NOVEMBER 14, 1972
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. All members present except Mr. Beach
who was ill with the flu.
Mr. McFadden made a motion to approve claims signed in total amound of
$178,534.32. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Minutes were approved as read upon the motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr.
Hinshaw and passed unanimously.
POLICE CAR BIDS - There were 3 bids received on Police Cars. These bids were
received from Don Hinds Ford Sales, Hatfield Motors Co., and Paul Goeke, Inc.
Bids were opened and read then given to Police Chief James Beard for study by
Police Commissioners. They are to give their recommendation to the Board at
the next meeting, November 28, 1972.
96TH STREET PUMPING STATION - There were 6 bidders as follows on the 96th Street
Pumping Station job as follows:
Construction Erection Co.
Mautz & Oren Co.
Evans Construction Co.
Gradle Brothers, Inc.
Bowen Engineering Corp.
Avco Construction Co.
All bids were given to Mr. Zinsmeister of Clyde Williams & Assoc. for study
and recommendation to the Board at next meeting November 28, 1972.
ORDINANCE D-42 - Speed Limits Ordinance was read by Mr. Kern in which all speed
limits near schools when children are present will be 25 mph and other Town
streets shall have a 30 mph speed limit. Mr. Kern made a motion to adopt this
Ordinance, Mr. McFadden seconded it and passed unanimously.
Mr. McFadden asked what is being done regarding street lights in Concord
Village. Mr. Hohl advised that three (3) weeks ago he requested Public Service
Indiana to give us price for this sub-division street light installation and to
date has received no reply. Mr. McFadden also asked Mr. Hohl about sidewalks in
Concord Village and whether maintenance bonds are still in effect. Mr. Hohl
advised maintenance bonds ar e still in effect and that he will check into this
condition. He was directed to write a letter to Mr. Dave Anderson of Carmel
Clay schools requesting that school repair or rebuild sidewalk from their prop-
erty to Concord Village. Developer feels this should be school's responsibility
inasmuch as he donated this ground. Also mentioned by Mr. McFadden was the
street between Concord Village & Wilson Village and by motion of Mr. Kern,
seconded by Mr. McFadded Town will repair this street was passed unanimously.
POLICE FUND TRANSFERS - Transfer of monies within the Police Fund was requested
by Chief Beard and Police Commissioners per attached letter in the amount of
General Fund Transfers - Transfer of monies within the General Fund as follows:
Transfer from Account #12 Salary of Manager or Mayor $2500.00, from Account #15
Compensation Town Attorney $500.00, and Account #191 Extra Help $145.O0; a total
of $3145.00. This total amount of $3145.O0 to be transferred to Account #268
Special Census (a new account).
ORDINANCE Z-123 - Upon motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. McFadden rezoning
of approximately 8 acres in Section 31 owned by Mr. Robert Langston from B-~
to B-2 was approved by unar~imous vote.
Mr. Hinshaw presented a copy of a letter dated in 1971 from Vera Hinshaw and
Wilbur Tyner to Mr. Leroy New requesting the Town place the ground in proper
condition after easement was granted. Mr. Zinsmeister reported this ground had
been returned to original condition and that he would write to the people on
this subject.
A request was presented to the Board to vacate an alley adjacent to West side
of former Carmel Screw Products building on West Main Street. Request to vacate
covered the alley from West Main Street North to first East-West alley. Request
was denied due to utilities being in the alley and also it is an access for our
fire equipment.
TOPICS PROGRAM - Messrs. Paul Newville and Fred Musleh of Clyde Williams &
Assoc. revealed their prel~m~uary studies of roads and streets as relates to
Topics program. The Topics program is 50% Federal and 50% local funding and to
qualify there must be a local traffic operations program~ which we have.
Various areas were discussed using a map they had prepared and Board set up
priorities of areas needing Topics assistance. Mentioned were Mohawk Road
East and West of Westfield Blvd., Westfield Blvd from ll6th Street North, ll6th
Street East from Westfield Blvd. to beyond Road ~31, and 106th Street East from
Westfield Blvd. to beyond ~31.
Larry Coplen discussed plans presented by Mr. Hamm for old library building
remodeling. Mr. Swift made a motion that remodeling job be advertised for bids.
Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed I-l; with Mr. McFadden voting Nay.
Mr. Hohl requested permission to purchase a drafting table and parallel bar at
a cost of $208.50. Mr. Kern made a motion permission be granted for these pur-
chases, Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed ~-l with Mr. McFadden voting
Mr. Zinsmeister discussed various sewer problems and future sewer problems and
planning with the Board.
MT. CARMEL INTERCEPTOR - Mr. Hohl was advised to compute the money due Journal
Box Servicing Co. and to make payment from this account of the basis of $82.~O
per connection.
Mr. Dougherty explained errors in information furnished to the computer service
which caused some customers to have been undercharged and others to have been
overcharged due to Summer sewage rates. The amounts overcharged and the amounts
undercharged were each about $21OO.O0. It was decided to make refunds of over-
charges and to not collect the undercharges. Upon motion of Mr. Kern, seconded
by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously a resolution was made to set forth the
reasoning for this decidion being the expensive involvement to explain the
undercharges and the ill will they will cause.
Mr. Dougherty also advised the Board of complaints received relative to late
charges and many of them due to mail service being less than good. The Board
-- was of the opinion no change need be made in the 15 day grace period before the
late charge assessment of 10% would be added to the next month's bill.
Upon motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. McFadden and passed unanimously the
meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m.
Owen S. Kern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
N~i B. Schmel~kop, Clerk-Treasurer