MARCH 28, 1972
Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. All five (5) Board members present.
Mr. Maurice Stout, Darrell Bakken, and Bob Trivers representing the Indianapolis
Watee Co. appeared before the Board to gat an indication of the feelings of the
Town Board as to future planning and cooperation between their company and Town
of Carmel. Included in discussion were Mr.Fred Hohl, Town Enginaer,and Mr.
H~bert Zinsmeister, representative of Clyde Williams & Assoc. the Town's
consulting Engineers. Indianapolis Water Co. has a well station at 106th East
of Gray Road with 333,000 steel ground reservoir storage, a 20" Main reducing
to 16" westward on 106th Street with the Northmost extension to 1oSth Street
and Delaware or closely thereabouts. They stated they do not want to conflict
with Town of Carmel in any way. Also that they would be interested in buying
Carmel's water facilities, but would sell their water holdings to Town of
Carmel inclusive to Road 465. They agreed to furnish approximate figures to
be used if they sold the facilities to Town of Carmel.
Minutes were read and approved.
L2BRARY BUILDING:- Mr. Sam Purcell, Township Trustee, appeared befzre the
Board to discuss Town purchasing the Library Building at corner of E. Main St.
and 1st Avenue N.E. He advised that Township now pays $75.00 per month rental
for Justice of Peace office and with no objections to sale of the building to
Town, he would like Town to consider allocating space for the Justice of Peace
office on a rental basis he hoped would be less than $75.00. Mr. Beach made a
motion the Town of Carmel purchase the Library Building at a price of $17,500.O0
-cash and that arrangements be made to rent space to house the Justice of Peace
in this building. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden will talk with Mr. Moriis of Union State Bank in an effort to rent
parking spaces from the bank, which would be needed at time Town would locate
offices in this building.
Clerk-Treasurer reported on savings possibilities should Town work with the
Carmel-Clay schools in using their present facilities for dispensing gasoline.
Basmed on February usage and average cost per gallon, annual savings would be
approximately $3200.00. Town would pay costs of installing metering device
and this possible arrangement to be discussed further with Mr. Anderson, the
Carmel-Clay School Business Manager. Mr. McFadden made a motion, seconded by
Mr. Swift that we proceed with arrangements as discussed and it passed unani-
SUMMER SPRINKLING RATES:- Mr. Hohl related past arrangements by Town. In 1962
rate reduction was for 3 months, in 1965 for 5 months, in 1967 sewer rates
reduced for 3 months, and in 1971 no Summer rates were given until last two
months of period in which no sewer c~arge to exceed $15.00. Mr. Hohl recommend-
ed a reduced rate from May 25, to October 24, and after discussion Mr. Swift
made a motion that a Resolution be passed offering a reduced sewer charge for
Summer Sprinkling based on previous 6 month's average for the period of May 25
to September 24, 1972. Mr. Kern seconded the motion; it passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE B-16:- An ordinance requiring Peddlers, Solicitors, Canvassers, etc.
get a permit from Clerk-Treasurer. Mr. Beach made a motion this Ordinance be
put into effect, seconded by Mr. Kern and passed unanimously.
Ordinance B-17:- Truck Traffic Ordinance prohibiting trucks weighing in excees
of 5000 lbs to travel on 126th Street between Kinzer Street and Westfield Blvd.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion, seconded by Mr. Swift to put this ordinance into
effect. It passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE B-18:- Truck Traffice Ordinance prohibiting trucks weighing in excess
of 5000 lbs to travel on Green Street, Lakeshore Drive East, Lakeshore Drive
West, and Rolling Springs Drive from ll6th Street South to Keystone Woods
sub-division unless their immediate destination be in Woodland Springs or
Woodland Green sub-divisions. Mr. McFadden made a motion this Ordinance be
put into effect, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE Z-112:- Ordinance to repeal Ordinances Z-93 and Z-9~. After a dis-
cussion~ Mr. Beach motioned the Ordinance be accepted, Mr. Swift seconded and
it was passed h-1. Mr. McFadden voting Nay.
Mr. Herbert Zinsmeister, of Clyde Williams & Assoc. appeared before the Beard
regarding the Topics Program which is a Federal cooperative program funded
through the State on a basis of 50% State funds and 50% Local funds for the
purpose cf increasing capacity and safety of local streets. Mr. Zinsmeister
presented an Agreement and a Contract to be submitted to the State Highway
Department for their study and approval which makes no committment by the Town.
Cost of the study would be approximately $9200.00 at such a time as Agreement
and Contract be approved by the State Highway Dept. and Town authorized the
study by Clyde Williams & Assoc., with the understanding the monies wotuld not
be available for about one year. Mr. Kern made the motion that the Agreement
and Contract be submitted to State Highway Dept. for their approval. Mr.
McFadden seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Zinsmeister to make these
doctm~nts available to proper State department.
SALARY INCREASES:- Mr. Kern made motion that Mr. Hohl's salary be increase d
$500.00 annually and Mr. Dougherty's salary be increased $?50.00 annually~
effective April l, 1972. Mr. Swift seconded it and passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift made a motion that large tree mentioned in previous meetings that
stands batween street and Christian Church on N. Range Line Road be observed
in about 6 weeks to determine if it be 1/2 dead or more, and if it be more
than 1/2 dead it be cut down. Mr. Kern seconded and it passed 3-1, with Mr.
Hinshaw voting Nay. Mr. McFadden had left meeting after seconding the motion
to present Agreement and Contract to State Highway Department.
Mr. Kern read Clyde Williams & Assoc. letter relative to their being approached
to design wate~r mains and sewers for Gradle's development and whether or not
the Town would consider it a conflict of interest if they were to accept the
job. The Board advised Mr. Zinsmeister in their opinion there would bea no
conflict, or objections.
Nr. Ken Thompson requested Board not consider annexation of Woodland Greens at
this time due to his electrical service commitments. Upon getting agreement
from Mr. Thompson that he would execute the necessary papers to be signed by
his future home buyers that there would be no remonstrance to annexation of
Woodland Greens when it was further developed, he was advised annexation wotuld
be delayed.
Mr. Thompson also asked for disposition of question relative to putting in
storm sewers and curbs on Haverstick Road from ll6th Street South to Woodland
Greens. This would cost approximately $27000.00 and Board will take this under
advisement and study.
Mr. Kern made a motion that no more sub-divisions be approved unless the sub-
-divider put in roads bordering their respective sub-divisions in addition to
roads within the sub-division, provided that the Town Board may waive this
stipulation at their discretion. Mr. Swift seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Thompson also discussed various problems of sub-divisions relative to tax
revenue comparing houses on i acre tracts and apartments. He agreed to submit
information to tax authorities for proof figures as to tax revenues.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL-l~6th & Westfield Blvd.:- Mr. Hohl advised that this traffic
signal at ll6th St. &Westfield Blvd. was put into operation as authorized by
the Town Board of Trustees at 2:35 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 1972.
HIRING OF A METER READER:- Fred Swift made a motion that Mr. Hohl hire a meter
reader at an annual salary of $6500.00 to replace Steve Frampton who resigned.
Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift discussed procedures and practices of the Fire Department, especially
the Chief's stipulation that the Firemen live in Carmel whilelthe State Statu~e
requires they live within 15 miles. Nothing resolved after discussion.
lOFT CORNER 1ST St. SW & 1ST AVE SW:- Mr. Beach made a motion Town buy back 10
feet of the property located at corner of 1st St. SW and 1st Ave SW recently
sold to Dr. Laycock at a proportionate share of selling price for the reasons
given by Mr. Hohl and Fire Chief Swails that the l0 feet from edge of read is
necessary for future needs. Mr. Kern seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr.
Hohl to talk with Dr. Laycock to complete this acquisition.
Mr. Hohl brought up subject of Charles Walters sewer installation being improp-
erly installed but by permission of a previous Board and that it causes problems
in rainy weather. To correct the situation either the existing sewer will need
be repaired or all sewage diverted to Mt. Carmel Intarceptor. We have directed
Mr. Walters to direct his most recent addition to Mt. Carmel Intexrceptor be-
cause of above problem. Inasmuch as Charles Walters installed an Interceptor
S~wer to his property at his own cost and without any reimbursement from the
Town, he should be exempt from payment of availability cost or any reimburse-
ment to Mt. Carmel Interceptor. All this being in accordace with Ordinance S-16
Mr. Kern made a motion that Mr. Hohl's recommendations be acc epted, Mr. Beach
seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl reported .that 75 tons of blacktopping was put down on Mohawk Road.
Inasmuch as Avco Construction Co. is not pouring hot mix this week, additional
repairs will be delayed until hot mix is again available.
Mr. Kern made a motion the meeting be adjourned, Mr. Hinshaw seconded it, and
it passed unanimously.
Owen S. Kern~ President
C~er~-Treasurer ~/