HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT-04-22-75 MIiIUTES 0F TH~
APRIL 22, ~975
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by
Vice-President Fred Swift, who presided. All Board members except William McFadden
amd Stan Beach were present. Town Manager, Town Attorneyand his associate, Mike
Howard were present also.
Trustee Stevens moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular
meeting and approve them as received, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed
Trustee Beach arrived at 7:3~ p.m.
Fire Dept Personnel Promotions: Trustee Swift read letter from Fire Chief Swails
requesting promotions for Captain Michael Callahan and Lieuten~ut Steven Couts to
the rank of Assistant Chief, effective M~y 1. Trustee Hinshaw moved to comply with the
letter, Trustee Stevens seconded it amd it passed unanimously.
Bids on new Fire Truck: Trustee Swift read letter from Chief Swails stating the reason
why more bids were not received for the new fire truck. 1. Custom Fire & Safety Co.-
did not obtain their bid bond in time. 2. Seagraves Corp. - trouble obtaining bid
bond also. 3. John BeanFire Apparatus - our specifications dep~rted from the apparatus
they normally build. ~. Mack Fire Appartus - they build an assembly line truck - they
would have to bid too high. Chief Swails stated they were still checki~ the Howe bid
and would have a recommendation at the next meeting.
Fire Station Plaque: Fire Chief Swails stated the plaque to go on the new fire station
did not meet his approval. No one on the Board had been contacted reg~rdingwhat in-
formation was to be placed on it. Specifications had outlined the owner be contacted
regarding name to be placed on it. Vice-President Swift instructed Clerk-Treasurer to
contact Mr. Donald Smith and inform him that inasmuch as he failed to contact the Town
before making the plaque he could do it over.
New Police Officer: Police Chief Lee Dolen introduced new patrolman, Larry E~am% to the
Town Board.
Ordinance ~A-46~: Town Attorney read proposed ordinance #A-~6, an ordinance concerning
the construction and purchasiD~ of extensions, additions and improvements to the municipal
waterworks of the Town of Carmel, authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to provide
for the costs thez~ef andall matters connected therewith. Mr. Pearce expl~ned this was
only the first reading and would be officially acted upon at the next Board meeting.
Ordinance ~A-47: Town Attorney read proposed ordinance #A-~7, am ordinance amending
ordinance #A-22 entitled "an ordinance establishing rates and charges for ~he use and
services rendered by the Water Works System of the Town of Carmel, Indiana. Mr. Pearce
stated this was only the first reading on this ordinance and official action would be
taken on it at the next board meeting. Town Engineer to check some of the figures in
the ordinance withMr. Don McCullough.
Gray Road Water Main Project --Steve Ukrick: Mr. Steve Uhric~ of Clyde E. Williams &
Associates, appeared before the Board to request authorization to proceed with the desig~
of the Gray Road water main project, which would tie in the Gray Rd. Indianapolis Water
Co., plant to the Carmel system. Cost of project approximately $179,000.00. 2~" water
main. Trustee Hinshaw moved to authorize Clyde E. Willi~m~ proceed with the formulation
of the plans and designs for the connecting line between the IWC amd the Carmel system to
determine the proper cost figure of this installation should it become necessary to the
system with the approval of the purchase of the Indianapolis Water Co. facility.
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Trustee Stevens seconded the motion. Trustee Beach asked Mr. Uh~ick how much the design
of the project would cost (CAM bill). Mr. Uhrick stated it would be approximately 9%
of the project cost. If the construction of the project was not approved they would
still be entitled to 8~% of the 9%. Trustee Beach asked if he anticipated anymore
lines having to be run from the IWC line to our sewage treatment plant. Mr. Uhrick
stated he didn't know. Trustee Beach stated that at the present time the Indianapolis
Water Co. is under order to treat the water that they are presently back-washing their
filters with. Utilities Manager stated we could merely connect the IWC plant to our
96th Street sewer plant. Trustee Swift called for the vote on the motion. Motion passed
3-1. Trustee Beach casting the nay vote. Board signed contract for the study.
Complaint on Cable TV: Mr. Anderson: Mr. 0.W. Anderson of 4645 Royal Oak Lane appeared
before the Board and stated his backyard had been trenched up and left that way by the
Cable TV Co. when they were laying the cables. He stated he had contacted Mr. Steve
Duncan, their manager, and had been told it would be fixed right away, but wasn't.
Board instructed Town~r to contact Mr. Duncan and see that Mr. Anderson's yard
was put back in order.
Dottie Smith: Bldg on Parkin~ Lot: Mrs. Dottie Smith, Executive Secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce and member of the Bi-Centennial Commlssion, appeared before the
Board and stated she had checked with the Building CommissioHs office and found that
the building discussed at previous meetings to be placed on the city parking lot fell
in the contiD~uency use and would only need an affirmative vote of approval from the
Board to place the bldg. on the lot. Trustee Beach moved the Bi-Centennial Commission
be given approval to place one 16 x 20' buildin~ on one public parking lot on West Main
Street. Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously. Mrs~Smith requested
the Board try to put some money in the 1976 budget for Bi-Centennial expenses.
0fdhD-81: Trustee Swift read proposed ordinance #D-81 to appropriate additional
funds from the Revenue Sharing and Cumulative Capital Improvement funds for purchase
of a newly constructed fire station at the N.E. corner of Lakeshore Dr. W. and 106th
Street to serve the Carmel-Clay area. Trustee Stevens moved to approve the ordi~s~ce
as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Trustee Swift read mailgram from Fir. Delbert C. Black, Regional Director ARBA Con-
gratulating our community for having been designated a bi-centennial community.
Woodland Springs Street Light Request~ Trustee Swift read letter from the Board of
Directors of Woodland Spring-s Inc. requesting authorization of installation of street
lights on Haverstick Road between 116th Street and Rolling Springs Dr. Board instructed
Town Manager to contac% them rega~dingwhich kind they were interested in. Underground
or stan~,.wd.
Lions Club PropertF: Trustee Swift read letter from the Lions Club stating they were not
interested in selling their property on East Main Street at this time.
Mueller PropertM: Town Attorney read letter he had directed to Town Manager setting
out stipulations Mrs. Mueller would require before selling her property to the Town.
Letter was for information purposes only.
0rd.~Z-146: Mr. and Mrs Wade Roth appeared before the Board to request a re-zone for
property at 12800 North Meridian Street from an S-2 to a B-3 classification. Trustee
Swift read resolution from Plan Commission recommending approval of the re-zone.
Trustee Swift then read proposed Ord. ~Z-146 rezoning the area. Trustee Beach moved
to a~opt 0rd #Z-146 as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed %uuanimously.
Pickett: T~pewriter: Upon the request of Albert Pickett, Building Commissioner,
Trustee Hinshaw moved to authorize A1 Pickett spend up to $630.00 for a tyepwriter of
his choice for the Building Commissioners office. Trustee Stevens seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
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Co~rt Remodeling Bill: Trustee Hinshaw moved to authorize payment of $2,247.28 for
improvement on meeting room and judges quarters in basement at 40 E. Main St. Clerk-
Treasurer to advertise for special appropriation from the General Fund from the Town
Court Revenue. Trustee Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Newark-Al~m~u Bid Reconmaend~tion: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee
Stevens moved to approve the low bid of Degan and Associates for storm ~ewers and
streets in Newark addition. Amount of bid $69,567.58, Trustee Beach seconded it and
it passed un~imously. Contract was signed. Trustee Beach moved to designate Fred
Swift to sign additional copies of the contract, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
Bond Release: Dan Young: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer and Building
Commissioner, Trustee Stevens moved to adopt proposed resolution read by Trustee
Swift as follows: Be it resolved by the Town Board of Trustees, Town of Carmel,
Indian~, on this 22nd day of April, 1975, that the Perfozm~nce Bond for Dan Young
Chevrolet, dated November 30, 1972, in the amoant of $1,000.00 is hereby released
subject to receipt of a replacement bond in the amount of $2,600.00. The effective
date of the Replacement bond sh~ll be the same date as this resolution. Trustee Beach
seconded the motion amd it passed unanimously.
Budget Rearin~s: Trustee Swift announced that meetings regarding the 1976 budget
would be held May 7 and May 15 at 7:30p.m. at the City Building, 130 1st Ave.
All sucessful primary candidates are invited to attend.
116th St. Culvert: Town E~ineer stated there was a need to replace the culvert with
one adequate to flow the drainage from the Keystone Sq,,~e area. Ralph Wilfonghas
agreed to provide the labor and put the pipe in. Town E~gineer recom~zended the Board
authorize the Town of Carmel pay for the m~terials used-amount in the neighborhood
of $5,000.00. Cost of materials to be allocated among several property owners.
Trustee Stevens moved the Town Engineer be authorized to purchase materials as recommended
up to a m~ximum of $5,000.00 within the next 5-10 days, to be matched with P~lph
Wilfongs labor. Trustee Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sewage Treatment Contract: Wilfong: Town Engineer stated the contract the Town h~d signed
with R~lph Wilfong for sewage treatment specifies that as of the date of signing the
contract, we were to obtain the flow for that day and any flow over that amount would
be the amount of flow he would have added to the system. Mr. Rohl stated he and
Utilities Manager had gone over the flow charts and metered useage at the Mt. Csmmel
station and for the 7 daY period prier to removing the meter for re-calibration average
flow was 185,700 g~llons per day for that 7 d~y period. After meter was replaced
on May 16, 1974, next complete week ch~rt average daily flow was 208,421 gallons per
day. Next week after that average 109,230, one more check for the last 28 days in last
month average daily flow was 156,464 gallons. Mr. Hohl stated that according to the
ordinance the low number of gallons would be favorable to us and hig~ unfavorable.
Mr. Hohl recommended that we take the seven day average just prior to removing the
meter. That average is 197,818 gallons or rounded off as 198,000 gallons per day. The
198,000 average would be Mr. Hohl's recommended figure we use as Mr. Wilfong's useage
at that point, providingMr. Wilfongwould agree to the figure. Board agreed by
consensus to his recommendation.
Flood Insurance: Town attorney's associate, Mike Howard, stated he will get in touch
with the Plan Commission and proceed with filling out application for flood insurance
before the July 1st deadline.
Sludge Pit ~encing: Upon the recommendation of Utilities Manager, Trustee Hinshaw moved
to authorize expenditure of $524 for fencing of sludge dump on American Aggregates
property, as suggested by Mr. Karns, their representative, and that warni~ signs be
posted by the Town in accord with their wishes. Town to install the fence. Trustee
Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
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North Sewer Plant: Trustee Beach asked Mr.
when the North Plant would be on the line.
llst of items that needed to be done yet.
Steve Uhrick of Clyde E. Williams & Assoc.
Mr. Uhrick stated they had arrauged a punch
S~-rplus Items: Building Commissioner presented a list of surplus items to be sold.
Clerk-Treasurer to advertise.
City Building Names: Trustee Swift stated he had been given a suggestion from a
citizen for signs for the two City buildings. The one known as the "01d Library"
or'Building Comm~ssion&s"office would be named City Building: Buildi~ Commissioner,
Town Manager, Town Court. The building at 130 1st Ave. SW to be named Carmel
Utilities Buildim~, City Engineer, Clerk-Treasurer and Utilities Man,ger. Trustee
Beach moved to approve signs as suggested. Trustee Hinsh~w seconded it and it passed
unanimously. Town Manager to follow up. Trustee Swift reminded him of the August 1
deadline for telephone directory. Those nsmes to be used in the directory.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Peggy Lou Smith, 01erk-Treasurer
Fred T. S~ift, ~ice-~ident