MAY 23, 1972
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Mr. Swift. All members were
present except Mr. Owen S. Kern, who was on vacation.
The minutes of March 9, 1972 were read by Marjorie Norris, secretary, and
stood approved as read.
BIDS 8" SEWER FROM WALTERS PLAZA TO NORTH PLANT: Bids were received and opened
by Fred Hohl for cleaning, inspecting and grouting sewer joint. Bids were
submitted by five companies: Underground View Cure, National Power Rodding,
AAA Pipe Cleaning, Seastrom and Underground Ecology. Fred Hohl is to review
figures and make a recommendation on the motion of Phil Ninshaw, seconded by
William McFadden and unanimous vote of the Board. Hohl's recommendations
are to be presented at the June 13 meeting of the Board.
CENTRAL ENGINEERING: Fred Ho~l presented a claim to be signed and allowed
for the Central Engineering and Construction Company.
LOCAL STREET AND ROAD FUND: Mr. Swift read a memo from Clerk-Treasurer
Schmeltekop regarding LS&R funds. A motion was made by Board Member McFadden,
seconded by Mr. Hinshaw, and by a unanimous decision a resolution was passed
to transfer the $11,000.00 from the Local Road and Street Fund to MVH funds.
This is 75% of the total paid out of MVH for Road 23h Improvement project.
This project was paid 100% from MVH, and the Board is now reimbursing.
MIKE EXCHANGES: A claim was presented from Ron Smalley and Associates for
exchange of two speakers, two mike extentions and a floor mike stand. A
motion was made by Phil Hinshaw, seconded by Bill McFadden and upon the
unanimous vote of the members this claim was allowed. These speakers were
purchased for the use of the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals
and were found to he inadequate.
Indianapolis Water Company by Mr. Swift. This letter was proposing a meeting
with M. C. Stout and other engineers of the Indianapolis Water Company as
soon as Carmel has accm~lated book price data on ali of the Carmel Water
Utility Plant. Mr. Rohl was instructed to determine this book value.
REIMBURSEMENT FOR WATER MAINS: A letter was read by Mr. McFadden from Clyde
E. Williams and Associates referring to the manner of reimbursement for
water mains. A motion was made by Mr. Hinshaw, seconded by Mr. Beach and
it was the unanimous cedision to make copies of this proposal by Clyde Williams
and Associates to go to the Board Members and Utility Managers for perusal
and let this be brought up at the next Board Meeting for discussion.
Roy Davis and County Highway Engineer Jim Neff, as well as Jim Overton and
Donald Cameron, who are with the Federal Highway Administration, spoke on
the town's thorofare plan. Mr. Davis feels developers should be financially
May 23, 1972
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involved in upgrading the town streets and roads. Mr. Neff concurrs ......
cost should be proportionate per linea~foot frontage for developers, thus trans-
ferring the cost of the road back into lot sales. Builder can contribute to
drainage and grading without a big dollar outlay.
Jim Overton spoke of the Topics Program: the gap between the Marion County
Topics studies and Carmel Town limits studies. However, no business took
place in regard to these discussions. The concensus of opinion was to annex
to the center of the roads and continue with cooperation on repairs with the
CITY TRUCKS: Jim Dougherty appeared before the Board stating that the Sewer
plant and crews badly need trucks. At this point there are five men on the
crew with one truck to share. Prices were submitted from Dan Young Chevrolet,
W. Hare and Son and Gene Bruce Ford. On a motion made by Bill McFadden, seconded
by Phil Hinshaw, 3 ayes and one abstaining, it was agreed to purchase two trucks
from Dan Young Chevrolet for $2,387.12 per truck. These trucks are for use
by the utilities, one being paid for by Water Company and one by Sewer Utility.
STREET SIGNS: Fred Hohl spoke regarding street signs. He quoted prices from
the state for $1.70 for two faces of embossed enamel and $16.40 from Scotch
Lite for two signs and brackets. He is to check the state prices again. Black
on white is to be recommended for future street signs to standardize.
JOSEPH MOFFITT WATER ~IN ~OAD 234: Mr. Moffitt wants $1000 for easement
rather than the offered $1. Phil Hinshaw has agreed to negotiate with Mr.
discussion about the need for these ights. Fred Hohl was instructed to get
prices from Pbulic Service.
TRACK WEEK: On a motion by Bill McFadden, seconded by Stan Beach it was
resolved unanimously that "The week of June 18-25, 1972 is hereby declared
Track Week in Carmel, Indiana."
POLICE PARKING LOT: Mr. McFadden proposed for the town to go ahead and finish
the community project by furnishing drainage and black topping the police
parking lot. The motion was made by Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr. Swift for
this to be done with the cost not to exceed $4,0OO.OO. Ayes: Swift and McFadden,
Nayes: Beach and Hinshaw. The motion was then reworded: Drain the lot
sufficiently and put minimum amount of stone to take care of the existing
problem. Motion made by Stan Beach, seconded by Phil Hinshaw and the approval
was unanimous.
CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR WELL PUMP #6: A letter was received from Clyde Williams
and Associates asking that this change order #2 for well pump #6 be signed
by the Board and returned to Clyde E. Williams. This was done.
-- MINUTES Meeting May 23, 1972
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CLYDE E. WILLIAMS JR.: On a motion made by Phil Hinshaw and seconded by
Bill McFadden withunanimous approval a letter is to be written to the
Clyde E. Williams Company offering the town's condolences upon the death
On a motion made by Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr. Beach, the approval was
unanimous to adjourn the meeting at ll:30 pm.
Fred 'Swift, Vice Pres'~n
Board of Trustees, Town of Carmel
Marjor<K. Norris~ Secretary to Clerk-Treas.