JANUARY 9, 1973
Meeting called to order with Mr. Kern, Mr. Swift, and Mr. Hinshaw attending.
Claims were signed in the amount of $52,691.21.
It was announced by Mr. Kern that Mr. Jack Ragan and Mrs. Sylvia Oavit have been
appointed to the Plan Commission. Mr. Philip Hinshaw was appointed to a 3 year
term as one of the Police Commissioners. Mr. Weedon has 2 years and Mr. Jenkins
has 1 year remaining on their terms as police commissioners.
Bids to remodel library were opened at 7:30 P.m. as follows: Harrison Graver
& Co., R. E. Harm Co., Inc. and Institutional Equipment Co. bid on the parti-
tions only; Long Electric Co. bid on the electrical work; and Gradle Bros., Inc.
bid on the entire Job. Gradle Bros., Inc. bid was in the amount of $50,110.00
which was at least twice the amount of estimated cost. There was no placement
of bids and they were turned over to Fred Hohl for his study.
It was announced that the bulk gasoline installation has been completed.
Mr. Swift made a motion that the Town continue their membership in the Indiana
Association of Cities & Towns. It was seconded by Mr Kern and the vote was 2
Ayes and 1 Nay. The Nay vote was by Mr. Hinshaw and the 2 Aye votes were not
sufficient to pass. It will be discussed at next Board meeting when there are
m~re members present.
Umhaugh & Associates claims in total amount of approximately $2100.00 were dis-
cussed and Mr. Zinsmeister and Mr. Pattison are to be contacted to determine if
these claims are in order and should be paid.
M~. Tom Tyler of the Building Commissioners office presented for Board, s
approval or change a new Application for Improvement Location form to replace
one now being used. Board suggested inserting a small additional thought and
it was their opinion it would then be a good replacement form.
CHE~LIOAL & SALT BIDS:- Hr. Dougherty reported on Chlorine, Flouride, and Salt
bids received at last meeting. Inasmuch as all Salt bids were the same, he ad-
vocated rebidding for Salt. Mr. Hinshaw madea motion to ask for new bids on
Salt, seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously. On the bids for Chlorine
and Flouride, which also were the same, Mr. Dougherty recommended MidState
Chemical Co. continue as our supplier of these 2 chemicals. Mr. Hinshaw made
a motion to accept this recc~mendation, seconded by Mr. Swift and Passed unani-
mous ly ·
OXFOt~ DEVELOPMENT CO. :- Mr. Paul Wisecup and Mr. Don Guinnup of Oxford
Development Co. discussed with the Board routing and size of water mains to
serv2ce 19 acres North of the Island Restaurant which they wish to use to con-
struct condominiums. Discussion included specifications as set out on partially
completed Master Plan and they were advised to contact Mr. Zinsmeister and Mr.
Fred Hohl to try and work out something agreeable with these engineers and to
then return to the Board for further discussion.
Mr. Hohl gave to the Board a copy of an agreement in which Keystone's 500 acre
tract arm~xed was not to be denied water and sewage usage at any time in the
future. This information had also been presented to Plan Commission.
FLAIE NORTH:- ~r. Hob1 advised the Board he has a letter from Charles ~n~sler
that the required work ~1~ be done and F~. ~lhisler was advised by ~r. Hoh~
that bonds will be released upon completion of the work. ~r. A1 Warne is
obtaining $5000.00 bond on stub street to ~ailroat at 4th Street N. W. ~r.
Swift ~ade a ~otion that ~r. Hob1 proceed with necessary steps to obtain
crossing approval from Public Service Commission and the L&N Railroad. Mr.
Ninshaw seconded and made comment that right of way be investigated first. The
motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl advise Carmel Drive East of railroad is sinking and he recommended it
be tested before accepting this road. Test costs would be $816.00 to $1226.O0
depending on sub-surface findings. The Board advised him to contact Guepel Co.
the builder of the road to do this.
Mr. Coplen gave Board a sketch of his proposed reorganization in his department.
Board advised they would meet with h~m Saturday afternoon, January 20, 1973 at
2:00 p.m. to discuss this fully.
Mr. Ninshaw stated that in his opinion an Ordinance should be written establish-
ing Overtime Pay for Policemen. Mr. Kern will prepare this Ordinance. Also
H~nahaw requested an endorsement of officers attending school. New officer
hired January 1, 1973 to attend school this Summer and second officer to be
hired ~ior to first officer attending the school to avoid being short-handed.
This cost will be taken care of 100% by Criminal Justice Planning Agency. This
was agreed to upon motion of Mr. l~.~haw, seconded by Mr. Swift, and passed
Mr. Ken Thompson advised Board the Blue Woods Creek had not been cleaned due to
weather conditions and crops were still in the ground. He assured the Board
this work will be done as soon as conditions permit.
Mr. S~ift advised Clerk-Treasurer to contact Postmaster to convey Board's
wishes to use the Sesquecentennial Cancellation Stam~ in 1973 on Carmel mall.
Mr. Hohl received approval to have 17 lights installed in Concord Village upen
motion of Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unanimously.
Mr. Ninehaw made a motion the ~eeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Kern, and
passe~dumanimously, at 9:40 p.m.
O~en~S. Kern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
Nl~il B. Schmeltekop, Clerk-Treasurer
Carmel, Indiana