JANUARY 23, 1973
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with all members present.
Minutes of January 9, were read and approved. Upon request of Clerk-Treasurer,
Hr. Kern resolved the transfers of ~onies within the Plan, General, Police, and
MVH budgets passed at the January 9 meeting, but omitted from minutes, be in-
serted in these minutes as an amem~h~ent to the January 9 ~inutes. Hr. Swift
seconded the ~otion and it passed unanimously. These transfers are covered by
resolutions 10973-1, 2, 3, & 4.
Mr. Swift ~ade a motion Car~el Join the Indiana Association of Cities & Tcuns.
Hr. McFadden seconded and it passed 3 Ayes, 1 Nay, and 1 Abstaining. Hr. Kern
abstained, and ~r. Hinshaw voted Nay.
Hr. Kern read a letter from Carey-QueLlhorst Ins. Agency in which it stated there
is at present no liability insurance for individuals on the Town Board, Plan
Comztission, or Board of Zoning Appeals, but that there will be such insurance
available in 60-90 days. Clerk-Treasurer inetrncted to contact Mr. Quellhorst
regarding this and to secure the information when available.
Hr. Xern requested Hr. Hohl and Mr. Zinsmeister give the Board a report as to
whether they reco~nd the Town pay the Umbaugh & Associates claims.
It was announced~there is to be a meeting of the 8 county association at 7:30
p.m. January 24, 1973 at the 4H Fair building in Noblesville to discuss future
requiremonts for sewers and sewage treatment plants. Hr. Hohl and some of the
Board members plan to attend.
SECOND STA~E OF WATER PLA~T"- Hr. Hohl reported on data he has co~prised based
on preliminary plats approved as of this date numbering approximately 2800 units
and this ~ould about double the number of cust_~'~re. Hessrs. Dougherty, Hohl,
and Hr. Zinsmeister gave comments. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Swift moved
that Clyde Igillia~s & Assoc. begin test drilling at Mohawk plant area to deter-
mine availability of water and the charge for this testing to be $4000.00 to
$5000.00. Hr. McFadded seconded the motion and it passed unan~nously.
INCREASED SEWAGE USAGE:- Hr. Dougherty and Hr. Hoh~ reported on forecast of
increase in sewage usage. Hr. Dougherty reported that ~orth plant is operating
at capacity and that about 4 months of the year plant is overloaded due to in-
filtration caused by wet weather. He advised some alterations will he needed
this Spring for North Plant if it is to be kept in operation. He will have a
definite reco~aaendation to spend an amount of money at North Plant in 2 weeks.
Hr. Zinemeister presented an agreement for approval and signatures of the Board
to develop and i-~lement an Engineering Plan regarding feasibility of expanding
and improving North Plant, to provide wastewater treatment, prepare cost esti-
mate for Interceptor construction frc~ 96th to ll6th Streets, sewer system
evaluation stud~, and prepare applications and reapplications for Federal a~d
State funds. This to cost approximately $10,OO0.00 and was previously approved
by the Board.
Hr. Dougherty requested approval to spend $225.00 for storage cabinets for
computer records. Mr. H~---haw made a motion to approve this purchase, Mr. Kern
seconded the motion and it passed unani~usly.
Mr. Dougherty requested the employee doing the laboratory analysis be given an
hourly pay adjustment from $2.10 per hour to $2.~O per hour. Nr. Swift amde a
motion to approve this raise, Mr. Hinshaw seconded and it passed u~animously.
~ TC~N BUILDING:- Mr. Coplen and Mr. Gradle presented so~e infor=Ation on new
proposed Tc~n Building and ~aintenance Building. Mr. Coplen estimated a cost
of $25.00 to $28.00 per sq. foot on a 20,000 sq. ft. Town Buildtn~ and $10.00
sq. ft. on Maintenance Building, furniture and equipment at $50,000.00 and cost
of land (7 acres) $1]J$,o00.00. These are est!~ted figures and are subject to
ch~ge as planmi~g progresses. Mr. Hohl and Mr. Coplen were instructed to con-
tact architects and set up a ~eeting time to discuss preliminary planning.
BID ACCEPTANCES:- Mr. Hohl recommended Amrican Agreggates Co. 's bid for sand
and gravel he accepted, Dia_~o_nd Crystal Salt Co. bid for street salt be accepted,
and Avco Construction Co. bid for bituminous paving materials including their
voluntary alternate for equipment and labor rates be accepted. Mr. Swift made
a motion to accept tAese bids, Mr. Kern seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift discussed future annexation and made a motion to appoint certain mem-
bers of the Plan Co~mission, the Town Board, and Mr. Hohl and Mr. Holt to be a
study committee on a~nexation and to report to the Town Board at the February
27 meeting. Mr. ~cFadden seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift mentioned possible lightning problem at ~,]M gas installation.
Hohl advised that he could foresee no problem, and that the State Fire Marshall
had given it his approval.
Mr. Eern made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Mr. F~nshaw seconded and it passed
una, %ly at p.m.
Town Hoard of Trustees
Carmel, Indiana
il B. SchmeLt~kop, ~lerk-Treasurer/
Carmel, Indiana