MARC~ 14, 1972
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. All members present except William
McFadden, who was ill.
The three (3) Police Com~aissioners appeared before the Board to discuss policy
and reach a better understanding of their duties.
Minutes were read and approved.
Claims were allowed in the amount of $182,589.55
SUB-DIVISION STREET LIGHTING - Mr. George O'Neil of Public Service Indiana came
before the Board regarding sub-division street lighting. He presented a list of
sub-divisions, discussed underground or overhead lighting and distance between
lam~s. Mr. O;N~eil and Board discussed various aspects of lighting and Board
was advised the annual cost per lamp per year would be $70.00 if no lump sum fee
was paid, or $52.40 if lump sum were paid. Mr. O~Neil was requested to compile
costs of lump sum fees on each sub-division and give to Clerk-Treasurer who will
then submit this information to both local papers for residents of the various
sub-divisions information.
NEW BANK BUILDING UNDERGROUND LIGHTS- Mr. O;Neil stated that Mr. Morris of Union
State Bank had requested approval of his planning to place 3 lights on the site
of the new bank building they are building on East side of Range Line Road at
corner of 1st Street N.E., and that the 2 overhead lights now in front of this
new building site be removed. Union State Bank would place these three (3)
lights on their property, which would offer more candlepower than the present
2 lights, and that Union State Bank would pay all costs including monthly
charges. Removal of the 2 present lights would give the town an annual savings
of $96.00. Mr. Beach made a motion the proposed lighting installation be as
capable as present lighting and Union State Bank pay all costs, that the Board
grant permission to install the three (3) light and Public Service Indiana re-
move the present two (2) lights at no cost to Town. Mr. Swift seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
DR MAX FREEMAN - Dr. Freeman came before the Board regarding the parcel of ground
in front of his building and wishes to gain title to this particular parcel
located on East side of 1st Ave. SW just North of 1st Street SW in front of his
office building. Dr. Freeman was asked to submit a survey and title search to
determine ownership. Dr. Freeman on another subject stated he had been part
owner of the property sold at last meeting to Dr. Laycock and requested proof
from Town that Town owned this property so that he may claim refund on taxes
paid in prior years. Clerk Treasurer to furnish copy of deed to Dr. Freeman
as proof of Town ownership. ~r. Freeman brought up anohher parcel of ground
located North of his present building on East side of 1st Avenue SW between
Main St. and 1st Avenue SW. He is to receive a survey report March 15, 1972,
to determine property line and Mr. Hohl was instructed to co~tact Dr. Freeman
to discuss this survey and determine position of alley and ownership of ground.
STOMEHEDGE SUB-DIVISION- Mr. Nyers of Thomas D. Wilson, Inc. appeared before
the Board regarding water lines to be installed in a proposed new sub-division,
Stonehedge, Northwest of Walters Plaza. Discussion included whether the water
line sizing be at property line or at a point on proposed sub-division ground
where oversizing was necessary. Mr. Kern made a motion to advise Planning
Commission that concerning Stonehedge sub-division the Town Board has not deter-
mined reimbursement or contract policy concerning water main sizing and there-
fore the approval of the Stonehedge plat should not be delayed for that reason.
Also that Stonehedge addition will receive the benefit of any reimbursement
poli~y ~rrived at by the Board I1 ~ I N l_ ^~ ~ _ ........... ~
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'-'-.'~ .... ~" ~ ' ~ ' Fred Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Kern made a motion an unnumbered ordinance be sent to the Planning Commiss-
ion that states every lot to be used for single family dwelling be platted, pro-
vided, however, this requirement may be waived at discretion of Building
Commissioner. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Fire Chief Swails asked for fire hydrant on 1st Avenue SW across from fire
station as it is badly needed to protect the area. Mr. Beach made a motion to
install this hydrant, Mr. Kern seconded and it passed by vote of 3 ayes and one
abstaining. Mr. Swift abstained.
CHANGE ORDER ~7~ NEW WATER CONSTRUCTION - Fred Hohl brought before the Board a
change order on 1971 New Water Construction to extend line West from 1st Avenue
SW to Second Avenue SW along south side of 3rd Street SW. It was discussed and
returned to Fred Hohl for refiguring on 8" line instead of 6" line.
Fred Hohl recommended release of Sub-Division Bond #98 da~ed 2/16/71 and accept-
ance of 3 year maintenance bond #85-22-275 listing Central Engineering &
Construction as principal and Fidelity &Deposit Co. as surety. Mr. Kern made
motion that bond be released and maintenance bond be accepted. Mr. Hinshaw
seconded and it passed unanimously.
Chief Swails requested opinion on getting a tape recorder for emergency line
phone calls in order to try to reduce false alarm calls and to repeat messages
not clearly received. Mr. Hinshaw made motion that Chief Swails procure this
recorder at a cost of $131.00, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
Chief Swails wanted clarification of policy relative to vacations and was re-
ferred to Ordinance B-14 which is same as previous year.
Fred Hohl was granted permission to spend $32.00 for a used file cabinet by
motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
Fred Hohl read two (2) quotations on Stop & Go light at ll6th Street &Westfield
Blvd. One bid was $2670.00 for Singer Traffic signal heads, which are not ac-
ceptable to State and the other bid from Municipal Electric Co. for $2860.00.
Mr. Kern moved the Town accept the Municipal Electric Co. bid, which is accept-
able to the State, Mr. Swift seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl read from a letter received from Umbaugh & Associates relative to
Summer sprinkling rates. It was their opinion to offer a 5 month reduced rate
for sprinkling would result in a 5.25% decrease in revenue for such a period.
This is to be reviewed at next meeting of the Board.
Mr. Dougherty asked the Board to decide pay status of Town employee, Ralph
Givens who received a broken leg at sewer plant while on duty and will not be
able to work for several months. Mr. Kern made motion that Town pay Mr.
Give n*s salary difference between workmsns compensation and his gross salary,
subject to continuing medical reports, Mr. Swift seconded and passed unanimously
Mr. Dougherty requested Board*s policy relative to training programs. Board
advised him to mention the classes as they occurred and each situation would be