OCTOBER 24, 1972
Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. All members present except Mr. McFadden.
Minutes of previous meeting were read.
Board Members given copy of monthly financial statement and depository
statement and cash reconcilement.
ORDINANCE Z-122 - This Ordinance covers Joe Moffitt's property at 210 W.
Main Street and--was represented after correction of legal description. In-
correct legal description noted at last meeting. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion
this Ordinance be passed to change zoning from R-2 to B-2 of this property.
Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden arrived at 7:28 p.m.
At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Kern opened the bulk gasoline installation bids. There
were two bids received; one from Kennedy Equipment Co., Inc. and the other
from Allied Petroleum Equipment Corp. Both bids covered metal tanks. Mr.
Beach made a motion to table the awarding of these bids to get additional
information on plastic tanks. Mr. McFadden seconded the motion and it was
passed unanimously.
No bids were received on bulk gasoline.
Clerk-Treasurer requested approval to transfer the following funds within
their respective budgets: - Genexral Budget transfer from Extra Help,
account #1-191 $375.00, to Telephone, account #2-214 $100.00, to Electricity
account #2-221, $175.00, and Supplies-Offical Records, account #3-361,
$100.00. Plan Commission Budget transfer from Gasoline, account #3-321,
$18.80, Premiums on Official Bonds, account #5-56, $200.00, Subscriptions
&Dues, account #5-55, $90.00, Recording Fees, account #2-243, $250.00,
Engineering Services, account #2-262, $4000.00, and Compensation, Town
Attorney, account #1-15, $1101.20; a total of $5660.00 to be transferred
to Travel Expense, account #2-213, $150.OO, Printing o/t Office Supplies,
account #2-241, $150.00, Building Commissioner Office Personnel, account
#1-17, $5275.00, Social Security, account #6-62, $55.00, and Supplies -
Official Records, account #3-361, $30.00, a like total of $5660.00.
Town Court Budget transfer from Election Expense, account #2-266, $200.00,
to Supplies - Stationery & Printing, account #3-362, $200.00. These three
Budget transfers were approved upon the motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by
Mr. McFadden and passed unanimously.
REEDER & KLINE STREET - Mr. Sparks of Reeder & Kline Co. appeared before
the Board regarding the closed street in front of their property on 1st
Avenue S.W. (about 400 South). Mr. Hohl recommended it not be opened. Mr.
Beach made a motion that an aerial photo be procured to determine it it was
a road previously. No second to the motion. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion that
Town not proceed any condemnation suit to open this area in question for
public right of way and use of fire lane on this property be retained in
event of emergency. Mr. Swift seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Dick Knobbie owner of lots 53 and 54 in Flair North requested that
action be taken to have sidewalks and other work in the area completed.
He was advised that the bonds had not been released on the developer and the
Town Engineer would attempt to have developer complete the necessary work, or
the bondin~ company would be notified. Also discussed with Mr. Knobbie was
possibility of another entrance to Carmel Hills and Flair North across the
r~ilroad at ~th Street to 1st Avenue No Wo
Mr. Kern proclaimed October 28~ 1972 be Carmel Junior Miss Day and he read
aloud this Proclamation.
Upon motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Ne. Kern meeting was adjourned at
8:20 p.m.
At 8:30 p~m. meeting was reconvened.
Upon recommendation of Mr. Dougherty, Mr. Douglas Dyer's salary was increased
from $?200.00 to $?800.00 and Mr. Woodard Cooper's salary was increased from
$6500.00 to $6900.00, both increases due to their having been employed for
6 months and their work was satisfactory. Also discussed was Mr. Charles
Miller's request that during 1973 sometime he would appreciate taking semi
retirement and to work for the Town on a part time basis. Upon motion of
Mr. Kern and seconded by Mr. McFadden approval of this request was passed
Mr. Kern motioned that Mr. McFadden set in with the Police Commissioners as
laison man between Commissioners and Town Board. Mr. Swift seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Mcfadden volunteered to check with Mr. Quellhorst as to personal cover-
age of Town Board members should any one or all of them be sued personally
for any official action. Also he will check on coverage of police cars
operating outside of town limits.
Mr. Coplen presented copy of proposed sign Ordinance and a detailed written
report on Dan Young Chevrolet problems for their study and future comments.
He also read his proposed reasons and duties of a Town or Township Planner.
Mr. Coplen also requested a salary increase for Mr. Gary Holt in amount of
$1500.O0 based on his change of duties. Board authorized Mr. Coplen to
offer Mr. Holt a $?50.00 increase and to proceed with some of his planning
to substantiate fturther increase.
The hiring of Mr. Oraujo Ovidio as assistant to Mr. Hohl was approved upon
the motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCES A-hl and S-20 were passed unanimously upon the motion of Mr.
Swift and seconded byMr. Kern.
Meeting then adjourned by motion of Mr. S~ift, seconded by Mr. Beach and
passed unanimously at ll:O5 p.m.
Owen~-~J~ Kern~ President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
ATTEST: . /~.