OF JUNE 26, 1973
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. with all members present.
Minutes were read. Corrections were made as follows: Correct library board
appointment name to read Mrs. Olive Brunner and to insert "as of January l,
1974" to paragraph granting an across-the-board salary increase of 10%.
Mr. Kern read Ordinance A-42, an amendment to Ordinance A-10. Upon the motion
of Mr. McFadden that this Ordinance A-42 adjusting meter deposits be adopted,
the second by Mr. Beach, it was passed unanimously.
Clerk-Treasurer requested permission to invest $10,000.00 from the Cumulative
Capital Improvement Fund for 6 months. Mr. Swift motioned this authority be
granted, Mr. Hinshaw seconded, and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Stephen Kirkwood, representing a group from WilsonVillage asked the Town
of Carmel to do something about the mosquito problem in their co,unity, which
is causing an unlivable condition. Inasmuch as most of the problem is caused
by low ground located outside the Town limits, Mr. Kirkwood was advised to learn
who owned the land and to contact them, the County Surveyor, and the State Board
of Health in an effort to get the problem taken care of at once.
Mr. Pickett, our Building Commissioner, and Mr. Norsley, a builder, came before
the Board requesting a permit for a house now under construction. Mr. Pickett
advised that Mr. Horsley was one of the more cooperative builders and that this
permit had not been obtained only because Mr. Horsley believed it to have been
included in a group of permits he had gotten. Based on Mr. Horsley's past atti-
tude of cooperation, the Board OK'd the issuance of this permit.
Mr. Robert Speed appeared for information on plans for relieving the drainage
problem and reworking the roads in Auman and Newark villages. Mr. Hohl explained
our planning of work to he done and showed Mr. Speed the survey to indicate the
more urgent problems in these areas that should receive priority.
Meeting was interrupted by a tornado warning that a tornado had been sighted in
Carmel. This warning came at 7:55~.m. and meeting resumed at 8:25 p.m.
Mr. Ken Thompson and ~$. Swank asked to be given up to date information on the
status of the sewer grant. Mr. Kern reported that Mr. Hillis' and Mr. Bayn's
offices were keeping in close touch with the situation. A meeting tomorrow in
the Indianapolis HUD office should be the final step. Mr. Thompson asked when
they could expect additional hookups and was told that if the money is released
to us it would probably be the first of 1974. Mr. Thompson asked if the build~rs
would be permitted to build on septic systems. Mr. Kern asked that they wait
until we know if money is to be available, which should be within a week. Also
mentioned was use of a temporary plant in a development.
Mr. Pickett has received inquiries from builders in Mt. Carmel as to their
status regarding building permits. Mo permits to be issued for Mt. Carmel
builders inasmuch as they would also be connecting to the sewer system.
Mr. Pickett advised the Beard that many Occupancy permits had not been picked
up over the past 2 years. Mr. Pickett advised that Public Service Indiana had
complied with his request net to hock up their service to new buildings hereafter
unless the Occupancy permit has been obtained.
Mr. Pickett advised a Town vehicle is being used by an employee as transporta-
tion to and from home per agreement and that in figuring his 197~ budget he
wanted advice as to whether or not this practice would be continued. Upon the
motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Beach, no employee of the Building
Commissioner,s office is to drive a Town vehicle to and from home. The vote
was ~ in favor of the motion and Mr. Swift voted Nay.
Mr. Dougherty advised there is a Municipal Waste Water Treatment Facility Sur~ey
required by the State Board of Health. This booklet is to be filled out and
returned tc them by July 6. Upon the motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr.
Swift, Clyde E. Williams & Assoc., Inc. were authorized to prepare this survey
at a cost of $~00.O0~ and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Dougherty gave each Board member a packet cf papers covering treatment plants,
~ater problems, and other up to date information regarding Federal Agencies and
Mr. Dougherty requested permission to place Harry McKillip an employee who has
been on an hourly rate during a 6 month probationary period cna permanent basis
at a salary of $?000.00 annually. Upon the motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by
Mr. Kern, it was passed unanimously tc place~this employee on a permanent basis
at an annual salary of $?000.O0. Mr. Dougherty also submitted to the Board
members his salary recommendations for 197~.
Mr. Zinsmeister~ of Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. Inc. gave to the Clerk-Treasurer
papers to be included in the PL-500 Federal Construction Grant Application file.
Mr. Zins~ister reco~ended that upon receipt of word the sewer grant had been
received, details should be worked out with Westfield as to their requirements
and other details in connection with the treatment of their sewage by the Carmel
treatment plant at 96th Street.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised that he is meeting with the State Board of Health
morrow to discuss the new point system effective after July l, 1973, to try and
learn the reasoning. Also that he has an appointment with them on Friday, June
29, 1973, to attempt formally to get a re-rating for Carmel.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised the Builders Association had hired a consulting firm
to gather information and that his company would probably furnish them certain
information if they would write to the Town of Carmel requesting same and
indicating what information they desired.
¥~. Kern announced~that P~. Welch had advised him he was able to arrange for the
money to install sewers on Meridian Street. A meeting was to be arranged for Mr.
Zinsmeister, Mr. Kern, and Mr. Welch to discuss this situation.
Mr. Hohl and Mr. Zinsmeister discussed a Federal Grant Application for an
Interceptor on 96th Street and it was decided that at such a time as Home Place
might be annexed would be the time to make tho application.
¥~. Hohl and Mr. Dougherty discussed with the Board the installation of 3
casings to be laid across the new Road #31 during its construction~ and that
These casings would be sold to whoever would develop West of Meridian Street.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion upon ¥~. Hohl's recommendation the 3 casings, #~, ~6,
and #10 be granted to Burns Construction Co. at a cost of $38,800.00. Mr.
MCFadden seconded the motion and after discussion it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl discussed temporary lift station at Eden Forest. This lift station is
not of sufficient size to handle the load and should be eliminated and a line
run to interceptor at a cost of $30,000.00. Mr. Zinsmeister recommended that
Mr. Thompson furnish $13,O00.00 and the Town $17,000.00 to do this work. If
Mr. Thompson receives permission to develop the Oburn property, he advised he
would assume the full cost. (1530 ft. of 8" sewer). Mr. McFadden made a motion
Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. design a sewer to replace lift station that would
serve Eden Glen, Eden Forest, and the Oburn property. This was saconded by Mr.
Beach and passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden made a motion, upon the recommendation of Mr. Bohl, to release
the Bond on Brookshire, Sec. 2. Mr. Beach seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr Kern made a motion Mm. Hohl be granted permission to hire Howard Brown as a
Sewer Foreman at an annual salary of $8500.00. This was seconded by Mr.
McFadden and passed unanimously.
Mr. Kern made a motion the Town pay $15.00 to send ~ry Beth Lancaster, the
Town Engineer's secretary, to night school to refresh her shorthand skills.
Mm. Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift reminded Mr. Hohl to get waivers of pretest to annexation on all lots
in Cool Creek North subdivision.
Mr. Hohl presented a proposed Ordinance to have builders post bonds to protect
against damage to Town properties.
C~erk-Treasurer requested Board set a date to meet for first time to review
budgets. Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. was agreed upon.
Upon Motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Swift meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m
Owen S. Kern, President
Town Board of Trustees
~eil B. ScT~melte~9~ Clerk Treasurer ~