ST/B-DIVISION STRMM, T LIG~TING: To%ua ~.Mngineer stated he to uld like the Board to do something about sub-division street lighting. He stated that it has been the policy that when a sub-division was completed a~ad the developer informed the Town it was ready for street lighting, the Totem would put thro~gh a general amount of lighting. tn recent years underground cables heys become in demand, and it has been the policy of the To~rn to request the difference between the cost of undergro~md lighting and stamdard overhead lighting from the residents. M~. Hohl suggested the Board direct the Plan 'Commission to refuse to issue any approval of a plat unless the ~ub-developer puts on the line the money ±'or the lights amd the plans from Public Service of the lay-out of lights. President McFadden stated the Board hoped to get some ideas on new street lightin~7 at the meeting with Public Service Februa~ 20. }~RNLEYBROS: President McFadden read letter from Miles Hernley stating he would like ~zrther instructions as to how to proceed with stopping the leak at the Brookshire !~ter Treatment Plant. Board instructed Clerk-Treas]~rer info~a Clyde E. ~illiams to follow up and get the situation corrected. POST ~:L%R ~MVOL~NG FU~D 1,0AI~: President McFadden road letter~r,-~m Auditor of State requesting repaymert of p30,O00.O, learn made from the Post War Revolving Fund. Cl~rk-Treasurer to re-pay from Carmel-Clay '.{aste~[ater F~und. RIGHT 'TITAN ON RED: President McFadden read letter from Indi~a State Highway - Commission permitting right t~n on red on the north, south, east and wes~'~ approaches at the intersection of ER ~4~1 and SR23~. To~ M~ager was inst~cted to info~ ~il Reddick, Street Commissioner. Cl,rk-Treas~er to see that ~bief ~o?.e~ r~eeive a copy. VILLAG~ FARMS: Town _Engineer stated Village Farms was y~ot on line yet. At previous meeting a Feb~.a~ 1.~ ~ate had been e,ut~c~_pated. HOT ~ATCH H~A~R: T~.~stee Beach asked To~n Engineer if he had ~otton a hot patch heater to fix some of the ch~m~dqoles~ in tbs ~ot~ts. Mr. Hohl stated he had not. SIGN ORDI1LINCE: T~lstee Stevens moved to waive all re~lirements an.d fees in the sign~ ordinance for May primary political si~ns. SLTns to be taken do~m two weeks after election. Motion contingent upon Plan Commission approval. ~stee McFadden seconded the me'ion and it passed unanimously. There being no further businesa, the meeting was adjourned at 9:08 p.m. ATTEST: P~ggy ~ou ~S~ith, Clerk-Treasurer Willism D. McFedden, President