October 9, 1973
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. All five board members, To~n ~nager,
and To~e~ Attorney were present.
Mirmtes of previous regular meeting were read and approved after a correction.
BROOKSHI~ COND~'NI~.~: ~. Albert Pickett, Building Commissioner, armounced to the
~oard tD~t the final plat had been approved and ~,~lding pemit issued.
I~. Pearee, T~m Attorney, announced that to date no other procedure could be followed
in signing claims, however, he would continue to check on it.
A discussion was held regarding the need for a Public Officials Liabi3.ity Policy and
the Bossed agreed, without motion, not to obtain this sort of policy at this time.
~.~. Jim Dou~rty, Utf3~ties Manager, announced that he had been with Fred Hokl and
Dave Anderson discussing the speed limit signs im school zones. ~. Anderson had
agreed to change their flashers to co-incide with the town.~s speed zone of 25 MPH.
Mr. McFadden requested tb~t 2~. Fred Hohl folly* u~ v~lth a letter to I~. Anderson
remind~ him to do so.
A discussion of the increasing problem of md being dragged into streets from areas
being developed w~s discussed and referred to ~. Pear~e for action with reference to
Ordinance #D-8 prehibiting this.
ORDINANCE #B-32: Mr. Fred Swift read a proposed ordinance to appropriate $56~O00.00
additioma! funds from the Motor Vehicle Eig~m~ay General Fund to: Street Fund-
Services Contractual. No taxpayers voiced opposition. Mr. McFadden made a ~otion
to adopt Ordinance #B-32 as read, Mr. M~.~hs~ seconded it, and it passed ~.
ORDinaNCE #B-3~: }~. S~ift read proposed Ordiu~nce #B-33 to transfer $700.00 within the
MVH Fund as folly*s: 8700.00 frc~ Account #1-14-Other Cm~pensation to Account #2-25-
Repairs of Equipment-$300.O0, and to Account #3-37, Other Supplies-$400.OO. Mr.
McFaddon moved to adopt the ordinance, l~. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it carried
ORDI~N~'C~ #B-~.N.: I~M. Einshaw read a request fre~ the Police Dept. to transfer ,~1,150.00
witDf~ the police dopartmmnt as follows: from Account #1-13-Salary-$1,150 .O0 into
Account #2-221-Electric Current~$400.O0, Account #3-362-Stationery & Print~ng-$100.O0,
Account #3-37-Other Supplies-$150.O0, Account #3-363-Other Office S~pplies-$200.O0,
Account #2-252-Repaire & Equipment-$300.O0. Mr. Hfnshaw moved to adopt the request into
O~ce #B-34, 1,~. Stevens seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
SCHNTZ & TI~0MPSON-EEZONE.. ?F%~UE~ST-126th & Ke~tone: Ken Tl~son and his attorney, Doug
~, '~pp'eared before the Board to request The Board of Trustees to a~opt an o~e
reclassifying an area consisting of 13.791 acres south of 126th and east of Keystone
from R-2 to B-3. A plat map of the Land Use Plan was sh~n to the heard outliraing a
proposed non-retail office park ~,~lchtng. Slides of the area were shown and a lengthy
discussion was held. A resolution fro~ the Plan Cc~mission reco~uending the rezoning
be denied ~s read by Fred S~¢~ft.
Consensus of a~guments for the zoning change was that if it is the proper land use, it
should be permitted. Nothing else should enter ~Al~o the decision.
Consensus of argument against rezon~_ug was that the members of the board were public
se~ents aud have to listen to the remonst~atore. ~
~ir. McFadden moved the Board overrule the.Plan C~sston~s recommendation and approve
the zc~ request of change frc~ R-2 to B-3 for the 13.? acres in Eden Park at the
corner of ~hawk and Keystone Expressway. ~. Stevens seconded the motion. Vote was
3 ayes, 2 nays. ~. Beech and F~. ~_~sh~-~ casting the nay votes. Request was denied.
Mr. Herb ~*n-~m~tster, of Clyde E. Wi~]iams & Associates, Inc. discussed with the board a
possible '!~lternate B" sewer routing ~luding tw~o 11ft stations. (~e at 106th and
~ridiau and one at ~6th and Keyston~. The routing was drawn by ~. Zinsmeister on a
print which ~as sh~m to the Board. It was felt that the alternate route would be
advantageous to cover ar~as ~ending North and East of 116th amd Westfiold ~lvd.
~. Swift fnfo~aed Mr. Zinsmeister that the Board would review it.
~ ~IRE STATIDN: Mr. Don Swsdls, ~ire C~af, reported on status of proposed new
fire station. The discussion centered around the location of the proposed ~ew statio~.
Land has been offered the Town by Een Th~son at 106th and ~ver~bick Road. Mr.
Schmeltekop r~ad a letter he had received fram'the Y_usurance Services Office scheduling
a survey of fire protectiOn facilities in Carmel,-No~mber 5, 1~73. ~. Swift advised
Mr. Schmeltek~p, TmmManager, to proceed with whatever action was necessary to get
a definite committment on the location before the meeting November 5.
~Lr. Pearee presented a contract ~ith the County Comm~tssioners regarding co-operative
resurfac~nE-of 116th Street East of Keystone and annexation maintenance a~ement and
intent. ~. McFadden made a motion to adopt the contract, M~. Beech seconded the motion
and it carried unanimously.
Mr. Jim~D~ughe~y asked the board to approve paying for a Sewer Plaut OperatiOn Trat~g
Course for one of his e~pl~yees, Douglas Dyer. Cost of the course, which is to be
he~d-~inDhio, is $60.00. ~. McFadden made a motion to approve the $60.00 expenditure,
~. Beech seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
M~. .Schmeltekop, T~m ~anager, requested a pay increase for Douglas Dyer in the ~ount
of ~00.00 per yea~, effective 16th cf Octeber~ lP73. ~. ~Fadden made a matio~ to
adopt the request, Mr. Beech seconded it~ a~d it passed unanimously.
TOPICS P~0JECT-12.6th Street ImDrevement: Mr. Fred Rehl, To~m Engineer, prssented a
letter from Clyde E. ~'~l~ams requesting authorization to proceed with additional
services net to er~eed $2,200.$0. Authorization was signed by ~. Swift, Mr. Beech and
Mr. Hohl recmm~e~d bond releases for the ~following areas:
~ESOLUT~O~ N ~1027~.-1: Tom Wdlson, Inc., Stonshedge E~tates, Sec. I.:Sidewa~k~. ~.
McFadden ~ade motion to adopt the resolution, ¥~. Hd~sh~ seconded it, and it passed
unamimonslyo ~
P~SoLUTI. oN #10~73~: Tom Wilson, Inc., Stonehmdge Estates, Sec. 2-Streets-. Mr.
McFadde~ made motio~ to adopt resolution, Mr. Stevens seconded it, and it passed
~SOLDTION #10~73-3: Lumber ~rt, Znc.-Breokshire, Sec. 5-Sar~itary & Stoma S~ers,
Water Mains and Hydrants. Mr. Stevens made m~tion~to adopt resolution~ Mr. Beech
seconded it, and it passed unanimously.
P~SOLUTION #1Q273-.4..;.' Lumber Mart, ~nc.-Brookshire Sec. 6, Sanitary & Storm Sewers.
Mr. McFadden moved to adopt resolution, ~. Beech seconded it, and it passed unanimously.
RESOLD~ION #10~73-%: Gradle Bros., Luc.-Oarmel Zudustrial Park West, Phase I, Streets
& street smgns, s~tary & storm se~rs, water mains & h~drants. ~,~. McFadden made
motion to adopt resolution, ~. Beech seconded ~ and it passed unandmously.
EESOLDTION #1..0~73-6:~ ABC Construction Corp., Flair North, First Section-Streets, curbs,
~utters', ~mitary & Storm Sewers, Water ~ins & H~irants, Si~, and Street Signs.
~. McFadden made motion to adopt resolution, Mr. Beech seconded it and it passed
~. Hchl asked for ~ppreval of e~penditure cf $1,6~O.O0 for materials te extend water
main facing West Side of ~1 South of the Islander Restaurant. Mr. Einshaw moved to
approve the expenditure, M~r. McFadden seconded it and it passed ur~dmouslyo
~. Hohl announced that the School would like for the Tc~ to pay $1,7~.~7 for valve
materials at well site locations. A 81~cussion was held as tc whether er not the Town
should pay the ~penditure. Mr. Hinshaw moved that the T~,~ Manager propose to ~.
Anderson that the Town would install the valves if the School bought t~. Mr. Stevens
seconded the motion. The vote was 3 ayes, 2 mays. ~r. Swift and Mr. McFadden casting
the may ~otes.
HAP~Y ELLIO~T I~DHA~'~K PLA(IE SHOPPING ~NTE~R: Mr. Hohl reported on a meeting he, Tc~m
AttOrney and 'Town Manager had with Mr. Harry M1]iott regarding the Board'~ decision
on av~ilib~lity charges at Mohawk Place S~ppiug Center. Yin. Elliott felt Board
should reconsider their decision made at the September 25, 1973, meeting. A
a~cussion was held. Th~ Board agreed ~ithout motion to stand firm on former agreement.
To~m ~nager suggested the To~n purchase au economical car to be used by the m~ter
reader. This car would, only be used during working hours and to be left at the
Town ~lding evenings. Bca~xl authorized I~. Schmeltekep to get bids on one.
~r. Schmeltek~p asked Mr. Swift to declar~ the we~k of October 14-20 as ~Help Young
America Week". Mr. McFadden made motion to adopt ~. Schmeltekep request. There
was no second. Motion dropped.
Hr. Schmeltekop reported th~ ~. John Taggen had contacted him requesting a letter fr~m
the Town Board stating they had no objection to a third liquor store in Carmel. Board
refused the request.
A dis~_ssion regarding builders not obtai~ their final inspection pe~uits was held.
Board requested Mr. Hohl to set u~ a more efficient syste~ to prevent this problem from
ANSI3I S~R AG~.NT: I~. Schmeltekop reporbed that P~. Pearce had received a letter
agaiu ~rom ~. Rose, atto~¥~y for Ansin Co., wanting a c~m~.~ttment frs~ the Bosrd that
the $100,000.00 o~md Ansin t~ paid by June 30, 1974 · Mr. Swift advised }~.
Schmeltekop to answer them with a letter statiug that the To~m would repay the
$100,000.O0 as soon as possible ~%er our next bond issue.
l,ir. Skdft suggested that 5~reafter all department heads talk to T~m ~nager before
the Board Neetings to conserve time at meetings.
~,~. McFadden moved to adjourn the meeting, ~. Beech seconded the ration and it passed
~sly at 12:55 ~m. , ~ f/~, ~
r~,~.~ ,~ o~-u~u~ ~o.~. Fred T." "S~rif{, Pi'es. Ca~mel Tn. Bd. T~es