HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-03-11-75 MINUTES OF
MARCH 11, 1975
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
President William McFadden, who presided. All Board members, Town ~r and
Town Attorney were present.
Trustee Swift moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular
meeting and the meeti~ of March 6, and approve them as received, Trustee Hinshaw
seconded it and it passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE ~D-77: Dog Pound: President McFadden opened the floor for the public hearing
for appropriation of $2,000 from Revenue Sha~i~for contribution to City of Noblesville
for cost of constructing a dog pound to serve M~milton County. No taxpayers voiced
opposition. Public heari~was then closed. President McFadden read proposed
Ordinance ~-77 appropriati~ the funds. Trustee Swift moved to adopt Ordinance #D-77
as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE ~D-78:Transfer funds: President McFadden read proposed Ordinance ~D-78
transferring funds within the Police budget. Trustee Hinshaw moved to adopt Ordinance
#D-78 as read, Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed una~imuusly.
before the Board to discuss converting the basement at 40 E. Main to facilities to be
used for courtroom. Space is not adequate at present location in Police building.
Judge Correll presented drawings of needed renovation and gave an estimate of cost of
approximately $2,000.00. Trustee Swift moved the Board authorize an expenditure of
up to $2,200.00 for the renovation of facilities at 40 E. Main for court uses.
Trustee McFadden seconded the motion, motion passed ~-1. Trustee Beach casti~ the
n~y vote because of not h~ving a contingency in the motion to obtain am approval from
the Fire Marshall.
BID OPENING: STREET MATERIAL: Town Attorney opened street material bids as follows:
Astro Paving, Inc., properly submitted: unit price
Class A ........ 20,000 gal. liquid bituminous materials~---- .61
B-1 3,000 ~o~s hot asphaltic concrete mixes 16.63 T
B-2 hand lald~8,~9 binder &~l & 12 surface. 47.75 T
B-3 plant pick-up" " " " " " 10.75T
RIETH-RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. properly submitted:
Class Au--20,000 gal. liquid bituminous m~terials .80
B 3,000 tons hot asphaltic concrete mixes #8 or 9-paver laid 20.00
#11 or 12 surface 21.00
~ or 9-h~ud laid 28.00
#11 or 12 surface 29.00
~ or 9-plant p.u. 12.50
~11 or #12 13.~0
F,EA Hs~r~i~ Paving Co.~ Inc,~ properl~ submitted:
M~chine laid ~8 or 9 Binder---S15,75 T----~I or 12 surface~$16,50T
~nd laid " " " 45.00" " " " 45.00"
Liqui~ .60 gal.
Plant pick-up #8 or 9 binder $10.00 T---~I or 12 surface ~$10.50 T
~m~lton Co. Asphalt, Inc. prope=ly submitted:
20,000 ga1. liquid bituminous materials---.65 gal.
#8 or ~9 gravel aggregateu~$13.50 T, #1~ or #12--$15.50 T
page 2.
3,000 tons hot asphaltic concrete mixes:
paver laid--~8 or ~9 binder~15. 60 T--~tl su-rface-$16.55 T--~12-$16.10 T
hand laid---" "" "--- 23.50 T--" " - 24.25 T "24.25 T
plant pick up" " " " 11.25 T--" " - 12.00 T " 12.00 T
Avco Const. t Inc. t properly submitted:
Class A-20,O00 gal. liquid bituminous materials. ..65 gal.
emulsions. ..62 gal.
Class B- 3,000 Tons hot asphaltic concrete mixes-paver laid-#8 or 9-$12.90 T,~I-$N'~..60T
~S-15.35T, ~/12 surface-S16.00 T.
bass C- 3,000 Tons hot asphaltic concrete mixes-plant pick-up-~8 or 9-$10.30 T,
#11 or ~12-$10.80 T. Prices firm until June 20, 1~°75.
Town Engineer reviewed bids 8nd recommended accepting Avco bid. Trustee Beach moved
to accept Avco bid, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unsz~mously.
NEW FIREMAN: Fire Chief Swails introduced his new fireman, Ga~y Lee Carter,to the Board.
BID OPENING: POLE TYPE GARAGE BUILDING: Town Attorney opened bids for construction
of pole type ~ building as follows:
Aristocrat Building Corp.--properly submitted--$1~,3~.80
Top Crop Service, Inc. "" " -- 17,965.00
Cardinal Building Co. " " -- 13,177.00
T & W Corp. " " -- 12,610.00
Bids were submitted to Town Engineer for his recommendation at the March 25 meeting.
RE-ZONE DR. WALLS: Dr. Ba~ph Walls appeared before the Board to request a re-zone
of his property at 12556 N. Meridian St. consisti~ of 5.58 ~cres from S-2 to
Professional Office Bldg. President McFadden read resolution from the ~lan Commission m,~
recommending approval of the request. Trustee Beach moved to accept the resolution
as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it end it passed unanimously. President McFadden
then read proposed Ordinance #Z-125 re-zoning the area. Trustee Swift moved to adopt
Ord. #Z-125 as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it pasmed unanimously. Dr. Walls
also submitted a convenant stating a buffer would be put up when structure was
permitted, no structure to be permitted prior to availability of public sanitary sewers.
DUMP TRUCK BID: Town Attorney opened the only bid received ~n the advertised ~ump
truck. Bid w~s from Dan Young, properly submitted for $9,113.05. Upon the recomme~
dation of Town Engineer, Trustee Hinshaw moved to accept bid as submitted, Trustee
McEadden seconded it and it pmssed 2-1, Trustee Swift casting the nay vote.
proposed resolution ~1-Sl175 recognizing the Carmel-Clay Chamber of Commerce and-:~its
duly appointed representative, Pearl Tudor, as the official Bi-Centennial Commission
of Carmel, Indiana. Trustee Stevens moved to accept resolution as read, Trustee Beach
seconded it end it passed us~mously.
s~:~B~INSMEIS'I'~: CHANGE ORDER REVIEW: Mr. Herb Zinsmeister, of Clyde E. Williams &
Associates appeared before the Board to discuss and review past change orders. He
then presented proposed chsmge order E-3 on the E.~ H. Hughes~Co., Inc. 96th St.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Contrmct increasing the contract $2,000.00. ChaD~e order
was to install a 30" Waterman model S-55 FNRS-4 cast iron sluice g~te at the influen{
entramce to the new chlorine contact tank. Trustee Stevens moved to accept chemise
order E-3, Trustee H.nshaw seconded it and it passed u~s.nimously.
FUTURE SEWAGE WORK: PL-500: Mr. Zinsmeister stated the Plan of Study on the future
sewer work has cleared the Indianapolis office and is in Chicago amd should clear in
the next 10 days. Clyde E. Will~m~ & Asso. requested approval of the Board to proceed
page 3
at CEW risk with the physical inventory as soon as the verbal approval was received.
Board ~greed for them to proceed.
KIWANIS TREE PLANTING PROGRAM: Mr. Dick Smith appeared before the Board to request
approval of planting of 50 sugar maple trees between curb and sidewalk to co-incide
with the Bi-Centennial program. Town E~ineer reminded the Board of the Ordinance
#B-29 prohibiting this. Trustee Beach moved that any trees the Kiwanis might want
to plant wherever possible with the property owners permission be put on property
adjacent to the house side of the sidewalk. Hinshaw seconded the motion. M~ion
was defeated 3-2. Stevens, McFadden and Swift voting n~y. Trustee Swift then moved
the Kiwanis Club be given pezmission to plant 50 sugar maple trees alo~ the locations
the City Engineer would find acceptable on Main Street and Range Line Road and for
purposes of ~this project, 0rdinsnce ~B-29 be waived. Trustee Stevens seconded the
motion, and it passed unanimously.
CLAIMS: Trustee Hinshaw moved to approve claims #737 thru 1159 totali~ $1,099,546.61
be approved, Trustee ~~onded it and it passed 4-1. Trustee Stevens opposed.
PURCHASE ORDERS: l~resident McFadden announced that a central purchasing department
had been put in use and purchase orders were now being used as of Ma~ch 1.
TRAFFIC LIGHT: MOHAWK PLACE: President McFadden read letter from Keith Duncan,
Director of Drivers EM~m~ners, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, requesting traffic control
at the entrance of the Mohawk Shopping Center on Rangeline Road. President McFadden
stated the Board was worki~ on correcting the problem.
STREET LIGHTS: President McFadden read letter from Public Service stati~ the 5 street
lights at Carlin Ct., Carlin DY. and Beldon Drive had been energized.
WATER CO. FACILITY INSPECTION: President McFadden announced that the Indianapolis
Water Co. would have a representative at their facility at 106th and Gray Ro~d to
answer questions regarding the proposed purchase by the Town of Carmel of the facility,
at 10 a.m. Saturd~yMarch 15. All candidates for office and news media were invited
to attend the inspection, also the~public. ~., v ~
STREET RE-NUMBERING: PUBLIC HEAP~ING: President McFadden announced that April 1, at
8 p.m. at 4o E. Main Street, &public hearing on Street re-numberi~would be held.
proposed Nighway-R~ilway Grade Crossing Passive Protection Agreement between the
Town of Carmel and the Indi~u~ State Highway Commission whereby the Town ~o~ees to
maintain railroad crossing sig~. Trustee Stevens moved to accept the agreement,
Trustee ~ seconded it andit passed 4-1. Trustee Hinshaw casti~ the nay Vote.
NEWARE~AUMAN IMPROIU~U2S &HAVERSTICK S09TH TO 106th St: Upon request of Town Manager,
Board g~ve approval for him to advertise for bids for improvements for Newark-Auman
streets and H~verst~k South to 106th St.
STREET LIGHTS: Upon request of Town Ms~ager, Board authorized him to write letter to
Public Service to begin discussi~with them and come up with some sort of price for
street lights at the Woodlands and Keystone Woods.
c~ROLET LUV TRUCK: Upon the recommendation of Town ~ns~er and Town Engineer, Trustee
Hinshaw moved to ~uthorize the purchase of a Che~-~olet luv truck at the cost of $3,107.00
for the Water Utility Co. Trustee McFadden seconded the motion and it passed 3-2.
Trustees Beach and Stevens casti~ the n~y votes.
BOND RELEASES: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Swift moved to
release the sidewalk bonds for Wilson Village Section 9, Trustee Hinshaw seconded
it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Beach moved to release the bonds on
the curbs, sauitary and storm sewers in the Woodlands, Sec. IV, Trustee Hinshaw
seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Swift moved to release the bonds
for stone base and asphalt pavi~ in the Woodlands, Sec. I, Trustee Stevens seconded
it and it passed l~mously.
RIVER AVE. I~'±'~Ro~20R CHANGE ORDER: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee
Hinshaw moved to approve chaD~e order ~B-3 for $97~00 increase on the Eagle Valley
Div. B River Ave. Interceptor Contract. Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed
unanimo?~ y.
INDIANAPOLIS POWERAND LIGHT EAS~2~ENT: Town Engineer stated the Indianapolis Power
and Light Co. had requested an easement 10' wide running North and South along the
East line of the new fire station. Board requested Town Manager submit proposed ease-
ment deed and sketch to Fire Chief Swails for his review and recommendation.
SEWER DEPOSIT: Trustee Swift moved that the Town's current $20.00 deposit on sewage
use required of each user be repealed, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed
REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT: Trustee Stevens read letter stating a public heari~wouid be -
held on the Regional Sewer District April 9, 7 p.m. at the 0roh~rd Park Pre~yterian
Church. ~
PEARL TUDOR: REQUEST TREE P~240VAL: Trustee Hinshaw stated Pearl Tudor had contacted
him stating that in the downtown parking lot, there is a tree that is badly worm
eaten and diseased and should be removed. Tree is on city property. She would
undertake a project of getting a tree to replace the one removed. The new one
could be used as a Chris~m~ tree during the Christmas holidays. Trustee Hinshaw
moved to instruct Town Engineer remove the tree by its roots so another tree could
be planted and that permission be given to purchase a live Christmas tree to plant
in its place. Trustee Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
PEARL T~DOR REQUEST RE: PARKING SPACES: Trustee Ninshaw stated Mrs. Tudor had also
msked the Town to consider giving up enough space on the parking lot for a building
of about 16 x 22' which could be used for a center for Santa Claus, for an office for
various committees, etc. Trustee Hinshaw stated Mrs. Tudor had brought to his
attention that the parking ordinance had not been closely adhered to on ~e.parki~
lot anyway. Board agreed to consider the request and discuss at next board meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
William D. McFadden, President
Peggy Lou S~, Clerk-Treasurer