FEBRUARY 13, 1973.
Meeting was called to order by Mr. Kern at 7:45 p.m. with Mr. Kern, Mr. Swift
and Mr. Hinshaw in attendance. Mr. Beach and Mr. McFadden were absent.
The Board signed claims tonight in the amount of $289,402.81.
Reading of the minutes of last meeting was waived inasmuch as each had received
copies by mail. This was done by Motion of Mr. Hinehaw, seconded by Mr. Swift
and passed unanimously.
Mr. Whisenant representing a group of residents in Woodland Green living on
Haverstick Road read a letter prepared by their Association regarding this
read' s condition. They requested that the conditions be remedied. Mr. Hohl,
Town Engineer, had prepared an Ordinance to set speed limits and to make this
road one-way South until the weather became suitable this Spring at which time
the reconstruction wi11 be completed. Mr. Hohl advised these people the problems
at this time of year to do any more improving of the road other than had already
been done and he answered their questions. Mr. Swift made a motion that this
Ordinance B-27, excepting Sec. 3, be passed setting a 15 mph speed limit and
making Haverstick Road one-way South from ll6th Street to Rolling Spring Drive,
to become effective when reasonable and adequate signs have been posted. Mr.
Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
ROBERT H. WEEDON RESIGNATION: Mr. Weedon sent to the Board a letter o2 resigna-
tion as a Police Commissioner due to a serious health problem. Upon motion of
Mr. Hinshaw, seconded by Mr. Swift, Mr. Weedon's resignation was accepted by
unanimous vote.
GRANULATED SALT BIDS: International Salt Co., Diamond Crystal Salt Co., Morton
Salt Co. and Hardy Salt Co. all bid the same, $24.60 per ton. Cargill Co.
advised they were not bidding. Bids given to Mr. Dougherty for his study and
PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND: Clerk-Treasurer advised the Board the Town's
share would be 5.79% which could fluctuate, and the present employse's contri-
bution would be 3%. Inasmuch as the program could not be put into effect until
1974, Board decided to wait until Budget making time to decide.
Olde Town Association sent a letter to the Board asking that consideration be
given to the old town area when locating a site for a new town building. Mr.
Swift requested the Clerk-Treasurer to write them advising the Board was in
sympathy with their request. This was a unanimous Board opinion.
Gary Holt, Town Planner, requested permission to purchase a map reproducer at
a cost of $800.00. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion, seconded by Mr. Swift this pur=
chase be approved and it was passed unanimously.
MILEAGE RATE: The mileage rate for reimbursement to Town employees using their
own autos for Town business was discussed and Mr. Coplen stated it was his
opinion 135 was a fair rate. Mr. Swift made a motion that the milage rate be
135 if permissable by State Board of Accounts. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
ORDINANC~ B-28: This Ordinance authorizes issuance of new bonds to replace 1969
outstanding bonds in amount of $560,000.00. Mr. Kern read this Ordinance to
the Board in which the due date on these bonds was extended to January 1, 1974,
to carry the same interest rate of 4%. ~r. Hinshaw made a ~otion, seconded by
Mr. Swift to pass this Ordinance and it was passed unanimously.
Xen Thompson came before the Board regarding an 80 acrs tract at Southeast
corner of 106th Street and LaSalle Road which he intends to develop. 106th
Street I~provements, Sa-~tary Sewers, and Water were discussed. These items
are to be planned and costs are to he worked out by Mr. Thompson, Mr. Hohl,
and ~lyde E. Williams & Associates.
Chief S~ails requested perstission to advertise for a new Eaergency Vehicle in-
asmuch as $10,0OO.00 has now been put into this fund for this purpose. Hr.
Kinshaw made a notion this request be granted, Mr. Swift seconded the~otion,
and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Dougherty was presented a certificate sent to the Board by Sacramento
State College indicat~-8 he had successfully completed a course in Waste Water
TRANSFER IN FUNDS: General Fungi - Transfer from Account #2-251, Repairs
Buildings & Structures, $250.00 to Account #2-222, Gas, $250.00. Building
Commissioners Fund - Transfer from Account #7-?22, Motor Equipment, $275.00
to Account ~2-221, Electricity, $150.OO and Account ~2-222, Gas, $125.00.
Public Service Indiana by letter notified Board 30 street lights had been
installed on ll6th Street. There was an extra light ~--talled, making a total
of 31, and per petition of residents 1 light was eliminated in Concord Village.
This does not change total nunber of lights in the 2 areas.
Mr. Dougherty reported on quetations for test well drtll~,~ as follows:
Peerless Hid~est Water Supply Contractors $3840.00
Ortman Drilling, Inc. 2362.00
Lane-Northeru Co. 2500.00
Mr. Dougherty recommended Layne-Northern CO. do the work due to their being an
Indianapolis company and past satisfactory work experience. Mr. Swift made a
motion to accept Hr. Bougherty's reco~aaendation, Hr. ~-~haw seconded this
notion and it passed unan/mwusly.
Mr. Dougherty, in reference to the Salt Bide opened earlier in the ~eeting,
recowaaeflded Morton Salt CO. be given the order for Salt inasmuch as they had
supplemented their bid with a letter advising price ~ould remain firm through-
out 1973. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion to accept the MolOCh Salt CO. bid, Mr.
Swift seconded the motion and it passd~ unanimously.
Mr. Dougherty asked approval of Change Order #4 on Waste Water Treatment Plant
to Avco Construction Co. in the amount of $400.00. This change order covers
revamping of s~e piping not in original contract. Mr. S~ift Motioned, Mr.
Hinshaw seconded that this change order be approved, and it passed unanimously.
F~r. Dougherty advised the Board to~n owns meters, but property o~ners own the
pits and lide. To replace a lid costs $3.85 and in the past the customer has
been pay/m~-this charge. Mr. Kern made a motion there be no charge to customer
to replace lid, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw and passed unanimously. It was the
opinion of the Board any move-outs owing water bills be contacted if possible,
but those not contacted after reasonable effort be written off as uncollectibl/~,
96TH STREET WASTE WATER PLANT: Mr. Zinsmeister advises he is applying for an
additional $24,0OO.00 grant.
ANSIN CONTRACT; It is possible Ansin Company w~l! not be using our 96th Street
Sewage facility, according to the advise of Mr. Zinsmoister. Discussion on
status of monies paid on Ansin contract, monies still due per contract, and
Engineering charges for service. Clerk-Treasurer instructed to foreard b~]]s
for Engineering charges to Ansin Com~a~V's attorneys in Indianapolis (Klineman,
Rose, & Wolf)
AGREE4~NT WITH BROOKSHIRE: Agreement with developers of Brookshire to construct
our Water Plant on Mohawk Road included three (3) additional easements. With
thought of drilling test wells, Mr. Dougherty, Mr. Straviuski, Mr. Wm. Hughey,
and Mr. Weihe made an on-site survey to determine location for test wells and
subsequently reached an agreement. The developers are now attempting to delay
selecting a site. Mr. Kern is to contact Mr. Hughey to try and clarify.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised American Aggregates Co. had given to him a proposed
route for the Interceptor on their property from ll6th Street to Mohawk Road.
Clyde Williams & Associates will study proposed route, put togethar costs,
and again contact A~erican Aggregates in an effort to get a cmnmittment as to
what portion of the costs they would be wi]ling to assume.
Mr. ~oret_-_a_~ of the Department of Metropolitan Development requested by letter
a meeting with the Town Officials. ~arch 1, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. was a time set
to meet with Mr. Horstman to discuss proposed sewer planning.
INDUSTRIAL EQUITABLE COST RECOVERY: Mr. Hohl advised future grants will he
calculated on individuals, commercial, and businesses that have large usage and/
or strong sewage and w~]] be assessed accordingly for plant expansion cost.
Mr. ~ohl requested permission to attend a 3 day State Road School at Purdue
some time around ~arch 15. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion, seconded by Fr. Swift
to permit Mr. Hohl to attend this school and it passed unanimously.
N~ POLIC~:,CO~qISSIONER: Mr. Hinehaw made a motion Howard Moser be named to
fill position of Police Commissioner vacated by Mr. k~edon. Mr. S~ift seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously.
Discussion was held on method of controlling builder violations to prevent
storm drainage entering sanitary sewers. Also discussed was sump pumps. This
to he surveyed and studied and reported on later.
Mr. Kern left meeting at 11;50 p.m.
Umbaugh & Associates claim tabled until next meeting.
Mr. Hinshaw moved moett~g be adjourned, Mr. Swift seconded at 12:00 midnight.
O~en S. Xern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
Neil B. Schmeltekop Clerk-Treasurer