HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1972 (07-25)M17~UTES Om BOk~D OF TRUSTEES MEETIY[G
JULY 25, 1972
Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. All present except Philip Hinshaw who
arrived at 7:25 p.m.
Reading of the minutes was waived.
~arry Coplen, Building Commissioner, advised Board that McClain-Mathews
Realtors offered to print free of charge 54 copies of Master Plan Books.
Mr. Mern made a motion this company be permitted to print these books and
be permitted to put their name on the books in the form of a small stamp.
Also should any other realtor make a like offer~ permission be given on
same basis. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Coplen presented outline of a proposed ordinance stating that after
final plat approval or soecial exception approval for a sub-division or
garden apartment~ construction must beKin within 18 months of such approval,
other~ise the approval could be withdrawn. Mr. McFadden made a motion,
seconded by Mr. Swift that such an ordinance be written in proper form and
presented at next meeting for passage. It was passed unanimously.
Mr. Coplen presented information for an ordinance adjusting fees schedule
in detail. Mr. Swift motioned, seconded by Mr. McFadden, that this schedule
be properly written as an ordinance and presented at next meeting of the
Moard. It was passed unanimously.
POAD P~flIECTS.'- Wred Hohl, Town En~.~ineer, and Board discussed road projects.
Wr. ~ern reviewed past work discussed and advised that Mr. Hohl had been
directed to only blacktop l?6th Street between ~eystone and Range Line Road
at an approximate cost of ~10,O00.00, First Avenue N.W. between hth and 8th
Streets at an aporoximate cost of SlO~000.00, also to study corner of Main
and Range Line Road to determine how many parking spaces would need to be
eliminated to double line both streets in order to relieve conjestion
caused by left turn traffic. Mr. Hohl reported that afber revising planned
work to be done on Haverstick Road and eliminating certain phases of work
originally planned the approximate cost would be ~81,O00.00. This work
w~ld begin at ll6th Street and proceed South approximately 1/2 mile. Ken
Thompson a~reed to pay 210~0OO.00 of this cost and in conversing with Mr.
~,!ilfonff, Mr. Hohl is of opinion that Mr. Wilfong will agree to perform cer-
tain work to further reduce cost of this road construction.
with advertised public hearinK notice, Board announced to those present that
public hearing on transferring ~?~968.O0 from MVH General Fund to Services
Contractual in ~H fund for the purpose of rebuilding Haverstick Road and
other roads discussed was now to be the order of business. There was no one
present to voice an opinion on this transfer. On the motion of Mr. Swift~
seconded by Mr. McFadden transfer was authorized by unanimous vote.
SECO.~rD STRF?.T S.E.- Mr. Steckley apoeared before the Board regarding 2nd
Street S.E. between Range Line Road and first alley East. He advised he had
not been notified of this subject cominK before the Board in the previous
meeting. After a discussion between Board, Mr. Steckley, Mr. Montoya, Mrs.
Young and ~r. Wohl, Mr. Fern ma~e a motion that a public hearing be held at
Town Buildin~ in next Board meetin~ at 8:00 p.m. Aupj~st 8, and that each
side be given 10 minutes to present their views and that all interested
parties be notified by mail except Mr. Steckley, Mr. Montoya, and Mrs. Yottng
who were present when this motion was made. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
T~ANS~? OW P!AN~UIN~ C@~MISSIO~ ~OS WIT~ T~ B~ :- Upon the motion of
Mr. McVadden~ seconded by ~r. Swift f~ds were tr~sfer~d as foll~s:
rn~s~[r fr~ a/c ~2-21B Tra~l~g E~ens[ - $hgO.OO,.a/c ~-~22 0~- $~0.~,
a/c ~B ~2B Tires ~ ~bes - t~O. O0~ a/c ~2 2B Instruction - ~!~.~, ~d a/c
~2-2hl Pr~t~g other th~ Office Supplies - ~2OO. O0; a total of ~8~0.O0.
These monies to be tra~fe~d to a/c ~-212 Posta~ - ~2h. O0, a/c ~2-26~
Yero~ Copier - ~.00, a/c ~S-B21 Gasoline - 2~1~.00, ~d a/c ~-~7 ~her
Sullies - 214.~; a total of ~8~0.00. This was passed ~imouslv.
TR~ANS~R OF PmLICE MINDS WITHi~ TY~E BUDC~ET :- Upon motion of Mr. McFadden
and seconded by Mr. Swift f~mds were transferred as follows:
~Transfer from a/c #~-~9 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Insurance - $1200.0% and
a/c 6-62 Social Security - ~900.00; a total of $2100.00. These monies to
be transfer2ed to a/c #2-21h Telephone - Sh~O.O0, a/c #~-221 Electric -
- ~450.00, a/c #2-252 Repairs of Equipment.- ~500.00, a/c #3-322 0il -
- ~200.00, a/c.#3-324 Garage & Motor Supplmes - ~50.00, a/c #3-37 Other
Supplies - ~200.00, and 7-723 Clothing Allowance - $250.00; a total of
~2100.00. This authorization was passed unanimously.
LOA¥ TO CAP~L-CI~AY WASTE WATER TREATME~IT F~D :- Clerk-Treasurer requested
authority to transfer ~h~OO0.OO from Sewer Intercepter Fund to Carmel-Clay
~aste Water Treatment F~md. This loan to be repaid in h~-60 days upon re-
ceipt of Federal money already applied for. By motion of Mr. Kern and Mr.
Beach's second granting permission was passed unanimously.
that Carmel .join this organization and,Mr. McFadden seconded the motion.
During discussion Mr. Swift gave his opinion that there was a fee of $1000.00
to join. The motion was voted 2 Ayes and 2 Nays with Mr. Swift abstaining.
Ave votes were by Mr. ~ern and Mr. McFadden. In further discussion Mr. Swift
m~ggested that 3 communities nearby, be contacted with the thought of all
joinin~ as a unit to reduce cost. Mr. ~ern made a motion that Mr. Swift
contact 3 communities for this nurpose; seconded by Mr. McFadden and passed
3 to 2. Mr. ~each and Mr. ~{inshaw votin~
w~RCHASE OW POLICE STATIO~J ON CONTRACT~- Mr. Kern advised that Mr. Swift had
contacted attorney of owner of the Police Station and he was of the opinion
the building and adjoining lot to the North of building now occupied by the
Police Department could be purchased on contract at a price of ~35,OO0.00,
with ~10,OO0.OO down and balance payable at 2250.00 per month. Mr. Fern
made a motion the Town btm this building and lot if above terms could be
agreed upon and it passed unau~J~ously.
Mr. Mern read a letter from Milton Fimeberg to the Board that they are with-
drawing their application for FHA 236 subsidized housing development which
had been planned North of Carmel.
Mr. ~ern advised that a letter from Ice, Miller, Donadio & Ryan, a legs2
company, advised that Crown Poiut, Indiana charges a fee of ~500.00 for
sewer hook-up. Their basis for this charge being that people living there
have an equity and new hook-ups should pay this larger charge. ~lerk-
-Treasurer instructed to talk to McCt~llough & Associates, Town's new account-
ants, relative to feasibility of such a study for Carmel.
Mr. Fern read a letter from the Carmel DeMolay requesting permission to ob-
tain additional barrels for trash disposal, to paint them and place them in
various locations in the commmnity. Mr. Beach made a motion permission be
Eranted and that the Town choose the color of paint and to take care of havirg~
these barrels emptied periodically. Mr. Kern seconded and it passed unan-
Wt. Ralph Chapman' s letter of 7/19/72 read in which he proposed extending
sewer to his property on John Street at his cost and to insert Ys on the
line for future tapins. Fees for tap ins to be collected by him as reim-
bursement. ~r. Mcfadden made a motion~ seconded by Mr. Swift to grant this
permission if Mr. Chapman will a~ree to Mive a ~ year Maintanance Bond and
will dedicate the se~ers to town upon completion. It was Passed unanimously.
Authority given Mr. Nohl to release the following bonds
United Pacific Ins. ~,o. Performance Bond #B-556372
American States Ins. Co. " "# -
dated 5/20/69
United Pacific Ins. Co. " " #B-556370
,, ,, ,, ,, " " #B-556368
,, , ,, " " " #B-556369
,, , " " " " #B55-6371
on Eden Forest :,
~25,000.00~ ?zo-? ~ - '
10~000.00 ~ .'z.Yz ~-- - ~
13,140.00 ~¢.~F,~ ~
50,684.~ ~
15,0~.OO~ ~f~
Also authority to release folt~*ing bonds on Woodlands,
F~del~t,~ Deposit Co. of Md " 58-91-497
" " " " " 58-91-590
Sect. 1:
75, 0OO.00
56,200.00 ~ ~?~ ~
A~so authority to release follow~ bonds on WilSon Village, 9th Sect.
American States Ins. Co " "dated 7/21/70 750.00
PE~ISIOM VOR Tf~M E~gPIDYEF£ :- Pension fund to serve Town Employees other than
Policemenband Firemen discussed. Board advised ~,lerk-Treasurer to proceed
with zettinE an actua~; report at a cost of approximately $42.00 to deter-
mine cost to Town.
I%Te~EASE AVAIIAUILI~Y ~E:- Mr. Yern made a motion that the Availability
fee be increased from ~3~0.00 to ~400.00 per Ordinance S15 or blank amount
per 1000 feet. Seconded htr I'~r. neach and passed ~a~imously.
A~DIT/~AA I~/A~P I~LL:- '~r. Dou~he~y, Utilities Mana~er~ advised Board
l~6th Street new water plant is ~mnin~ at f~l capacity and should one (1)
well malfunction, the Tm~er would fall in its capacity 25% at peak hours.
This would affect f~re ratin~ and he proposes that another well be aJded to
alleviate this situation. Another we~.l would cost approximately gl6,~O.O0
~ his estimate and he req~ested that Clyde Williams & Assoc. make a su~y
at a cost that shouldn't exceed gSO.O0. Mr. re~ made a motion, seconded by
X~r. Beach, that this sm~y be made ~d a repo~ be made to the Board. It
passed ~animously.
~r.~McFadden ~otfoned, seconded ~ Mr. Beach t~u~ meeting, and it was
pasoed ~ animo~. . ~' ~