HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1973 (09-11)-- MINUTES OF BOAP~ OF TRUSTEES ~fi~ETING
SEPTFJ~ER 11, 1973
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Fred Swift. All four
Board members were present. T~m Attorney and Tc~rn Manager also present.
Minutes of previous regular meeting were read and approved.
Mr. S%rift opened the floor for a motion to fill the vacancy on the T~n~ Board.
~r. l~Fadden made a motion that Mr. George Stevens, Sr. be appointed to fill the
vacancy. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. I,'~. S~rift
read a letter of resignation from I~. Stevens as a member on the Board of Zoning
Appeals before the vote.
Lawrence V. Meyers, Hamilton County Clerk, administered the oath of office to
Mr. S~Lft asked for nominations for the vacancy on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Nons
Nm. ~n~?~.! z~d ~request from Chief of Police James M. Beard to be paid for his
transportation cost from Acct #213, Travel~ng Expense for two (2) return trips, in
reference to attending the F.B.I. National Academy, in the az~unt of $210.54. Mr.
McFadden moved that the request be granted. ~M. M~n.~haw seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously.
ORD]2~C~ #B-30-TRANSFER: ~. PLinshaw read a request from Chief Beard to transfer $300.00
out of' account ~62-~ocial Security into the following accts:
#23 -Instructions .............. $ 95.00
#721 -Furniture & Fixtures ....... 129.46
#363-Other Office Supplies ..... 45.60~
~/362-Statiomery & Printing ...... 29.94/
Pk. ~Fadden made a motion the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Hiushaw and passed
~r. Pearce, Town Attorney, reported that ~. Quellhorst had info~ued him that Carmel
is covered, insurance %rise, regarding possible iujuries of third parties ~b~]e riding in
police cars and wh*]e using the pistol range. A length~ discussion was held on the
subject of recormaending new policies for the public using the pistol range. ~. Pearce
reco~ended the policy of requiring ar~fo~e under 21 years of age be accompanied by
a parent or adult and that special consideration be given to groups. A proposed
Release and Indemnification Agreement was passed to all Board Members for their perusal.
Mr. Hinshaw said these recommendations would be discussed at the next meeting of the
Police C~missioners Board.
ORDINAN~ ~B-31-Tr .a~s~ fer: A request to transfer a total of $4,375.41 ~*ithin the MVH
Fungi from: Acct. #1-12--Salary-Employees ........ --$ 700.00
Acct. #1-14--Salary-Part Time ............ 1,000.00
Acct. #4-424-Bitum~us Materials ...... 2,675.41
To: ....... -Acct.
Ac ct.
#2- 25-Repairs of Equipment ........ 400.00
#3-37--Other Supplies ............ 2,000.00
#4-426-Paint- ..................... 620.84,
#7-723-Paint Striper .............. 11.57
Acct. #7-726-Other Equipment- ............ 1,343.00
was made by the Clerk Treasurer. Mr. McFadden moved that the transfer be allowed.
motion was secoxxded by l-~. H~r~haw and carried unanimously.
P~SOLUTTON ~21173.r1: A request to transfer $166.67 from Acct. ~2-251, Rmpairs-Bldg. -.
and Structures to Acct. #2-266, Sur~ey, was made by the Clerk-Treasurer. Mr.
McFadden moved the transfer be ald~ed. Mr. ELnshaw seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously. ~
~. Swift announced that Claims #2450 thru 2801 totaling $245,784.69 were approved
for payment this evening.
ORDINAN~ #Z-131: Mr. Albert PiCkett, Building O.-m~Lssiomer, advised that he had
been contacted by the real estate agent representing the owner of the property East of
Hig~m~ay 421. A question regarding the legal description wes clarified. A resolution
from the Plan C~m,.~ssion requesting an ordinance chaugiug the current District ~lass-
ification of the property from S-1 to District Classification B-3, was read by ~. Swift.
The proposed ordinance ~as then read by ~.~. Swift. A motion was made by ~. Hinshaw
and seco:ded by ~Ir. McFadden to approve t~ ordinance and was carried una~usly.
The ordinance w~zs then signed.
Mr. Swift announced that upon the recommendation of the State Board of Accounts, the
Clerk-Treasurer had applied for a bc~d iu the amm~unt of $1,000.00 for Mr. James
Bougherty, Uti1 ~.ty ~L~uager.
~M. S~lft presented a proposed public liability policy protect~J the Board of
Trustees and the Tmon Manager. Mr. Pearce suggested Mr. Schmeltekop, T~m Manager,
he removed frem the policy inasmach as he is alread~ bonded. This proposed policy
was sigmed by all beard members.
~r. Swift read a letter from the Indianapolis Water Cmmpan~ giving a preference for
the f~m of Malcolm Pi~xie and Asso. of Cleveland, C~io as consultants, from the
four firms submitted to them by the Board. Mr. Sg?ift requested the T~*n M~uager to
write the firm regarding the amount of their fee and to use hi~ discretion to
nctify them to centim~.
EXT~SION OF THE ~.~2. CAP~.~L SUB-DIVZ~ION: ~. Ziram~ister appeared before the board
and gave a report on the meeting he, Mr. Schmeltekop, Mr. Hohl, and Mr. Dou~y
had with Mr. Wilfo~g. T~ agreement reached at the meeting was as foll~s:
Wi.lfong will pay a]_l costs for ~,q~a~g of temporary facilities for sewage treatment.
During discussion, several poiute were a!r~cted to Mr. Pearce to be consiae~ed in
drafting t~e agreement between the Board and Mr. Wtlfong.
BID TO EXTEND WATER MAIN CASING AT ~0AD 31: Mr. Hohl road the bid received from
Gra~e "Bros,, Inc. and reco~mmnde~" the Bo'ard approve it as follows:
Accept itema lA, lB, 4 .& 5, amd delete items 2 and 3. Total amount of recoz~end~d
acceptable items were ~4,334.00. Mr. McFadden moved that the Board accept the bid
as outlined by tbs Tm*~ E~er. Mr. Hq~mhaw seconded the motio~ and it passed 4
Ayes and 1 Abstention by >~. Beach.
~RIkR C~EK WATR. R MAINS: Mr. Ken Thompson appeared before the Board advising them
the Indianapolis ~"Yater Oompam~ will ~ot let h~m proceed with putting water mains in
the Briar Creek Developmmnt until they receive consent from The Tram Board of Carmel.
Mr. Thompson agreed to submit a letter cf credit to the Board to cover auy additional
monies which might be added to the purchase price of the utility activated by the
installation of the water mains. Mr. Swift asked Mr. Ttmm~oson to have the water
company contact }~r. Schmeltekop, To~n Manager for an a~-~ememb. _ Mr. McFaddam made
a motion that the T~ianapo~ Wate~ Ccm~ be contacted and given approval for
the water mains through Briar~Cmmek ~oom receipt of a lette~ of ~credit from ~.
Thomson. Mr. Beach seconded the motion and it oa~ied
BIS~Y CAB SERVI,CE: ~M. pearce reported that he had contacted Red Cab, Luc. advising
them that their rights were being canceled in the Carmel area and they agreed. Further
action on cab serrice should be ~tt*.ated b~-~,~Hisey.
A~IN S~R AGFW. F.T,~T: ~M. Pearce advised the Board that Mr. Robert Rose, Attorney
for Ansin Co., wanted an amendment to the co~tract signed by the Board. Mr. Pesrce
reco~ae~ied the Board not sign an amendment. A discussion ~s held on when to
re-pay the $100,000.00 and the amount of interest to be paid. The Board felt the
$3,600.00 interest was a fair fee and agreed to repay the $100,000.00 as soon as
possible after our nex~ bond issue;- In any event a date no later than the date
in 1975 as per agreement. A~-~emauts were reached on this subject without a motion.
Pit. Pearce stated that he b~ad two carryover cases iu Carmel Coum~ not involving
police officers. Mr. Corre]_l is not the Judge presiding. Fou~ members cf the Board
had no objections to his centina~ with the cases. ~. McFadden objected.
~.M. Pearce gave a summary on the status of remonstrations agad~st various annexation
cases which are pen~g.
Mr. S~rlft announced the 1974 budget was approved by the Tax C~m~ia~o~ without cuts.
~M. Dougherty requested the Board to have 1~. Pearce direct a letter to the Mayor
or Town Board of S~elby~l~ and t~t~n~mton, ~lldis4qa to X~dUse their radio power
and antennea as it was interferring with Carmels. Mr. S~ift asked Mr. Pearce to do so.
CONTRACT CHANGE ORE~R #8-AVCO: Mr. Dougherty asked the Boards approval for Cc~tract
C~ng~ ~rder #5 ~o Avco C~nstruction Co. for Division 1, Part C, Wastewater Treatment~
Plant, for a~d~tional re~uforoing amounting to $3,207.75. ~M. ~Fa~n moved to
approve the change order as recmmended. Motion was seconded by ~M. Reach and carried
WATER EXPANSION AT BROOKSHIF~.: Mr. Dougherty asked for permission for the expenditure
o[ $3,366.00 for ~p. ing tests for water ~xpansion at Brookshire. ~. Etnmhaw made
the motion to permit the expenditure. Mr. NcF~ seco_~ted it and it carried
Mr. 2~cFadden requested permission to leave the ~eting at 10:20 p.m. Permission was
Mr. Hohl requested permission to replace speed limit signs on Lexington St. in Cc~cerd
V~l]age from 20 MPH to 30 I~'H. THis action was necessary because of the school crossings
posted at 25 ~H. Request passed unanimously without motion.
Mr. Swift announced th~ advertisement for bids for reconstr-ction of approximately
3,120 ft. of asphalt cement pavement and stone base in the Newark V~]]age Addition
had been submitted to the newspapers.
T~,m Manager, Nefl Schmeltekop, advised that bids for gasoline and oil were advertised
and letters sent.
l~r. Schmeltekop advised the Board of his meed for various pieces of office furnitur~
for his new office and a chair for the Clerk-Treasurer's office. No decision by the
Board was given.
Mr. Schmeltekop advised the Board that he felt the street numbering system should be
discussed for possible change, and that this should be done soon inasmnch as the
Build:~ng C~m~ssioner advised that his depar~mt would have some free time to work
on the project this winter. No action on this recommendation was taken.
Er. Stevens agreed to serve on the Plan C~,,;ssion to ft~] the vacancy created
by the resignation of ~. Kern.
~. Beach made a moticu t~ meeting be adjourned. A sec~n~ to the motic~ was
made by Mr. Einmhaw and the motion carried unanimously at 11:20 p.m.