HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1973 (11-13)MINUTES OF ~ °~OAPJ0 OF TRUSTEES iF~ETING
November 13~ 1973
Meetir~ was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with all five board members, Town Attorney,
and Town Manager present.
A new system of signing claim, s was presented to the Board for their approval by the
Clerk-Treasurer. /m itemized list of all claims would be sent to all Board members
the Friday before the meeting. Board members would sign the claim docket at Board
meeting and authorize Clerk-Treas. to stamp their initials on each claim. This system
was agreeable to all Board members and will be put into effect at the December 11
A preliminary report from the Ne~ Tc~n~ Hall Building Site Committee was read by Fred
S~ift. The next meeting of the committee is to be held November 29 at 7:30 p.m. at
the T~n Hall. All Board members are invited to attend.
M~. Swift announced that the Board was invited to a meetiug by the County Co~missioners
Nov. 15, 7 p.m. at the Courthouse in the Cmmeissioners Room for a continuation of the
discussion on voting machines.
2~m. Jerry Wooten, representing ~dley Square Partnership appeared before the Board
to request the Board to rezone the appro~mate 1 acre site at the Northwest Corner
of D~y Drive and 96th Street from S-2 to B-3 to allow a I~Luders Ice Cream Store ther~
~r. S~*lft stated the Plan Com~ssion had returned an unfavors, ble recommendation
for the request at their meetin~ Oct. 16, 17-1. 1,~. Beech moved to decline the
request for the same reasons presented at the hearing. ~. Hinshaw seconded the motion,
and the motion carried 4-t. ~ir. Swift casting the nay vote.
,HI, SEY CAB SERVICE: 2~. Hisey appeared before the Board to discuss cab service. A
discussion was held regarding boy, he cab service would be available. ~,~. Hisey
was advised by the Board to write a proposal, attach a copy of his insurance policy
and leave it ~rlth the Tov~n Attorney, John Pear~. The Board will then act after
reviewing his written proposal.
~,~. Sw~ read a proposed Proclamation regarding Marvin ~llikan's retirement.
McFadden moved to put proclamation in record~ ~r. Hinshaw seconded it and it passed
unar~imously. ~M. Schmeltekop, To~n Manager, presented him with the proclamation.
CA~L HTTJ.S ~PAR~ENTS: Mr. Ben Boleman, De~loper and Builder of C~rmel Hills
Apartments appeared with his attorney, Jim Nelson. ~. Nelson stated th~.t on July
19, 1973, a final plat for the fou~h section of Carmel Hills Apartments was filed
with the Carmel Plan Commission and was approved. A Performance Bond was then filed
~ a ~]ding permit requested, which was denied based upon the opinion of the Stream
Pollution Board that the North Plant was at Oapacity. Since Ordinance Z-119 states
construction must be commenced within 18 months after final plat is approved, and due
to the fact they were advised it might be 3 y~ars before they could heok on t~ the
North Plant, he asked the Bossed to release the performs~nce Bond or acknowledge this
as "just cause" and release them from being subject to Z-119 Ordinauce. Legality of
this was discussed with Tc~n Attorney. Board asked F~. Nelson & To~m Attorney to v~rk
on an agreement to be presented at next meeting. By that time a temporary solution
regarding possible additional sewer facilities which might be available to them shoul~
the T~n of Carmel and ~. ~ilfong reach an agreement should be kn~en.
CATV: ~. E~.~itz appeared pertaining to the Hamilton County CATV Francise Agree-
merit. ~. Enon~*ltz passed out a Guaranty tendered by Telesis Corp. and a proposed
addendmu to the Franchise Agreement. Item,s ~m~re left for the Board to review. ~r.
Schmeltekep, Tram I~uager, will contact him advising him of the Boards action.
W~..LCH/RISK INTERCEPTQ. R SE~R PROPOSAL: ~. Ed Guntz of McCullough & Associates
appeared and presented their reco~ndation sett~ out their thoughts regarding the
October 22, 1973, proposal of l~ir. Robert V. ~elch for extension of a sewer line to the
general area of 116th Street and ~ridian area. Various discrepancies were pointed out.
~. Schmeltekep reviewed the Towr~s response to Mr. Weleh's proposal-stating he saw
no advantage to the proposal to this T~wn without an annexation. ~. Zinsmeister,
of Clyde E. W~ame Co., submitted his recomm~ndatiens in letter form to the Board.
~. MeF~dden stated he thought the Bo srd should proceed to find out erectly whzt we
can ar~ex or could annex and then act aceerdd~gly and as rapidly as possible. Mr.
~-ft .asked Mr. Schmeltekop to contact Mr. ~elch and tell him that we wanted to stay
with our ordinance Lf possible and that ~m wanted to poll a delegation of property
o~rners and find out what is there as potential sewer users and who are ~*llling to
pay, also to poll them on zor~ and get a cozm~ittment in writing as to the ~]]~ngness
to pay a specific cost of availability fees. Mr. Schmeltekep is to report back to th
Bos~rd on this in a month.
N~ FAH~ STATION: ~r. Don S~ils, Fire Chief, reported that he had received a letter
~c~ the Insurance service Office of Ir~Liana regarding the new fire station site. The
Rating Bureau preferred a location at 106th and Keystone or 106th aud Meridian & College.
Less desirable site to the~.~ ~a~ -~_~ ~.06~ ~d Naveretick. ~. Ken Thompson stated
he is attempting to buy an acre at 106th and Keystone.
!~r. S~.~ails reported he had a quote frou 2~dwest Fire and Safety Equipment in the amount
of ~8,730.00 for a Tele-Squrt Aerial Ladder and would l~e the Board's approval
to advertise for bids to be opened at the December 11 meeting. ~Ir. ~,~Fadden m~ed to
authorize Clerk-Treas. to advertise for bids for Tele-S~urt ~erial Ladder, ~,~. Stevens
seconded it and the vote was unauamious.
Or~nce #B-38: ~,M. S~.~ift read a request from the Police ~ept. to transfer $650.00
fro~ aeet~-l-13-Salary, $200.00 from Acct. #222-Heat & Gas, ~150.00 from Acct. #3-33-
~.~ashes into the foll~*ing accts: $850.00 to ~2-252-Repairs and Equipment and $150.00
into #3-37 Other Supplies. Mr. McFadden moved to all~ the transfer, I~M. Beech
seconded it and it passed unam~ously.
Ordinance #B-3~: Mr. Swift read a request from Judge Corre~l stating the need for a
sepera~e phene line for the Toe-in Courb and the request to transfer ~100.00 -Other Re~s
_~cct. #5-522 to a n~ account #2-214-Telephone, for the remainder of 1973. ~. Beech
moved to allc~,~ the transfer, ~. Hinshaw seconded it and it passed unan-~ously.
Ordinance #B-37: ~. S~ift read proposed Ord±nance #B-37 creating an Economic Develop-
ment Commission. ~. Swift then read the duties of the c~muission ~and the appointment
procedures. ~r. ~ic~adden ~ade ~otion to adopt ordinanoe as read, ~.tr. Stevens seconded
it and a discussion fol!~ed, regardS_ug p~zers in relation to T~m Board. ~. Hinsh~w
felt he ~s not f~milar enough ~lth the Commission to vote for the Ordinance. ~he
Ordinance passed 4-1 with ~. Hinsh~z casting the nay vets. Appoin~nts ~*ill be
considered at next regular meeting. ~.~r. Gradle asked the Board to ~uvmte a represent~.tmv%,
from the State Dept. of Commerce to disuuss the Cmmmissions ikmctimns at the next meetim~)
Ordinance #B-36: ~. ~,ift read proposed Ordinance ~-36 regardLug provicLing open
l~es for emergency vehicles. ~. McFadden made motion to adopt ordinance #B-36, ~.
Beech seconded it and a discussion followed regarding the ~mount of the fine. ~.
~cFadden felt the fine should be doubled to road not less than $20.00 nor more than
~i~lO0.O0.Ordiuance passed ~rlth change unanimously.
1,~. SYrlft opened the floor for discussion on appointment to fil~ the vacancy on the
Board of Zoning Appeals croated by the rosignation of ~r. Stewings. ~,~. ~n B~rk
~zas nomiuated by ~. I~iushaw. ~.~. t~Fadden seconded the no~wdnation and a discussion
foLlm~ed. Nomination passed with 3 ayes. I~. Beech and ~. ~dcFadden abstained.
1~. ~Lusha~ prosented a long overdue bfUq encua~ed by the police department thaT'the
Police Commissioners did not feel they could approve since it was incurred~Beforo they
took off_ce. ~qoense was in the a~ount of ~11~.18 to l,~Neelys Citgo Station. ~.
Hinsha~ moved to request the D ~oard to authorize payz~nt without the Police Corm~ission.s
okay. Board agreed after a discussion to pay the bil3 and properly approved the cla~
for payment.
~X~ J~/E~U~LE OFF!C~R: ~. I{insh~ roported that Acting Police Chief Lee Dolen had been
iustructed by the Police C~,i~issioners to ~mke application to the Criminal Justice
Department for the hiring of a JuVer~ile Officer.
~AST~,IATER DISPOS~%L PROJECT: 1.~. Zinsmeister stated that due to a delay in roceiving
approval letter fr~u the State Stroam Board, the bid openiug date should be chaunted
fr~u Dece~l~er 12 to Dece~,~ber 19 and change the pre-bid conferonce to Dece~foer loth.
e4~d to roadvertise the bid~ for -hhe !Yastewater Disposal Project.
HESOLUTION ~1-111373: ~-~. Pickett roquested a sid~alk bo~d re2~ese for Paul Estridge
in Dc~mybrook ~oods Subdivision. .~. Beech moved to approve the roleasg, ~. Stevens
seconded it and it passed unanimously.
~. Zinsmeister stated that until the Board decided %~ich route to go, he rocom~ended
tabling the cost effective study the Board had asked h~ to do last Board meeting.
?oard agreed.
~. Zinsneister submitted a propos~l for a s~%nitary Sm.~r l.~p preps%ration and Study
for the Tmon of C~l necess~ry for the report to the En-*Lror~uental Protection
Agency. Cost of the study would be 75,~ Federal ro-imburseable and 102~ State ro-
imburseable. Alternate #1, not to exceed ?~23,000.00 was chosen by the Board and
signed by all boar~t members.
Ordin~ce ~-35: Propsed 0rdiuance ~B-35 pro-~iding for the rodistricting of the
T~*n of Carmel to Re-Establish the Ward B~mdaries ~s road by F~ed S~ift. ~.
Hinshaw n~¢ed to adopt the Or ~dinance, ~. McFadden seconded it and it passed unanfJ~usly.
~,~. Kinshaw roc~uended ~. Per, ce correct a legal description in ~ard 3.
1~. S~,ift read a letter received from the Indis~apolis ~ater Co. rogardJng Schutz &
Thompson BrL%r Creek ~bdivisiau. i.~. Stevens made a motion to authorize ~.M.
ScD~neltekop to allow the Indis~apolis Water Company to i~stall ~in Lines in the
stroets at B~l~r Cmeek and to inform the ~,~ter Company that the T~.n~ w~ pay rontal
on the ~hydrants in Briar C~eek. ~. Beech seconded it aud it passed ~unanimously.
}~. Sch~eltekop asked the Board,s approval to trade 1- ~ ton truck for 2 Vegas to be
used by I.~. Dough~0y, Utilities Manager, and the t~ter Reader. The Expenditure to
be less than ~1.~,000.00. ~. I~cFadden moved to approve the en~enditt~re and trade,
~.~. Stevens seconded it and it passed ll~ ayes ~M.th 1-~. Beech abstainir~.
~. Sc~ueltekop stated that Public Sera, ice had fmf. ormed him t~%t the Town had not
been paying for street lights at 234, 126th, 116th, 106th & Key~tone~ and wanted
a letter authorizing the~ to bill the To~n~. Board agreed to look up arqv signed contracts
befere the letter should be sent.
I~. P~Fadden moved to waive the reading of the previous meetings minutes, ~.~. Beech
~o~ ~r~p~.sed u~sr~imous!y. ~d_l ~mbere acUmen!edged receivir~ a copy.
~. Hineh~w mo~d to re-appoiut !~. Jenkins to a 3 year term t~ the Police Commission.
~,~. Beech seconded it aud it passed ur~n~mus~.
T~.m Engineer reported requests for stop light at the end of Gray Hill Drive, Emerson
& Colleg~ and to remove one at High School. Board asked him to check them out ~nd
~r~ort. at ne~ meeting.
Resolution i~2-111373: Upon 1~. Hohl,s recon~endation, ~,~. Beech made a motion to
r~lease the bond on Breokshire Section IV, ~,~. PLtnshaw seconded it and it poised
Re~olution #3-111373: ~. HTush~.~ moved to release the bends on C~a~me! Zudustri~l
P~vk East upon i~. Hohl's reco~ndation, I~. McFadden seconded it ~nd it passed
2~. ~Hehl requested appro~ml for Clyde Williams to conduct a tr~fic co, mt sUrVey for
appre?~mately $500.00.~ Board requested ~.~. Hohl to ~ry to purchase a trs~£ic counter
~.~r. Hohl asked the Bos~d's approval to lease a Huber ~in%ainer. Board advised h~m
to lease it for a £ew d~ys to see if ~t was acceptable.
Upon ~. Behl.s recommendation, ~. l.~Fadden made motion to purchase a Heatt Fluid
?Yater Le~ Detecter for appr~:Lmately :~57.80. ~. Beech seconded it and it passed
ClaLms total~ug ,~380,815.66 were approved for p~nuent ~ the Board.
I~. H~hl reporbed that a letter to State ~{ig~.~ay .He: Topics Program had be~en sent by
Tm~ Manager but should be sent by an elected official. I~. McFadde~ made motion
to re-type the letter aud h~ve To~ Bell President Fred S~ift sign it, ~.
}~nehaw seconded it a~i it passed uns~mously.
Er. Beech ~oved to ~djourn~ ~,~. Hinsh~w seconded it and the motion passed unanimously
at 1:]5 a.m.
Attest: - , , ,
Peggy Lo~ Smith
Fred T. Sw~f% Presiden~
Bosrd of Trustees