HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1973 (10-23)BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~.ETiNG
October 23, 1973
The meeting was c~lled to order at 7:05 p.m. by President Fred S~hft. All five
board members, Town Attorney and T~fn l~L~nager were present.
F~tn~tes of previous regular meeting were read and approved.
Dottie Smith ~bended an i~vit~tion to everyone to "I-.Wllis Night,,, Friday,
October 27 at 8 p.m. in the Hospitality Room of Ur~ St~te Bank in Carmel,
sponsored by the Carmel~Clay Republican ~Jomen, s Club.
WARD BOUNDARY GDkN~E: ~. Robert Speed, t~,mship Republican Chairman, appeared
before the board ~*ith 2 proposals to double the number of precints in Clay T~mship
and ch~ge ward bounda~~es in the Tc~ of Carmel. ~,~. Speed stated that he had appeared
before the l~m~_lton County C~,~ssioners but they had declined to take action on the
precinct question, penddng action by the Carmel Tm.~ Board to adjust the ward
boundarie s.
~.~. Jim Rumbler, Demecr~tic Chairman was also present.
~. Speed and ~ir. Rumbler agreed that proposal #1 with suggested precints 1&2 be
in ~ard 1, 3~be in l~ard 2, 4&7 be in ~Iard 3, 6-8~ be in Ward 4, and 10-11&12 be
in ~.Yard 5, was the best of the two plans and signed the approved pt~.
tDr. Beech made a motion to change wards as per plans approved by ~. Speed and Mr.
R~mbler. ~. McFadden seconded the metion and it passed unsz~m~usly. ~. Pearce,
Town Attorney, was instructed to draw up an amended ordinance and check on pub~
lication policies as soon as possible.
Board signed claim for ~15.00 for a publication regarding sewers for T~ ~&anager.
~. Schmeltekop submitted a letter from the Westfield Town Board stating their inten-
tion to join its sewage treatment system with the sewage treatment system of the
To~m of Carmml. Letter was accepted and signed by a21 Board members. Purpose of
letter is to increase rating on priority list for ne~ sewer gr~ut.
~. Schmeltekop submitted a bid on no~-advertised street work for Concord Village
from Central Engineering and Construction Compar4v for $3,538.89. ~r. Ho~, T~m
~k~gin~er, had recommended it be accepted, ~ir. Hinsh~, made a motion the bid be
accepted, Mm. ~Fadden seconded it, and it passed unanimously. Contrs~t was signed
by the Bo~ml.
~. Schmeltekop announced the CATV hearing had been reset for December 20 at 9 a.m.
~. Schmeltekop advised that he had been contacted by American Aggregates requesting
a reply to their letter of ~y 15 regarding the g~of a permanent easement for
sewer line along the River Road alignment. 2,~. Schmeltekop w~s requssted by the
Board to send a reply gr~ the Boards approval of their proposal.
1-~. Schmeltekop advised that he had received a letter from Harry Elliott asking
for a rsfund of the ~369.00 he had deposited for sewer connection charges, l~.
Sch~eltekop was instructed by the Board to ~end a reply refusing the refund.
~,~. Schmslte~ presented a brechure from Deeds~ Equipment regarding a new H~ber
Fmintad~er which the T~m ~gineer had ad~-lsed that ~srmeeded. Cost of the
~ Maintaincr ~as $12,347.00. A discussion regarding rent~ it f_th an option to
purchase,~ and whether to advertise for bids was held. No decision was made.
~.~. Schmeltekop advised that he had been contacted by a representative fro~
American National Bank regarding their proposal and agreement to receive parb
of the Tm.a~ funds on deposit, which was signed by T~n Board President, Owea
Kern, Februar~ 13, 1973. Board agreed they were entitled to received part of
the Tm. ms lbzuds for ~eposft, and instructed Town ~L%uager to contact them
regardiug the percentage ~they were ~d per Indie~ Statues.
N~ FIRE STATIDN: 2.~r. Schmeltekop announced that the proposed site at 106th and
Haverstick was agreeable for the new fire station and Ken TL~son is considering
putting the building up~
T~m 13~uuager advised that iuasmuch as two employees of the ~ldir~ Comr~sion
would be leaving permantly and one ta~.g a leave of absence, two n~ employees
needed to be hired, one at $8,500.00 per year and the other at $9,500.00, He
recommmnded their salaries not be included in the 10% raise effective for most
eEployees January 1, 1974, but increase after March 1. Amount to be determiued
at that time. Nsmms wore not given. Mr. M~ha~ made a m~tion the Board permit
theqmir~g of the 2 employees at these salaries, ~,~. Stevm~s seconded it and it
passed 4 ayes-~.~. McFadden absent at time of voting.
ORD~L~N~ '#C-~.~: ~. S~Lft read propesed Ord/nance #0-43 ann~ng certain eent.iguou~--
te~-~.~itory in ~ of Section 8, Township 17 North, Range 4 East-(lO6th Street Right.
of-~ay) to ~the Town Of Carmel. ~. Hin~ha~, moved to adopt the ordiuance as read,
~.~. Stevens seconded it and it passed un~timously.
ORD~/~CE #C-44: Mr. S~ift then read proposed Ordiuance #C-44 annem~ng certain
conti.gu~.us torritor~ in Part of Section ?, To, reship 17 North, Range 4 Fast-{lO6th
Street Right-or-d*fay) to the T~,n{ of Csm~el. 1.ir. Beech moved to a~dop~t the ordinance
as r~ad, Mr. ~Fadden seconded it and it passed unaniw~usly.
PROPOSED N~[ CITY BUILD/2~: ~M. ~.~n Walker appeared before tho Board and
~resented a property ev~.~u~tion s~ o~ The Cannel Christien ~ Property at
11 l-9~in Street for possible acquisitmon of the property for a site for a N~ C~ty
Hal! Office Building, Detailed information en the area was left with the Board for
their perusal, l, ir. Stevens made a motion to appoint a six-~ co,mitre to review
the needs of C~ahv~l for a new t~m building and to discuss.~ the location site.
The coAm,~Lttee, to!doe headed by l~Yilliam McFadden, would also include Neil Schmeltekop,
J~es ~L~.t~sing~ John Proffit~t, James Morris and Ed Nickel. ~ir. Hiush~, seconded the
motion and it passed unsrJJ~usly. The committee was instructed to report back withdn
30 da~s with a prelimimary report.
RIVER AVEI~JE INTERCEPTOR FL~S~2.~NTS: A change order request to increase easement
survey by Clyde E. ~Ji] ]dame & Asso. 'for work on the River Avenue Interceptor was
made by Tcmm Eagineer. The increase ~.~as from~ $3,000.00 to $7,000.00. I~M. ~Fadden
made motion to a/low expenditure, !~M. Beech seconded it, and it passed ~-unanimeusly.
T~m I.Lmuager ad~-lsed he h~.d contacted the school regarding the Boards decision at ~
last meeting to have the school pay for the valve lines and they agreed to pay. ~
KEYSTOIE ~fERCEPTOR: A discussion regarding plans to expand the capacity of the
Keystone tuterceptor was held with l~. Zinsmeister, of Clyde E. ~,Ii~liams & Asso~,
T~en Engineer, Board ~emhers and T~m Manager participating. ~. Hohl recommended
a cost esti~te guidance on a 15" interceptor. I1~. Hinshaw made a moticn to
authorize an inflo-infiltration analaysis study be ~one and a cost estimate on 15'~
Zutercepter. 1~. McFadden seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
1M. Harry '~l~ott advised the Board that after an accident had occurred at the
intersection of Mohawk Place Shoppin~ Center and South Rangeliue Road, he felt there
was a need for a three way stop siva or a light. I~M. Swift asked the Tc~.m Engineer
to re~lew this and report at ne~t meeting.
~M. Schmeltekop asked permission to purchase office furniture and e~pment at an
estLmated cost of ~1,200.00 and to hire a secret~y at a s~ary of ~,800 for the
balance of this year ar~l ~7,500.00 as per budget for 1974. !~M. McFadden m~ved
that the To~n I~s, ger be all~,~ed to purchase needed office furniture & equipment
~,lthout a msxi~um limit set on the price and. to hire a secretary. Motion was
seconded by ~h~. Stevens. Vote was 3 ayes, 2 n~ys ~,lth ~. Beech and 1~. ~hnsh~.w
castLu~ the nay votes.
Mr. Schmeltekop advised theft he had been contacted by the Police Department regarding
the posting of 30 ~ph from 40 mph on P~u~eline Road and the pos*~*=g of 30 mph from
20 mph on Lakeshore Drive ~Yest. Board agreed to keep tD~ 30 mph speed limits.
Tm,n l&~nager presented various quotes on automobiles and pi~c up trusks with the
suggestion of replacing 2 1969 trucks, and the Scout used by the Buildd~ Cc~.~ion,
and adding an automobile for the meter reader. Mr. ~Fadden recorm~nded
Schmeltekop prepare a detailed cost & maintenance breakd~ and re~ale value on all
automobiles ~nvolved and ~resent to the Board at a later date. Board a~ed.
~. Zinsmeister recommended the Board give ~uthorization to the Clerk-Treasurer to
advertise for bids for the New Waste ~,Yater Treatment Plant and Lutereepter at a date
yet to be determined. ~. ~nshaw moved to au~orize Clerk-Treasurer to do so,
~. Beech seconded it and it passed unanimously.
A discussion regarding kinds of s~r lines and methods of financing was held with
~. Ziusmeister against Sanitary Districts. The Board agreed to meet November 1, at
7 p.m. to discuss methods of financing.these ~88~tional sewers needed to meet the
s~ed ~bh of the community.
ORDINAN~ ~C-45: ~. S~Lft read proposed Ordinance #C-45 aunexing part of Section 33,
Township 18 North, Range 4 East (Gray Road Righb-Of -Way) to the T~a of Carmel. M~.
Beech moved to adopt the ordinance as read, ~. Stevens seconded the motion and it
passed ~matmimeusly.
ORDINANCE #0-46: ~. S~ift read proposed Ordinsnce #C-46 annexing part ofk~estion 5,
T~mship 17 North, Rs~g~ 4 East (116th Street Right-Of-Way). ~. McFadden mo~d
to adept the or~*~nce, ~. Stevens seconded it and it passed u~mousty.
ORDI~L~CE #C-47: Proposed Ordinance #C-47 was read by ~. Swift anne~Lug part of
the East Half of Section 1, To~mshSp 17 North, Range 3 East (116th Street Right-Of-
~ay). ~. Stevens me~d to adopt ~rdinance as read, ~. McFadden seconded it and
it passed unanimously.
ORDInanCE ~?C-48: ~. Sk*ift read proposed Ord_i~nce #C-48 annexing Part of Section 6,
T~xship 17 North, Range 4 East (116th Street-Right-Of-Way). ;~. McFadden moved to
adept the ordinance. I~. Beech seconded it and it p~sed unanimously.
Glerk-Treasur~r asked for Boards approval for a tape recorder to be used at
Board Mee~inge for a more accurate record ef the proceedd~gs. Tapes to be kept
as a per~nent record. ~,~. Swift suggested the recorder used by the ~
C~i,~ssion, which was ~ned by the T~a, be used and the Board agreed.
~M. Hohl asked the Board to permit the Town M~uager to sign a change order in the
estimate~ amount of $550.00 for valves. ~M. Beech moved to allow the To~m ~uager
to do so, ~r. McFadden seConde~ it and ~t passed unanimously.
l~. I~W~dS~ mo~d to adjourn the meeting, l~. Beech seconded it and it passed
un~m~mously at 11 ;30 p.m.
~red T. Sw~lft, P~esiden~/
Csmm~l T~n Board of ~stees
Peggy ~c~ ~fffff~h~/Olerk T~easUrer