FEBRUARY 22, 1972
Meeting called to order by Mr. President of the Board at 7:30 pm. Ail members
Reading of the minutes was dispensed with per Mr. McFadden~s motion, seconded
by Mr. Swift and unanimously passed.
41 FIRST STREET SW:- Ralph Chapman presented survey of ground at 41 1st St. SW
with appraisals as discussed at last two (2) Board meetings. After some discuss-
ion Mr. McFadden made a motion that his piece of ground (Begin at 45.2 feet west
of the Northwest corner of Lot 17 in Warren & Phelps Addition to the Town of
Carmel, Indiana, run West 61.26 feet to the East edge of the pavement of First
Avenue, S.W.; thence South on and along the East edge of said pavement 132 feet;
thence East paraE~el t~ t~e N~rth Xihe ~f t~is tract 59.5 feet; thence North 132
feet to the place of beginning) be sold to Dr. David Laycock for an appraised
price of $600.00, and was seconded by Mr. Swift. After a discussion, vote was
Mr. McFadden, Mr. Swift, and Mr. Kern voted Aye: Mr. Beach and Mr Hinshaw Nay.
Mr. Chapman then submitted a Warranty Deed which was proof read, signed by all
Board Members, and delivered to Mr. Chapman.
STOP & GO LIGHT ll6th &WESTFIELD BLVD.:- Mr. Roy Davis, a County Commissioner,
came before the Board with a prepared agreement based on February 8 meeting dis-
cussion relative to installation of Stop and Go Light at ll6th & Westfield Blvd.
Mr. Beach motioned, Mr. Swift seconded, that Town of Carmel enter into this agree-
ment with Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County. Motion passed unanimously.
Agreement was signed and original presented to Mr. Roy Davis.
GREYHOUND DAYS:- Mr. Kern read a Resolution presented by Mr Swift that March
24, 25, and 26 be declared Greyhound Days in recognition of Carmel High School's
outstanding basketball team. It was so declared.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion that property be made available to those owning property
on same basis as that herein previously mentioned as sold to Dr. Laycock. There
was no second to the motion.
HERBEXRT ZINSMEISTER:- Mr. Zinsmeister appeared before the Board on several
items. He offered a letter to Board relative to the Ansin agreement with Carmel
Clay Waste Water Treatment Plant which is to be submitted to Indiana National
Bank requesting payment of $58,000.00 as initial payment on the $140,000.00
agreement. After agreeing the $58,000.00 should be detailed for their informa-
tion, the Clerk-Treasurer was instructed to send letter to Trust Officer of
Indiana National Bank. Mr. Zinsmeister also presented letters from New & New
and Umbaugh & Associates setting out their fees when we request FeHeral and
State Aid. Mr. McFadden motioned that we accept these letters, Mr. Swift Seconded
and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Zinsmeister requested of Mr. Kern a legal
opinion as to status of future ownership of lift station should it be located in
Marion County. Mr. Kern advised Mr. Zinsmeister to check with Marion County
Sanitary Commission as to their opinion of any future problems and he also stated
that a Town representative would again talk with Mrs. Becket, owner of the land
involved. Mr. Zinsmeister discussed Mt. Carmel Sewer Interceptor situation with
the Board and Mr. McNamara,s complaint of sewer charges and request for relief on
these charges. Mr. Zinsmeister advised poor construction allows surface water to
enter sewer system and this was called to their attention at time of construction.
Mr. Hohl advised that for a period of time they also had an advantage of a faulty
meter. Board decided not to allow a reduced rate during the wet season.
Mr. Zinsmeister also mentioned to the Board that Mr. Dougherty's presentation
on the Carmel Utility System won First Prize in State competition and was now
to be entered in National competition.
CARMEL DEMOLAY:- A group of young men, members of the Carmel Demolay, presented
a Proclamation to Mr. Kern for his signature proclaiming the week of March 12,
as Demolay Week. Mr. McFadden motioned in favor of the Proclamation, Mr. Beach
seconded it and motion passed unanimously. Mr. Kern signed the Proclamation.
ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC 5 ZONING ORD.:- Mr. Kern read a proposed Ordinance amend-
ing Section 5 under the Zoning Ordinance. The Ordinance would conform with
Ordinances Z-14 and Z-59. Discussion relative to condominiums was held between
members of the Board and Mr. J. W. Arch jr., Exec. Vice President of Justice
Construction Co., basically on streets whether they should be private or public.
Mr. Arch briefly advised that condominiums would be 1900-2600 sq. ft., a new
way of living would include private streets on which they would Eoveaunant, agree
and bond themselves to maintain. After further discussion Mr. Kern asked for a
motion the Ordinance as written be submitted to Planning Commission for their
acceptance or alteration. No motion was made. Following further discussion,
Mr. Beach made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kern, that the Ordinance (un-numbered)
be submitted to Planning Commission for their approval or alteration. Mr. Kern,
Mr. Beach, and Mr. Swift voted Aye; Mr. McFadden Nay, and Mr. Hinshaw abstained.
NEW COOL CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER:- Mr. Fred Hohl and Mr. Joe Dawson appeared
before the Board with a paper setting out Mr. Dawson's request that the Board
Authorize the Town Engineers to proceed with design of an InteErceptor Sewer
extending approximately from Cool Creek Estates lOth section to State Road #234-
These engineering costs would be paid for byMr. Dawson per S-15 and S-16 and
if project completed per specLfications Mr. Dawson be guaranteed sufficient
sewer capacity to serve approximately 190 acres located North of State Road #234,
and on either side of Interceptor Sewer. Ground to be developed with single
family residences at ratio of 1.58 per acre.
Mr. Hinshaw remarked that it was his opinion differences in thinking as reflected
in Woting of the Board was a healthy situation. He used the term "a free-
-thinking Board" rather than a Board described as a ',Divided Board" as intimated
by certain press items, would more accurately describe this Board's actions.
Mr. Hinshaw made the motion, seconded by Mr. Kern that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion passed unanimously at about lO:15 p.m.
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