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MAY 13, 1975
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by President
William McFadden, who presided. All Board members except Trustee Beach were present.
Town Manager and Town Attorney were present also.
Trustee Swift moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular
meeting and the special meeting of April 29 and approve them as received, Trustee
Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
CLAIMS: Trustee Hinshaw moved to approve claims numbered 1567 thru 2417 totaling
$9-~-~,585.31, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
WRIGHTt PORTEOUS & LOWEr INC. LETTER: President McFadden read letter from Wright,
Porteous &Lowe, Inc. regarding Carmel Fire Station #3 architectural and engineering
fees. Mr. Porteous requested the Board review their decision of Ma~ch 25, 1975,
of not paying the additional $1,000.00 architectural fee they had requested. President
McFadden instructed Clerk-Treasurer make copies of the letter for each Board member, so
that they could review it before closing.
DONALD K. SMITH: REQUEST FOR PAYMENT: Mr. Donald K. Smith, contractor for Fire Station
#3 appeared before the Board to request a percentage payment for the station. Mr.
Smith stated it was 9~% complete. Trustee Swift moved to mmke 90°% payment of the Town's
share of $155,894.12, the cost of the station, at this time. Trustee Hinshaw seconded
it and it passed unanimously. Final inspection to be May 24 at 8 a.m., with Fire Chief
Swails, Donald K. Smith, representative from Wright, Porteous &Lowe, Inc. and the
Board present. Mr. Smith requested the Board re-consider his request for additional
compensation the Board moved on March 25. Trustee McFadden requested him to bring it
to their attention on the 24th.
before the Board to request the Town aid in the construction of a bridge over Carmel
Creek, necessary in order to develop the second section of Briar Creek. Bridge to
cost $72,000.00. Inasmuch as bridge is on throu~nfare, he felt the Town should aid
in the cost because of the benefit to the now zoned industrial ground and ground to
the South of this which links the whole thing up. Mr. Thompson requested that the
balance of his sewer availability be dropped, approximately $20~000.00, for the Town's
contribution. President McFadden requested Mr. Thompson write a letter to the Board
stating his request and the Board would consider it at that time.
~IRE TRUCK BID RECOMMENDATION: President McFadden read letter to the Board from Fire
Chief Swails~ copy attached~ which recommended accepting the Howe bid for a new fire
truck. Mr. Russ Manifold~ representing Howe Fire Apparatus Co.~ Inc was present and
was introduced to the Board. T~Astee Stevens moved to approve the Howe bid as reco~-
mmended TrustEe Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously. Mr. Manifold stated
it would be approximately 16 mos. before delivery.
CHANGE ORDER B-~-EAGL~ VALLEY: PLUG VALVES: Upon the recommendation of Steve Uhrick,
of Clyde E. Williams & Associates, Trustee Hinshaw moved to accept change order B-5
of Project 73-149 Div. B-River Ave. Interceptor, increasing contract amount $17,181.00,
Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unanimously.
presented a letter to President McFadden containing a punch list of items needing to
be done. Clerk-Treasurer to make copies for all Board members. President McFadden
instructed Town Manager send copy of letter to Mr. Wilfong.
psge two
SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION: Mr. Steve Uhrick presented to the Board copies of the Sewer
System Evaluation Survey which is the next step in the grant process, to retire the
North Plant and make the South Plant the m~in plant. Mr. Uhrick stated he would be
available to answer any questions the Board had after they reviewed ~he survey.
0.RDINANCE ~D-82: Trustee McFadden read proposed Ordinance ~D-82 appropriating
additional funds from the General account for material and labor required for the
remodeling of the basement of the City Building located at 40 E. Main for the purpose
8f converting it to accomodste the Town Court. Trustee Swift moved to adopt Ordinance
#D-82 as read, Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
0RDINANCE~B-71: Trustee McFadden read proposed 0rdimnce ~B-71 transferring funds
within the Police and the Building Commissioners budgets. Trustee Swift moved to adopt
Ordinance #B-71 as read, Trustee Stevens seconded it and it passed unauimously.
KNAPP ENTERPRISES CAB SERVICE: A representative from Knapp Enterprises appeared before
the Board to ask if there were any requirements for his company to offer cab service to
the Town of Carmel. Town Attorney stated if they desired a francise, an ordinance would
need to be passed by the Board. Representative stated he would discuss with the Board
of Directors of Kuapp Enterprises the francise question and appear ~.before this Board
at a later date.
116th Street Culvert: Upon the recon~endation of Town Manager, Trustee Hinshaw moved to
authorize Clyde E. Williams & Associates to proceed with study involving the storm
water north of the Woodland Springs Dam amd that this study be completed prior to the
time the culvert increase size and the culverts are put in to ensure that this shall
have no ill effects on the property owners south of 116th St. and that the cost of the
study shall be borne by the original developers of that area. Trustee Swift seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Herb Zinsmeister stated he would like the
record to show that this will not solve any problems or define any problems in Blue
Woods Creek south of the Woodlands Dam. President McFadden instructed Town Man~ger
contact parties involved and inform them of the Town Boards action and request payment.
~U~9~R SEWER RATES: After a discussion of sm~mmer sewer rates, Trustee Swift moved that
upon the completion of the Brookshire hook-on that we do grant the s,,mmer sewer rates
as we have in the past for the sm~mmer months of July, August and September of 1975.
Trustee Stevens seconded the motion and it passed 3-1. Trustee McFadden casting the
nay vote.
HAVERSTIK ROAD STREET LIGHTS: Upon the recommendation of 2ownManager, Trustee McFadden
moved to install 11 overhead street lights on Ha~rstik Road between 116th Street and
Rolling Springs Drive. Trustee Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
NEW WATERAVAILABILITY RATES: Town Manager recommended the Board consider action on the
portion of the water master plan which they did not adopt at the time of acceptance of
the rest of the plan. That portion deals with water availability rates. Trustee
Hinshaw stated he felt the rate should be increased from the present rate. He felt
it ~as unfair to increase the user rate and not increase the developers rate. Trustee
Hinshaw then moved the rate be established for tap on fee as $300.00 and availability
rate be $650.00. Trustee McFadden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Rates
less than recommended in master plan. Board felt that would be too much of an increase
at one time and this amount was a sound one.
ORDINANCES A-46 and A-47: Town Attorney read proposed Ordinance A-~6, concerning
the construction and purchasing of extensions, additions, and improvements to the
municipal waterworks of the Town of Carmel, authorizing the issuance of revenue
bonds to provide for the costs thereof and all matters connected therewith and Ordinance
#A-47 amending0rdinance #A-22 entitiled "An ordinance establishing rates and charges
for the use and services rendered by the Water Works System of the Town of Ca~m&l, Ind.'
by title only.
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116th STREET CHANGE ORDER: Upon the recommendation of Town Engineer, Trustee Stevens
moved to approve change order increasing the 116th St. Project RT-9700 $10,987.00.
Trustee Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
CHANGE 0RDERE-4: Upon the recommendation of Steve Uhrick, Trustee Stevens moved to
approve change order E-~ increasing the E. H. Hughes contract $1,910.00. Trustee
Hinshaw seconded it and the vote was 2-2. Trustees Swift and McFadden voti~nay.
Clerk-Treasurer abstained.
ASSISTANT TO ENGI~'~: Town Engineer presented application to the Board for consideration
for an assistant to him to replace the employee who quit. Board to take it under
R~sENUE SHARING: Clerk-Treasurer stated she had received report stating the new Revenue
Sharing amount to be received the fiscal year of July 1, 1975-June 30, 1976 of $3h,87h,
an increase of approximately $~,600.00 from the previous allotment. Planned expenditures
to be for street program.
SURPLUS ITCheS: Clerk-Treasurer stated no offers had been r~eived on the surplus items
advertised for sale. Board instructed Clerk-Treasurer to get rid of it in anyway.
COMPUTER SERVICE QUOTE: Utilities Manager, Jim Dougherty, presented three sealed estimates
he h~d reoeived for new computer service. Mr. Dougherty stated he expected another
quote from one other company, and would come back at a later date with recommendations.
Board instructed Town Attorney to write letter to present computer service stating that
they had broken the contract by increasing the price and we were in the process of
obtaining quotes from other companies.
.C.HUCKHOLES: Trustee Swift called to the attention of Town Engineer a chuckhole at the
S.W. corner of Carmel Drive and South Rangeline Road and wanted it patched by the next
meeting. Others on H~verstik Road South of Brian Place and a bad one by Thornbez, ry's
coming out onto Rangeline.
POLAND: CATCH BASIN: Trustee Hinshaw stated that Mrs. Poland h~d contacted him and felt
that if the catch basin was opened up at 3rd Ave. and 23~ West, it would help get some
water out of their yard. Town EB~ineer to follow up.
~UDOR: TREE ON PARKING LOT: Trustee Hinshaw stated that Mr. Tudor would like permission
to put another tree on the E~st side of the driveway of the city parking lot. A man
will donate a Christmas tree 15-20' tall and will install it if the Town Board would
authorize it be done. Trustee Swift moved to authorize placement of tree as recommended,
Trustee Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unanimously.
POLICE DEPT. ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION: Trustee Hinshaw presented a letter fr~m Police
Chief Dolen requesting a special appropriation in the amount of $8,650.00 for the purchase
of two 1973 Mercury patrol vehicles, including all equipment and $2,000.O0 in the repair
fund. Board instructed Clerk-Treasurer check to see if there was enough money for
the appropriation.
WOODLAND TRACE APARTMENTS SIDEWALKS: Trustee Swift stated the Woodland Trace Apartments
do not have a sidewalk past the new phase on the west side of the original Woodland
Trace Apartments. Board instructed Clerk-Treasurer have Building Commissioner check
it out ~nd follow up.
LAKESHORE DRIVE EAST SIDEWALK: Trustee Stevens instructed Clerk-Treasurer have Building
Co~nissioner also check out the east side of the lake on Lakeshore Drive E~st down by
106th Street, Sidewalks end right up to a culvert.
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BUDGET MEETING: President McFadden reminded everyone of the budget meeting to discuss
the Police and Fire 1976 budgets 5/14 at 7:30 p.m.
There bein~no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:~0 p.m.
William D. McFadden, President