AUGUST 22, 1972
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. All Board members were present.
Unanimous approval given by Board to transfer from Account #1-112, Salary
of Mayor or Manager, $1500.O0 to account #2-242, Publication of Legal
Notices, $1200.00, account #2-212, Postage, $15.00, account #2-265 Xerox
Copier, $100.00, account #2-214, Telephone, $100.00, and account #3-362,
Stationery & Printing, $85.00. These are General Fund transfers.
Claims were approved and signed in the amount of $487.84.
Street Numbers were discussed as to use of Carmel and Indianapolis numbers.
NLr. Swift moved that in the new addition to Cool Creek, North of Main Street
and East of Keystone, the numbers be Carmel numbers, and that Mohawk Road he
named Mohawk Road and not 126th Street or 7th Street S.E. Also that specific
problem~ relating to new numbering be brought to the Board hereafter. Mr.
McFadden seconded the motion and it passed 3 Ayes to 2 Nays. Mr. Hinshaw and
Mr. Kern voted Nay. Clerk-Treasm~er is to advise Postmaster.
McCullough report mentioned and meeting with Mr. McCullough of McCullough &
Associates to be arranged to discuss this report.
Three property owners from Eden Forest came before the Board regarding the
annexation of their area. Their questions were answered and a short dis-
cussion was held.
ORDINANCE D-41 - This ordinance was read by Mr. Kern and allows any resi-
dent ha~lng at least 3 acres of ground to keep horses, cows, swine, sheep,
chickens, goats, and ducks on the premises. This Ordinanc~ D-41 was passed
unanimouslyupon the motion of Mr. Swift and the second of Mr. McFadden.
ORDINANCE Z-l18 - This Ordinance amends Zoning Ordinance Z-12 to adjust
the rates on fees and charges for building permits. It was discussed and
upon motion of Mr. McFadden seconded by Mr. Swift it passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE Z-119 - This Ordinance amends zoning Ordinance to determine that
sfter final plat approval or special exception approval construction must
begin within 18 months or the approval may then be denied. Ordinance Z-119
was passed unanimously upon the motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr.B~ach.
Mr. McFadden left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to fulfill another committment.
RESOLUTION #82272-6 - (Docket 13-72Z) The Plan Commission sent Resolution to
Town Board with recommendation that the petition of National Homes be denied.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion that Board follow Plan Commission's recommendation
and deny this petition for change of zoning. Mr. Beach seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Kern reported he has talked with various people regarding Carmel joining
the Central Indiana Heartland Development Association and did contact a
person who is sending a contract to Town Board for signing.
Mr. Herbert Zinsmeister advised the Board a resolution was to be forwarded
to the State office indicating that hereafter an equitable industrial waste
cost recovery rate stracture will become a part of the Town' s sewer rates
and charges. Original and three cop~ies to be sent to Clyde Williams &
Associates for ~orwarding.
Mr. Zinsmeister also advised he is attempting to secure $25,000.00 addition=
al from Federal Grant on 96th Street Waste Water Plant.
Mr. Zinsmeister suggested a bid date he set for receiving bids for Ansin
Property Interceptor into the 96th Street Plant. Board instructed Mr.
Zinsmeister to prepare advertisement and forward to us for publication.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised Board that on September 26, he would present a new
Sewer Ordinance to the Board.
Septemberr9, was the date set for meeting with Mr. Zinsmeister and Mr.
McCullough to review water and Sewer Ordinances and Mr. Zinsmeister will
have revised Master Plan for West of Meridian Street area.
Mr. Zinsmeister was authorized to gather information on another well.
Clerk-Treasurer to send a letter to C~yde Williams & Associates to proceed
with the Topics application.
MAIN&RANGELINE ROAD - Fred Hohl advised the Board the State Highway
Commission is to send their proposals for rearranging this intersection to
esZablish left turn lanes. They propose to take care of the East and West
Main St. portion and the Town to do the North and South Rangeline portion.
HAVERSTICK ROAD - Mr. Wilfong has verbally agreed to handle the grading
and earthmoving for the approximate 1/2 mile of rebuilding and between him-
self and Mr. Ken Thompson they will install storm sewers and curbing.
RESOLUTION 82272-1 - Upon recommendation of Mr. Hohl, Mr. Swift made a
motion, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw to release bonds on Water Mains & Hydrants
in Brookshire Section 3 and it passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 82272-3 - Upon recommendation of Mr. Hohl, Mr. Beach made a
motion, seconded by Mr. Swift to release bonds on Streets, Curbs, Gutters,
Sanitary Sewers, Water Mains & Hydrants in Cool Creek Estates, Section 8,
and it passed unanimously.
RESOLUTIONS 82272-4 & -5 - Upon recommendation of Mr. Hohl, Mr. Beach made
a motion, seconded by Mr. Swift to release bonds on Sidewalks in Cool Creek
Estates Section 5 (Resol. #82272-5) and to release bonds on Streets, Curbs,
Gutters, Sanitary Sewers, Sidewalks, Water Mains & Hydrants in Cool Creek
Estates Section 7 (Resol. 82272-4) and it passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 82272-2 - Upon recommendation of Mr. Hohl, Mr. Beach made a
motion, seconded by Mr. S~ift to release the following bonds:
Sidewalks Brookshire Sec. IA Resol. #82272-2
Curbs, Sanitary & Storm Sewers " " 3 ~ #82272-2A
" " " " " ', IA " #82272-2B
" " "" " " " 2 " #82272-2C
Mr. Hohl showed to the Board an inventory of Town streets showing width and
condition of burbs and streets. He retained this list for a guideline to
future repair work.
LIBRARY BUILDING - Mr. Kern advised that the Abstract of Title is all right.
Mr. Swift made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beach to purchase the Library
Building from the Carmel Public Library Board of Hamilton County Indiana.
The building is located on Northwest corner of East Main Street and First
Avenue N.E. and purchase price to be $17,500.00. It passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift made another motion to spend up to $5,000.00 on renovation of
this building and that Mr. Hohl get an architect of his choice to draw up
the alterations and additions. Mr. Hohl to approve the drawings and the
Clerk-Treasurer to make payment upon completion of the work. Mr. Kern
seconded the n~otion and it passed unanimously.
The recently passed annexation ordinances were discussed and a decision was
made to reset the Eastern line of Section 19, West of Keystone Avenue to
eliminate the ~nkleacher tract. New Legal description to be drawn up and
presented to t~e Board.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. upon the motion of Mr. Beach, seconded
by Mr. Kern, and passedunanimously.
Owen S. Kern
President of Carmel Town Board
J ×Neil B. Schmel%~kop