OF JULY 10, 1973
Ail members present when meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Reading of the minutes waived by motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. McFadden,
and passed unanimously. It was acknowedged that all members received copies.
Claims were signed in amount cf $586,574.98, including $415,0OO.00 invested.
Clerk-Treasurer requested permission to transfer from account #2-251 Repairs -
- Bldgs. & Structures, $500.00 to new account #2-266, Survey, $500.00.
WELCH SEWER PROPOSAL - Mr. R. V. Welch and his attorney, Mr. Joseph Quill, came
before 'the Board to discuss sewer installation on North Meridian from Road #465
to ll6th Street. Mr. Welch read a proposal letter from a group of North Meridian
property owenrs, including himself, setting out two plans for installation of
sewer facilities. Alternate #1 - from a point South at approximately 96th Street
to ll6th Street to the North and to include a temporary processing plant. The
group would provide the approximate $500,000.00 cost. Alternate #2 - Group to
install sewer from .96th Street Plant West on 96th Street, then North on Meridian
to ll6th Street. This cost would be apprOximately $1,500,000.00 and method of
repayment was set out. (copy herewith) Discussion included Mr. Welch, Mr. Quill,
Mr. Zinsmeister, Mr. Hohl, Mr. Dougherty, and the Board. Mentioned was the poss-
ibility of routing sewer across 106th Street to the Plant in order to provide
service to Home Place area. Also mentioned, but hardly discussed, was whether
Indianapolis Water Co. or Carmel Water Co. product would be made available. Mr.
Kern advised Mr. Welch the Board and their Engineers would meet to discuss this
project and would then contact him.
HYDRANT CHARGES - Mr. Dougherty advised that when he billed rental charges on all
hydrants, he received complaints from School and some apartments. After checking
with Public Service Commission, they advised that Ordinance A-11 states that all
hydrants to be charged for at $125.00 each, therefore, all must be charged for or
Ordinance would need be amended to set out exceptions. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion
Ordinance A-11 be amended to exempt public schools from paying hydrant rental fee.
Mr. Swift seconded and after discussion it passed unanimously. A private hydrant
was defined as one on street or streets which had not been dedicated to the Town.
COMMUNITY POOL - Discussion was held as to whether or not this community pool
should pay water and sewer charges. Mr. Beach made a motion the Water Co. waive
all water and sewer charges until such time as pool has been paid for in full.
Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed 4 Ayes and i Abstention. Mr. McFadden
abstained for the reason his being a member of the Pool Board.
TEST WELLS - Mr. Dougherty reported two more test wells are to be drilled later
this week about 3/4 mile South of present plant on Brookshire property.
Albert Pickett advised that Janet Yound was going to hospital again and would be
away from work 2 or 3 weeks and that present personnel intended to handle her
work until her return with the thought they might need some typing done by one
of the other department's personnel. Mr. Pickett advised he was considering a
colored tag be placed on a meter to indicate an Occupancy Permit had been obtained.
NEWARK & AUMAN ADDITIONS - Mr. Hohl, Town Engineer, and Mr. Paul Green of Weihe
Engineering Co. presented prints of entire Newark and Auman Storm Sewer and Road
Reconstruction project. Mr. Hohl explained the various stages or phases of work
to be done over next several years. Upon his recommendation, Mr. Swift made a
motion Plan B for Storm Drainage & Street Reconstruction be first phase to be
done and that Weihe Engineerin~ Co. be authorized to prepare construction drawings.
Mr. McFadden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
A letter from Mrs. Lanahan was read to Board by Mr. Hohl requesting that something
be done to slow speeders on Lakeshore Drive East. It was suggested Mr. Hinshaw
notify Police Dept. of this area problem and to try and correct it.
Mr. Hohl stated he had asked Police Chief Beard to give his recommendation of
establishing speed limits. Chief Beard recommended 25 mph except major thoro-
fares be 30 mph. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion Mr. Hohl give the Board a list of the
streets he believed to be exceptions to the 30 mph speed limit. Mr. Beach
seconded the motion and it passed 3 Ayes, Mr. Kerm Nay, and Mr. Swift abstained.
Mr. Hinshaw also made another motion Mr. Hohl give the Board a list of Stop
Streets. Mr. McFadden seconded the motion and it passed 3 Ayes, Mr. Kern Nay,
and Mr. Swift abstained.
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION - Mr. Swift made a motion at the request of Mr. Hohl that
he and Clerk-T~easurer be permitted to determine amount of surplus monies available
for Special Appropriation this year. Mr. McFadden seconded and it passed unanimously.
PENSION PLAN - Mr. Hohl requested Board to reconsider Retirement Plan for this year.
After ~scussion Mr. McFadden made a motion a 10% across-the-board pay increase be
offered with the option of acceptin~ 5% and the Pension Plan. Mr. Swift seconded
the motion and it passed 4 Ayes and Mr. Kern abstained.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised Board the proposed test well sites at Breokshire would, in
their estimate, produce i 1/2 million gallons per day, which would be adequate for
a period of time. Mr. Zinsmeister inquired if Town had received official notice
from EPA of our sewer grant and was advised it has not been received. It was the
suggestion of Mr. Zinsmeister that discussions be started with Westfield people to
reach an agreement on financial participation in Interceptor and plant expansion.
Mr. Zinsmeister was asked to make a study of Mr. Welch's proposals for sewers on
North Meridian Street and to make his recommendations known to the Board.
NEW POLI~MAN - Mr. Hinshaw asked Board's approval to hire John Steven Bowen as a
Policeman as set up in 1973 budget. Mr. McFadden made a motion Mr. Bowen be hired
as a policeman, Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Upon motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. McFadden, meeting was adjourned at ll:10pm
~ S. Kern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees