HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-03-25-75BOAR]) OF T~U'i'.'..'.S ~m~'~'ING
MARCH 25, 1975
The regular meeting of the Board of ~rustees was called to order at 7:h0 p.m. by Vice-
President Fred Swift, who presided. Ail Board members except William McFadden were
present. Town Attorney and Town M~ger were present also.
Trustee Hinshmw moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the l~t regular
meeting and approve them as received after~the ~-me Stevens had been changed to Swift
on page 3 in the Highway-Railway Grade Crossing Passive Protection Agreement paragraph,
Trustee Beach seconded it and it passed upa~fmously.
ANNEXATION STATUS REPORT: Trustee Swift read letter from Town Attorney, John Pearce,
stating the trial regarding Special Annexation 0rd~ce C-41 would have to be re-
scheduled from the April 2 date which had been set and a hearing date will be forthcoming
in May or June.
McCULLOUGH & ASSOCIATES: ~MPLOYMENT AGI~tT: Trustee Swift read proposed employment
agreement between the Town of Carmel and McOullough & Associates, Public Accountants~
covering their accounting and fimncial studies necessary regarding the E.P.A. Project
No. C180445, expansion of the Town's Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities. Trustee
Stevens moved to enter into the contract as prepared aud read, Trustee Einshaw seconded
it and it passed unanimously.
WATSa( AND SEWER DELINQUENCY BILLS: Trustee Swift read a last of delinquent water and
sewer bills totaling $1,129.77. Letters were to be written to customers by Town
Attorney, for collection.
ORDINANCE ~D-80: Trustee Swift read proposed Ord~--,ce ~D-80 prohibiting the parking of
vehicles in fire lanes on privately owned public parking lots. This ordinance repeals
Ordinance ~D-65. Trustee Hinshaw moved to adopt 0rdi~-~ce ~i~-80 ae read, Trustee
Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
CORRESPONDENCE: Trustee Swift read correspondence received, including thank you letter
from Chamber of Commerce, request from S. V. Romer for traffic light at the entrance
of Mohawk Place Shopping Center, notice of public hearing April 9 re: Clay Township
R~gional Waste District, approval of Project TM-6023 (3),116th St., from Indiana State
Highway Commission, State Beard of Health re: Village Famm~ Subdivision and letter
suppor~k~glocking in "Old Town" re: street renumbering and re-storing original street'
m-mes~ from Donald and Geneviewe Christe.
PRA~L TuJJOR'S REQUEST RE: BLDG. ON PARKING LOT: Board discussed Mrs. Tudor's request
to construct a building of approvtm-tely 16 x 22' on the dowtown parking lot owned by
the Town. Trustee Hiushaw stated he would contact Mrs. Tudor regarding the specifics-
parties doing work-cost, etc. and report back to the Board.
Trustee McFadden arrived at ~:10 p.m.
Trustee Swift reminded everyone of the public hes~ring on street renumbering April
1, 5p.m.
FIRE STATION YUltmbrl'.l.'Ui'~: ToWn Manager stated Chief Swa/ls ha~ prepared an it-mlzed
list of furniture and cost for the new fire station #3. Total cost-$2,308.76.
Amount is in his budget. Board agreed by concensus he should go ahead with the purchases.
page 2.
POLF~E f'.A~A(~E BU~LDINC,: l~r. ~ed Hohl, To~n Engineer, appeared before the Board to
recommend acceptance of either of the two low bidders for construction of a pole type
garage buildihg to house the Town's vehicles. The two low bidders were Cardinal Bldg.
0o.-$13,177.00 and T & W 0orp.-$12,610.00. Trustee Stevens moved to accept the T & W
Corp. bid of $12,610.00 as presented, Trustee Hinehaw seconded it and it passed unan-
imously. Board agreed 4-1 to paint the building reA.
Trustee S~ift recessed the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
The meeting was re-convened at 8:~0 p.m. by P~esident McF~xtden, who presided over the
balance of the meeting.
0F~INANOE ~-24~ President McFadden read proposed 0rdi~-ce #S-2h abolishing "Sewage
Deposit" and repealing Ordinance #8-23, in part. Trustee Swift moved to adopt Ordinance
~-24 as read, Tz-~stee Stevens seconded it and it passed
'£..~A~EE YEAR ROAD PR0~RAM.. Town ~t~,er presented a three year road program and method
of financing as follows:
(1976) Mohawk Road (126th Street) and ~,~me Line Road. This project would include a
2~ foot street with 8 foot shoulders, it would el~m~n~te the two sb~p ~ about three
blocks east of Range Line Road, would extend about 300 feet west of Range Line, would
include a passing strip 350 feet long, extending sou~h of Mohawk to north of Mohawk a~
signalization. Project cost is est{m~ted at $270,000 and on the basis of 70 % federal
funding, 30% local funding, our ehsre would be $81,000 and could be paid throu~ our
~.~-S state funds. This project could be done in 1976 and we should now start acquiring
rig~t-of-way which would include the right-of-way east of Range Line Road and contact
Mrs. ~ueller and w~,~-~ Elliott for that portion west of ~ge Line Road.
(1977) ~e Line Road from 4th Street SE to 116th Street. This project wc~d be a four-
lane 50 foot wide street, curbs and gutters, with 6 foot sidewalks on either side.
Project cost $750,000. ~ased on the present federal participation of 70% funding,
and 30% local money, Ca_~mel's share would be $225,000. This could be paid from LR~S
funds, capital improvement funds, revenue sharing funds and possibly some of our
budgeted funds.
(1978) ~uil~ordAvenue-Mohawk Road north to College Way. ~his would be a 30 foot street
with 6 foot sidewa~e on either side. (approximately ~ mile) This project would consist
of reconstructing and widening two lanes. Project cost $125,000. These funds would
come from budgeted figures, capital improvements and revenue sharing.
Board agreed by concensus to the proposed program and authorized him to proceed with
anything needing to be done such as contacting people for all necessary right-of-ways,etc.
COMPuT~ SERVICE AG~w~NT.. To~ ~t~er stated the computer service co., Electric
Accounting Service, Inc. with whom the Town has a contract to print out the Town's
water and sewer bills has been giving poor service and had recently raised their price
with no notice. Town Attorney s~ated that j~much as they raised the price from the
amount agreed to in the contract, we could brea~ the contract, all that would be re-
quired would be a letter to them from him, when the Town desired to cha~e. Board
instructed Utilities ~r~er proceed with getting quotes from 4-5 firms and bring the bids
back to the Board for their perusal.
COURT ~ELEPHONE.. Upon the recommendation of Town ~t~nager, Board agreed to merely have
~e court transfer their telephone number over to ~0 E. Main when the court moved from
its present location to its new facilities.
~WR~GHT, POR~EOUS & LOWE II, VOICE.- President McFadden read invoice from Wright, Porteous &
Lowe itemizing their inspection fee for the new Carmel-Clay Fire Station #3. The fi~m
page 3.
had agreed to do the Job for $2,750.00. They were asking for $~,750.00, plus
$250.u0 for professional liability insurance expense and $132.40 for ABC fee, or
a total of $4,132.40. Trustee McFadden stated the contractor wan also asking for payment
of additional items as follows: $195.00 for painting~ 2 rooms not specified in the
d~awing~ff..~yO0 for mixer valve asked to be installed at Chief Swails request, $408.77
for ins~a~ion of overhead truck area and $471.80 for propane gas he had to use because
Indiana ~as Cb. refused to install a gas line and he had to have heat in the building
to work. President McFadden recommended payment of the following items : $2,750.00,
$250,00, $132.40, $65.00, $471.80. A discussion followed regarding payment of the gas.
Other members of the Board felt we should only pay the difference in installingpropans
gas in lieu of Indiana gas. Trustee Swift moved to authorize payment of items recommended
by President McFadden ~th exception of altering the payment of gas bill to $79.00 rather
than $471.80. Trustee Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
1~7~ S"F~ I~u~ACING PR0~RAM: Town F~ger outlined proposed 1975 Street resurfacing
program as follows: 116th St. (Keystone to Lakeehore Dr. East) cost-$9,765.60, Nav~owgate
Addition (all west of Keystone) cost $15,381.60, and Carmel Wood Addn. (Audobon DR. and
Sylvan Dr.) cos~ $4,867.20. Total cost-$30,014.40, amount budgeted $30,000.00. Board
agreed by conc~us to Program as outlined.
HOUSE BILLS lO~ and 12~8: ~rustee Stevens stated he thought we should write Sen~ors
opposing House Bills 1053 and 1298 concerning collective bargiuing status of city employees.
Trustee McFadden instructed Town Manager call Senator Duvall tomt~row conveying the Board's
opposition to the bills as they read now.
INDIANAPOLIS PO~gERAND LIGHT CO RA.q~E~T: Town E~ineer stated he had obtained Chief
Swail~s approval on the Indianapolis Power and Light Co.'s 10' easement request for the
new fire station on Lakeshore Drive. Trustee Swift moved to grant the easement,
Trustee Hiushaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
NOliTHPLANT: Trustee Hinshaw stated he had visited our North Sewage Plant and saws
leak in the tank. Utilities F~ger, Jim Dou~hert~stated the inspectors had been out
there day before yesterday and yesterday a representative from the tank company took
pictures of it, and would get in touch with the mac,factor, then be back in touch with
the Town.
FL00DIN6 ON ~6th Btreet: ~rustee McFadden stated there is still the problem of flooding
after heavy rains on ~l~th east of Eeystone and across from Woodland Springs Lake due
to culvert pipe being too small. There shoed be additional culvert pipe installed under
ll6th Street to handle these heavy water run-offs. Fred Hohl estimates the pipe to cost
about $4,000. He has Mr. Wilfonginag~eement to do the work if we can get the pipe
bought. Some of this run-off comes from Mohawk Hills, Eden Estates and the Eeystone
Sou~re area. Town Manager stated he believed the developers of these areas, other ~b~
Mr. Wilfongwho will do the installation, should pay all or at leant part of the cost
of this pipe to relieve this flooding si~tion. Trustee McFadden instructed Town Engineer
and To~n Manager compose a letter explainA~g this to all parties involved and what their
share of the cost would be and follow the letter up with a personal call.
Trustee Swift moved to adjourn and to call a special meeting Narch 26, 6 P.m. at the
regular meeting place for the purpose of discussing the Agreement to Purchase the Indpls.
Water 0o. facilities at ~06th ~nd Gray Road. Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed
unanimously at ~0 p.m.
William D. McFadden, Pres.