JUNE 12, 1973.
Meeting was called to order by Mr. Kern at 7:25 p.m. Mr. Beach and Mr. McFadden
were not present. (Mm. McFadden arrived a short time later)
Claims were signed in the amount of $109,181.83 this evening.
Reading of the minutes was waived upon the motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr.
Hinshaw and passed unanimously. All Board members had previously received written
Mr. Kern opened bids on the laying of water and sewer lines across the route of
Road #31 prior to construction of this rereuted road. This is West of the present
Road #31. Three bids were received from the following companies:
Burns Construction Company $167,613.00
Howard E. Schmidt Co., Inc. 398,779.00
Gradle Brothers Company 282,735.00
Mr. Swift made a motion these bids be turned over to the Town's Engineers for
their study and recommendations. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT HEARING:- The Environmental Impact Hearing was held at this
meeting. Mr. Hollers, of Clyde E. Williams & Associates Co., asked if there was
anyone present with a written or oral comment to present at this hearing. No one
present offered any comment either written or oral and the hearing was closed.
LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT:- ~is~ Olive Bruner was reappointed to the Library Board
for a period of 4 years upon the motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw, and
passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden arrived at the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Mr. Charles Effroymson talked to Board on 9 acres on the West side of North
Meridian Street and 8 acres on the East side of North Meridian at about ll9th
Street which they desire to develop. He was interested in being able to connect
these two (2) parcels to the sewer system and expressed a desire to cooperate in
any reasonable way possible to get sewer service to this area. He was invited to
attend the next joint meeting of the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and
Town Board.
Bldg. Commissioner's budget is in need of some fund transfers. Clerk-Treasurer
requested to transfer from Account #2-213, Travel Expense, '$400.00, and Account
#2-23, Instruction,'$400.O0. To transfer these monies to Account #5-51, Insurance,
$198.75, Account #3-363, Other Office Supplies, $69.00, and Account #2-222, Gas,
$463.25. This transfer of funds was approved upon the motion of Mr. Hinshaw,
seconded by F~. Swift, and passed unanimously.
PLr. Kern read a letter from a group of residents on Blairsden Avenue requesting
a street light be installed about mid~ay between Road #234 and Altam Avenue. This
letter was given to Mr. Hohl, Town Engineer, for his recommendation.
Mr. Hinshaw read a directive to Police Commissioners, Police Chief, and Police
Officers relative to working at any special events without permission of the Town
Board. No policeman is to work any special event if it interferes with regular
duties. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion this directive be passed, Mr. McFadden seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously.
BRIAR CREEK:- Mr. Zinsmeister and Mr. San Lyle of Clyde E. Williams & Associates
Cc. and Mr. Ken Thompson discussed with the Board the Briar Creek water installa-
tion. It was stated Mr. Thompson would install water mains in Briar Creek and they
would then be the property of the Town of Carmel. Indianapolis Water Company
would serve and bill these residents at least until Town of Carmel purchased the
Indianapolis Water Company's property in Clay Township. If purchase of this
property was not consumated, Town of Carmel would then be able to serve this area
with Carmel water. The sewer would be temporarily connected and later permanently
connected by Town of Carmel (the temporary connection to be made by Mr. Thompson).
Mr. Hoht requested Board give an opinion as to whether Mr. Thompson's offer of
$15,O00.OO contribution to rebuilding 106th Street from Keystone Avenue to
Haverstick Road would be agreeable. Mr. Kern made a motion to accept this offer
of $15,000.OO subject to approval being given to Briar Creek project. Mr. Swift
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
1973 ROAD RESURFACING PLANS :- Mr. Hohl gave each Board member a list of reads to
be resurfaced in 1973. Work on Haverstick Road delayed due to break in 6" water
main in Keystone Square Shopping Center necessitating Mr. Wilfong using his men to
take care of this problem. Also he was unable to secure fuel for his equipment.
Fuel has now been located and he is expected to work on Haverstick Road this week.
Mr. Hohl requested Board to authorize a survey to round the corners and other work
at intersection of Range Line Road and Main Street, using their regular rate and
not to exceed $1,2OO.O0. Upon motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw,
Clyde E. Williams & Associates Co. was authorized to make this survey at a cost
not to exceed $1,200.00. Ib was passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden made a motion that permission be granted to a group of young people
to have Go-cart races on Beechmont Drive; that Beechmont Drive would be closed to
traffic on Friday, June 15, from 9:00 - 12:00 noon, and on Saturday, June 16,
from noon to 2:00 p.m. from Alwyne Avenue and Willowwick Road at Brierly Way.
This would be agreeable to residents on this street per petition given to Mr. Hohl.
Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl advised Weihe & Company had given him a basic report on drainage and roads
study of Newark and Autumn additions. Mr. Hohl stated he had set aside $30,000.00
to do a portion of this work in 1973, with the more serious problem areas to re-
ceive the earliest attention.
Mr. Hohl recommended the street light on Blairsden Avenue (mentioned herein) be
installed. Mr. McFadden made a motion Public Service Indiana be directed to in-
stall this street light. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl read a contract submitted by USA, Inc. to place refuse receptacles about
the Town and permission to advertise thereon. Board advised Mr. Hohl they were
not interested.