November 27, 1973
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with Town Atborney, Town Manager, and
all Board members except Phil Hinshaw present.
Mr. McFadden made motion to waive reaa~g of the minutes inasmuch as all board members
had received a copy prior to the meeting. Mr. Beach seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. Minutes were approved as written.
ORDINANCE #B-40: ~Lr. Swift read proposed Orddnance #B-40 transferring funds within
the General Budget as follows: $1,5OO.00 from Acct. #1-16-Accountant: To the following
Accts: ~1-191 -Extra Help ............ $200.O0
#2-214-Telephone ............ 400.00
#2-242-Publication&Legal Notices 500.00
#5-51 --Insurance ............ 90.00
#5-55-Subscribtion & Dues .... 65.00
#5-59-Blue Cross ............. 1 75.00
~2-264-Xe rox Copier .......... 25.00
#3-362-Statior~ry & Printing- 45.00
Mr. McFadden made motion to adopt ordinance as road, Mr. Beach seconded it and it
passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift read proposed ORDINANCE #B-41 transferring funds witkin theTown Court to
enable the acquisition of a videotape recording system. $150.00 out of Acct. #1-192-
Juries, to Acct. #7-725-Office Equipment. ~. Beach mo~d to adopt Ordinance as read,
Mr. McFadden seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hinshaw arrived at 7:10 p.m.
ORDINANCE #D-61: Upon the recommendation of Clerk-Treasurer, Mr. McFadden made motion
to pay Clerk-Treasurer Assistant $3.50 per hour, Mr. Beach seconded it and it passed
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 00~ISSION: ~. Sk*lft ~opened the floor for nominations to the
newly created Economic Development Cormaission. ~Ir. !~cFadden nominated Bill Karns to
be the member appointed by the Town Board, and to serve as Chairman, and also nominated
John Gradle as the Board's recommendation to the Cc~uty Commissioners as their appointee.
Mr. Beach seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Mr. Swift appointed George
Burrell as the Presidents appointment to theCcmm~ission.
CATV: The proposed addendum to F~anckise Agreement between the Town Trustees and the
Hamilton County CATV, Inc. presented to the Board at the November 13 meeting was
discussed. The Board agreed Mr. Schmeltekop, T~n Manager, would tell Mr. Konowitz the
agreement was approved.
ORDINANCE #Z-133-RE-ZONE BAUER PROPERTY: Mr. Sweet, and Mr. Doug Church, reprosenting
Fred Bauer, appeared beforo the Board to request an area of approximately 80 acros at
96th and Eeystome be re-zoned from S1 to B3. A resume of a proposed "Bauer Commercial
Park", which would be b~1~t on the property, was presented to the board. ~. Church
stated his client would agree to voluntary annexation to the To~n of Carmel. They
were also prepared to spend whatever ~mount it cost to provide proper d~rainage and to
absorp the total cost of sewer facilities to accomodate the 80 acro development. Mr.
Swift read an unfavorable recon~endation regs_~g the re-zon&ing from the ~an
Commission adopted at their November 20, 1973, meeting. ~Ir. Swift then read Proposed
Ordinance #Z-1~3 reclassifying the area from S1 to B-3. Mr. McFadden moved to adopt
ordinance as read, Mr. Hinshaw seconded it, and it passed 4 ayes with ~. Beach abstainiu~.
~. John Kyle~ representing Dr. Napak, requested the Board to act seperately on
approximately ~.43 acres of the previously mentioned property inasmuch as he had
filed an application for zoning change, and he needed the seperate action to cmmplete
his application. Ordinance #Z-134 was read by Mr. Swift reclassifying said property
from S1 to B-3. Mr. McFadden moved to adopt Ordinance #Z-134 as read, Mr. HS_ushaw
seconded it and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Joh~Kyle, representiu~ Ymdiana Bell, also requested Board to act seperately on
an a~.a approximately 6.026 acres of t.he previously mentioned 80 acres to complete
his filed application, to allow an offmce building to be b~St. Mr. Swift read
Proposed Or~Bance #Z-135 reclassifying the property from S-1 to B-3, Mr. McFadden
m~ved to adopt the ordinance as read, Mr. PLinshaw seconded it and it passed unandmously.'
ORDINANCE #Z-136: Mr. John Kyle, representing Charles Efroymson, requested the
Board to re-zo~ approximately 13 acres on Meridian Street for a ,.Meridian Plaza
Shopping Center:' Mr. Kyle presented a Covenant signed by the owners of the property
stating they would not be issued a building permit or in any way develop said property
until such time as a sanitary sewer approved by th e Town Of Carmel is available to
serve such development. Mr. Swift read a favorable recommendation fre~ the Plan
Commission reclassifying the property from S-2 and EC-2 district to B-3. Mr. Swift
then read proposed Ordinance #Z-136 to rezone the area in said manner. Mr. McFadden
made motion to adopt Ordinance #Z-136 as read, Mr. Hinshaw seconded it ami it passed
The only bid received for the traffic signal and intersection improvement on S.R. 234
project was opened by the Town Attorney. Bid from Gradle Bros. was for $25,770.00
Zuasmuch as it was 100% over the Town Engineers estimate, the Board recommaended
To~n Engineer review the bid before acting upon it. Mr. Hohl stated he would
go over the bid with engineers at ~lyde E. Williams Co.
Mr. McFadden left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
CARMEL HILLS: Mr. Jim Nelson, representing Ben Boleman, owner and developer of
Cannel P~lls, appeared regarding the Boards decision on his request at tho November
13, 1~73 T~m Beard Meeting for a release of the performance bond filed for the final
plat of the fourth section of Carmel ~11~. Mr. Hinshaw made motio~ to authorize Mr.
~ift to sign tho letter to Mr. Boleman, presented by Mr. Nelson, releasing the sub-
division performo~e bond for the Fourth Section of Carmel Kills due to the inability
of the Town of Cer~el to permit the issuance of a sewer permit for the above described
premises at this time, and to ac~lowledge this as showing "just cause" as needed in
To~n Ordinance Z-119, However, at such time as the sewer permit for the above described
premises can be issued, the "just cause" shown at this time would no longer be in effect.
Mr. Stevens secluded the motion and it passed unanimously.
~,~. Doug Church, representing }-~r. Wilfong, presented a Waste Disposal Treatment
Construction and Operation Agreement to the Board for their review. Bos~i requested
¥~. Pearce send a copy to I~. Zeinsmeister, of Clyde E. Wilqiams & Ce. for his
recommendations. }~. Stevens asked ~. ~zrch to obtain a financial statement from
}~. ~ilfong with a list of all his affiliated companies. All other Board members
agreed this should be done. Mr. Church was advised the Board would review the
contract before next meeting and be prepared to give it serious consideme~tisn at that
time. Board requested Town ~gineer to check with }Iobtesville regarding a possible
similar agreement with their Shorewood Agreement, and also with Plainfield, on their
agreement with Indiana State Police Academy.
ANNEXATION: Board authorized Town ~nager to have ~eihe E~lueers draw up a legal ~
description of areas through B~iar Creek, and all of tho Bauer property to Keystone
Ec~' purposes of annexation, and requested Town Manager to contact Dan Youn~ regarding
his feelings to~m~rds being annexed by the town. If he was agreeable, to include that
property in the legal description for the ~unexation Ordinance.
Upon the recommendation of Town Engiueer, ~. George Stevens ~ade motion to authorize
adverti.s~ for t~e purchase of a Road ~intainer with front blade, to be financed from
the 197~'~rvices Contracual Budget and figured in the 1975 budget. Mr. Beach seconded
the motion and it passed 3 ayes, Mr. Swift casting the nay vote.
Possible hiring of an assistant to Town Engineer was discussed. Board requested Town
Manager to put decision of need of additional qualified persormeLl first on D_is
p rio ri tie s.
~, S~-Lft requested Town E~iueer to follow up on the.possible violations of Ordinance
#D-8 regarding m~d being dragged into streets from areas being developed that was
discussed with the Tow~ Attorney at the October 9, 1973, meeting.
Mr. Schmeltek~p announced he had appointed a fireman ~itizens Advisory C~,~ttee
consisting of ~. Newburg, Dr. McPike, Jim Rdtchey, Forrest Stoops and Mr. Gavit to
advise him on Co~,~A~nity matters.
Mr. Swift announced that inasmuch as Burns Statues stated the Executive O~ficer of
tho T~m should notify the appointees of the Economic Development Commission and call
a meeting within 30 days of their appointment, he moved the Board designate the
Tc~m Manager be considered the Towns Executive Officer for th~ purpose of conducting
that meeting ~and for him to advise the Board on results thereof, ~. Stevens seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously.
Bo~rd requested ?r. Hob! obtain a copy of the signed contract for street lights on
Keyston$ from ~. Pablic Service or Indiana State High~ay Co~m~ission that they say they
have, since the T~m could not find one. Until copy of contract is received, Board
agreed not to send letter authorizing billing.
Copies of letters from Clyde E. Williams and Asso. regardiug Keystone Interceptor Study
were given te the Board by Town Manager, and discussed.
Fir. Hinshaw moved to adjourn, ~r. Beach seconded it and it passed unanimously at 12:10 a.m
To~ of Carmel
Peggy Leu mm ~
Clerk Treasurer