JUNE 27, 1972
Meeting called to order by Mr. Kern at 7:0~ p.m. Ail Board members present
except Mr. McFadden who arrived at approximately 7:~ p.m.
The reading of the minutes was waived.
Indiana Heartland Development Commission meeting and their opinion is that Carmel
must joiu the organization in order to be eligible for Federal aid. Mr. Kern
stated it is his opinion all planning that takes place in the 8 County area
will be done by this Com~tission and Carmel must reach a decision to join within
the next 30 to 90 days.
INTERSECTION MAIN STREET &RANGE LINE ROAD:- Mr. Robert Fearrin, representing
the Carmel Chamber of Commerce talked withtthe Board relative to this inter-
section. He presenthd copies of a print showing ~ points of change suggested
to alleviate the traffic problem at this intersection. Mr. Hinshaw made a
motion a copy of the print be given our Town Emgineer, Mr. Hohl, to study and
obtain estimates of costs; also to contact the State to learn their thoughts
on the proposed alterations and if they would be willing to share in a part of
the costs. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
TRANSFER OF FUNDS:- Clerk-Treasurer requested permission to transfer funds as
follows: - From the MVH account #1-12, Salary of Employees, to MVH account
#~-~l, Insurance, the sum of $290.37. Also to transfer within the General
Fund an amount of $27%.00 from account #2-23, Instruction, to account #21~,
Telephone - $?~.OO, to account #26~, Xerox Copier, $1OO.O0, and to account
#662, OASI, $100.O0. Permission also given Clerk-Treasurer to transfe~
$~,000.00 from Sewer Interceptor Expansion Fund to Carmel Waste Water
Treatment Plant fund. This is to be a temporary loan to be repaid in July 1972.
AUMAN DRIVE: - A group of residents from Auman Drive East appeared at Board
meeting to discuss their problem of heavy trucks using their street due to
Mohawk Hills opening an entrance onto Auman Drive. M~. Hohl advised that Mr.
Bodner was attempting to get permission to gain access to his property from
C~rmel Drive to the South of his property. Mr. Bodner had advised there would
be no more trucks on Amman Drive and Board assured these people there would be
an Ordinance passed if these trucks became a problem again. These residents
also asked when they might expect street repairs and widening of the streets
and were advised that the Board is aware of their street problems, that the
problems had been discussed, and as soon as money becomes availabl~there will
be work performed on these streets.
McCullough & Associates: - Mr. McCullough of McCullough & Associates, an
accounting firm was introduced to the Board. Various phases and problems of
accounting were discussed. Mr. McCullough advised a preliminary study should
be made at a maximum cost of $1~00.00 and at conclusion of such a study he
would report to Board with his observations and would then be better able to
estimate time necessary to periodically check records. Mr. Beach made a motion
the preliminary study be made by McCullough & Associates at a cost not to ex-
ceed $1~OO.O0. Motion seconded by ¥~. Swift and passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift made a motion the change orders at Waste Water Treatment Plant in the
net amount of $2~6.00, as recommended by Mr. Herbert Zinsmeister, be approved.
Mr. Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Swift also made a
motion that the change orders at the new Water Plant on 126th Street in the
net added amount of $6271.00, as recommended by Mr. Zinsmeister, be approved.
Mr. McFadden seconded this motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Zinsmeister reviewed with the Board Hernly Brothers stipulations for the
Town to begin using the 126th Street new Water Plant prior to final inspection.
Clerk-Treasurer was advised to notify insurance agent to include bu~_lding and
contents in blanket policy coverage July 1, 1972.
Mr. Zinsmeister in discussing new sewer plant and location of pump station for
Ansin service advised if lift station were put on West Side of river, plant will
not qualify for Federal funds as new constr~ction, but will qualify on a re-
imburseable basis. Also discussed were Federal and State funds and listing of
cities and towns as received from State showing their requests and order of
priority. S
CONTRACTS FOR TOPICS STUDY:- Mr. Zinsmeister presented copies of contract be-
tween State of Indiana and Town of Carmel and contract between Clyde E. Williams
& Associates and Town of Carmel~ this totaling $9000.00, of which the Town pays
one-half. Mr. Swift moved an agreement be signed with the State of Indiana and
another with Clyde E. Williams & Associates to proceed with the Topics study of
roads at above mentioned cost. Mr. McFadden seconded, and it passed unanimously.
Aerial photos of area discussed but decision whether to purchase these photos
was deferred to a later date.
HAVERSTICK ROAD STUDY:- Mr. Zinsmeister advised authorization had been granted
his company to make a study of the Haverstick Road project at a cost of $3000.00.
Their man made this study, but by misunderstanding did the complete job. The
cost of the complete job is $6500.00. Mr. Kern made a motion that inasmuch as
the balance of the work would have been done anyway, that the Clyde E. Williams
& Associates company be paid the $6500.00. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion.
During discussion Mr. McFadden suggested the difference of $3500.00 be split.
Motion as stated was passed with 3 Ayes, i Abstaiming (Mr. Swift) and I Nay,
(Mr. McFadden).
Board talked with Mr. Zinsmeistar regarding Sewer Project in Southern part of
Township, questioning him as to sizes and the number of users in relation to
the various sizes. Also Mr. Zinsmeister advised Board their preliminary studies
only included West to Williams Creek. Mr. Zinsmeister believes he will have the
Master Sewer Plan compleated for July ll Board meeting.
AVCO SLUDGE REMOVAL BID: - Mr. James Dougherty advised the Board the Avco
Construction Co. bid in the amount of $362~.O0 on removal of 1260 sq. yards
of sludge from I of the lagoons and hauled to ground owned by American
Aggregates per agreement. This is only bid asked for as Avco Construction Co.
has equipment on site and this is equipment necessary for the job and would be
costly to move to job by another bidder. Aforementioned price is~a maximum
price and if job is completed at a lower price, Town will be so billed. Mr.
Swift moved Avco Construction be authorized to remove this sludge at the m~xi-
mum price of $362~.O0. Mr. McFadden seconded the motion and passed unanimously.
SHRUBS FOR NEW WATER PLANT: - Mr. Dougherty showed Board print of location of
shrubs to be purchased from Floyd Bass Nursery Co. and to be set out by Town
empl~dyees. Plants guaranteed for I year. Board agreed to arrangement.
2 pTCg-UP TRUCKS: - Mr. Dougherty advised the 2 pick-up trucks he previously
had been authorized to purchase co~d not be obtained as plant was closed down
to convert to 1973 models. Dan Young Chevrolet Co. will furnish 2 - 1973 trucks
as soon as available at a cost not to exceed h% above bid price, or approximately
$100.00 per truck. Boa~d aS~r~e~ h~m to get the 1973 trucks.
HOUSE NUMBERS ON CURBS: - Mr. Swift advised by James Smith Jr. and Bill McDaniel
that. their survey indicated 75% of those contacted agreed to have these house
numbers put on their curbs. ~. Swift made a motion these two young men be
given permission to stencil house numbers on curbs of those giving permission
and that they make known they are not Town employees and the Town will not be
liable. Mr. McFadden seconded, motion passed ~ to 1, with Mr. Kern voting Nay.
WILFONG BONDS: - Mr. Hohl advised bonding company will renew Mr. Wilfong*s
bonds. He also advised Mr. Wilfong has started the requested repairs. Mr.
Wilfong has a Storm Drainage Sewer Master Plan of Keystone Square and by motion
of Fm. Beach, Mr. Hob_l was instructed to secure this plan. Mr. McFadden
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
SLURRY SEAL: - Mr. Hob_l advised Slurry Seal job was just completed on Carmel
Elementary School driveway and he would advise Town do some Slurry Seal work on
a street as an experiment to determine its value as a preventive application to
extend life of streets. After discussing this product and three possible sites,
it was upon a motion by Mr. McFadden Town give North Central Sealing Co. auth-
ority to ~p.~S~ Seal on Range Line Road from ll6th Street to 126th Street
at 27~ a Mr. Swift seconded, and motion passed h to 1, with Mr.
Kern abstaining.
release of Bonds on Asphalt Paving & Stone Base in these two subdivisions.
Mr. Swift made ~ motion, seconded by Mr. McFadden to release bonds on Asphalt
Paving & Stone Base in Eden Forest and Woodland Green upon Mr. Hohl's final
approval and to accept maintenance bonds. Mr. McFadden seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously.
DR]J~LING MACHINE: - Mr. McFadden made a motdon Mr. Hohl be authorized to pur-
chase a drilling machine at a cost of $265.00. Mr. Beach seconded and it was
passed unanimously.
2nd Street S.E. and let Ave. N.W. from ~th Street to 8th Street: - Mr. Hohl
is near completion of profiles for work on these two streets and it was sug-
gested that the people involved on these two streets be notified of the pro-
posed work so they may be knowledgeable and be able to offer their opinions.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion the people involved on these two streets be notified
date this work will be sidcussed at Town Board Meeting. This motion seconded
by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously.
PLAN COMMISSION DOCKET 9-72Z: - (96th St. Tennis Courts) - Mr. Coplen requested
Board of Trustees vote this denial in accord with Planning Commission denial,
and this was accomplished by motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. Kern and
passed unanimously.
the Board copies of Job Descriptions and range of salaries for each classifdca-
tion to be used as guidelines for future. He also requested increases of
present salaries as follows:
Building Commissioner & Senior Planner (Larry Coplen) from $11,500.00 to $12,400~00
Assistant Planner (Gary Holt) from $8,000.00 to $8,500.00
Building Inspector (Tom Molloy) from $8,500.00 to $9,100.00
Secretary (Phyllis Jessup) from $4939.92 to $5400.00
Mr. Beach made a motion that the four present employees be granted the in-
creases set out above beginning July l, 1972. Mr. Swift seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
Mr,.Swift made a motion Street Department remove signs or other obstructions
on right of way. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Mr. Swift withdrew his motion
as it was decided during discussion to draw up an Ordinance to cover this subject
and other sign matters.
Upon motion of Mm. McFadden, seconded by Mr. Kern, M~. Beach is to notify the
Chief of Police, Mr. Beard, to have the party responsible for debris in alley
behind the old Carmel Screw Co. building ( 1/2 block north of Main Strem$ and
West of 1st Ave. N.W.) to remove same in order to make this alley accessable.
Motion passed unanimously.
Upon motion of ~. Kern, seconded by ~. Swift meeting was adjourned at
11:55 p.m.
~*en~-S. Kern, President