HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1972 (12-12)MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1972 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. Claims were signed in the amount of $160,413.60. Clerk-Treasurer requested to transfer funds within the MVH Fund as follows: Transfer from #1-12 Salaries of Empl yees, $450.00 to #3-37 Other Supplies, ~200.00, and #4-423 Cement, $250.00. Upon motion of Mr. McFadden and seconded by Mr. Swift, the transfer was unanimously passed. Also requested was permission to transfer funds within the General Budget as follows: Transfer from #2-23 Instruction, $225.00 to #1-192 Town Engineer, $225.00. Upon Motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. McFadden the transfer was unanimously passed. Also requested was permission to transfer funds within the Plan Commission Budget as follows: Transfer from #1-115 Compensation of Town Attorney, $1398.80, #5-51 Insurance, $165.29, #7-725 Office Equipment, $212.80, #3-363 Other Office Supplies, $32~00, #3-362 Stationery & Printing, $44.40, #3-361 Official Records, $20.46, #3-26~ Xerox Copier, $200.00, #2-242 Legal Notices, $150.00, #2-241 Printing Other Than Office Supplies, $168.00, and 2-213 Travel Expense, $50.00, a total of $2441.75. Transfer to #7-722, Motor Equipment, $1455.00, #2-23 Instruction, $150.00, and#7-721 Furniture & Fixtures, $836.75, a balancing total of $2441.75. Mr. Beach made a motion, seconded byMr. Swift, to approve these transfers and it passed unanimously. Another request was presented to transfer funds~ithin the Police Budget as follows: Transfer from #2-215 Radio Maintenance, $10.24, #2-222 Gas, $14.89, #3-322 Oil, $21.35, #3-323 Tires, $3.05, #3-324 Garage & Motor Supplies, $53.06, #3-33 Car Washes, $100.00, #7-726 Other Equipment, $13.77, and #2-221 Electricity, $58.51, a total of $274.87. Transfer to #2-252 Repairs of Equipment, $101.37, and #3-37 Other Supplies, $173.50, a balancing total of $274.87. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beach to approve these transfers and it passed unanimously. REVENUE SHARING RECEIPT - Mr. Kern announced the Town of Carmel received $9494.00 as initial Town's share of U S Revenue Sharing Program. NURSING HOME REZONE IN KEYSTONE SQUARE - Mr. Robert Langston request was at a previous meeting presented to Board for rezoning from B-4 to B-2 was returned for correction of legal description. Mr. Coplen varified legal description to be correct. Mr. Swift made a motion, seconded by Mr. McFadden to change zoning on this property from B-4 to B-2 and it passed unanimously. BULK GASOLINE BID - Mr. Kern read the bid of Standard Oil Co. for gasoline on the estimated annual usage of 35,000 gallons. Their bid was .13775 per gallon for regular gasoline. Mr. Swift made a motion, seconded by Mr. McFadded to ac- cept this bid and it passed unanimously. This was the only bid received and varified in writing. SIDEWALK FROM BROOKSHIRE ADDITION TO MOHAWK TRAILS ELEM. SCHOOL - Mr. William Hughey appeared to discuss this project with the Board on basis of splitting costs. Mr. Hughey was advised to discuss this with Mr. Hohl and Mr. Anderson of Carmel-Clay schools to reach an understanding and then get cost estimates. Mr. Harry Elliott presented a "Request for Consideration" signed by merchants of Mohawk Place asking the Board to consider changing the name of Range Line Road to Westfield Blvd. to avoid confusion to out-of-town people trying to loc- ate Range Line Road. He was advised we are working on installing a street numbering system and possibly some name changes of certain streets. TOM TYLER ON STREET NU~ING SYSTEM: - Tom Tyler, a member of our Building Commissioner's office, came before the Board to discuss our street numbering problem. He advised the present numbers have been assigned by the Carmel Postmaster due to no established system of numbering and no one else accepted this responsibility. He t~lked with Carmel Postmaster and the Assistant Building Commissioner of Indianapolis to discuss using Carmel or Indianapolis numbers, costs involved and the possibility of other Utility companies having a participation in costs. Mr. Swift made a motion Town of Carmel adopt current numbering system (Range Line Road and Main Street being the North-South and East-West dividing lines) and that it be used uniformly throughout Town of Carmel. Also to recommend to the Planning Commission this system be continued in the Township. Mr. Kern 2nd the motion and after a discussion it passed 4-1, Mr. Hinshaw voting Nay stating he thought we should consider Indianapolis num- bering. Mr. Tyler was advised to proceed with planning of the system and to consider the renaming of some streets. Mr. Coplen reported that his department will have 1972 income in excess of the 1973 budget. Discussed was furnishings for Plan Commission offices in Old Library building. Policies for 1973 were discussed. Clerk-Treasurer instructed to write up these policies for Board's study. Mr. McFadden left meeting at 9:30 p.m. for a previous committment. Mr. Dougherty advised he had just this evening received Estimate #4 billing in the amount of $82,000.00 on New Water Plant and requested time to review the papers and to present to Board for payment at December 26, meeting. Mr. Dougherty stated that he and Mr. Stravinski had discussed further the pre- sent and future problems of the North Sewer Plant. The blower at this plant is in need of repairs at a cost of $931.OO or a new one may be purchased for a price of $1132.O0. An alternate would be to purchase a larger blower with motor and air filter for $2900.00, plus an installation cost of approximately $5200.00. After a discussion in which it was determined the cost of the new larger blower to he too much, Mr. Hinshaw made a motion a new blower the size of the defective one be purchased at an approx, cost of $1132.OO and future needs be considered at time needed. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Dougherty informed the Board the utilities lose money when people move with- out notice owing a larger water and sewer bill than the $10.00 deposit. Mr. Beach moved that Mr. Dougherty apply with the Public Service Commission to in- crease the deposit to $20.00. Mr. Swift seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Coplen requested Board's permission to exempt the Carmel Dads Club from paying the fee for flood lights installed on American Legion property enWest Main street for use by youth programs. Mr. Kern made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beach to allow this exemption and it was passed unanimously. LAND-USE MAP - Board reviewed the new Land-Use Map prepared by the Building Commission personnel and expressed their approval. Mr. Hohl asked that a Resolution be passed to cover a contract entered into with the L&N Railroad on May 2~ 1972 covering the installation of an 8" water line under their tracks at Valuation Station 88~6-55. Mr. Kern made a motion this Resolution be prepared, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously. Mr. Hohl recommended Bonds be released on Concord Village Section 2 streets, curbs, gutters, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains & hydrants, and sidewalks in a total amount of $1~O,000.OO. (RESOLUTION #121272-6). Also that bonds be released on Taggart Industrial Park sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains & hydrants, seeding & sodding, earthwork, and guardrails, but not on streets. A new subdivision bond in amount of $23,650.OO is to be posted for streets (RESOLUTION #121272-7). Mr. Kern made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beach to release the bonds on the above two (2) areas. Mr. Hohl requested Board give him their opinion on Town's participation in drainage ditch problems. Board advised Mr. Hohl, Town is not to become involved in problems of drainage ditches. Storm Sewers were also discussed andMr. Hohl advised storm sewers are adequate in new subdivisions and that most of them drain into the lake or Blue Woods creek. Mr. Hohl advised the Board he is re- ceiving complaints on berm maintenance and it is his opinion this is Town's responsibility. Board was in agreement. Mr. Hohl discussed outline of "Scope of Services" submitted by Clyde E. Williams & Associates on sewer plans. Mr. Swift made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Kern seconded the motion, and meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Owen S. Kern, President Town Board of Trustees ATTEST: N~i~ B. Schmelt~kop, Clerk-Treasure Town of Carmel, Indiana