FEBRUARY 28, 1973
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. All members present except Mr. McFadden.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion, seconded by Mr. Swift, to waive reading of the minutes
of last meeting inasmuch as each member had received a copy by mail.
ORDINANCE D-51 - Mr. Kern read this Ordinance which authorizes overtime pay for
Policemen. Upon motion of Mr. Hinshaw, seconded by Mr. Swift, this Ordinance was
passed unanimously.
EMERGENCY VEHICLE BID - One bid only was received and it was from National Castom
Coaches, Inc. in the amount of $10,O00.00. Bid was read and turned over to Chief
Swails for his study and recommendation. 1965 Emergency Vehicle to be traded in
at a ~alue of $650.00 to arrive at t~e $10,000.00 figure.
SPECIAL CENSUS - Mr. Kern read a report left by Mr. Robert Liddy, Census Super-
visor in which he reported an unofficial count of 10,500 compared to April l,
1970 census of 6568. Official count will be received in 6 to 8 weeks.
FUND TRANSFERS - From MVH Fund transfer from account #2-261, Construction and 2
I~provement of Streets, $3,000.00 to account #7-726, Street Signs, $3,000.00.
Transfer within the General Fund from account #2-251, Repairs of Buildings and ~
Structures, $120.00 to account #5-55, Subscriptions and Dues, $120.00. Upon the
motion of Mr. Hinshaw, seconded by Mr. Beach, these transfers were approved by
unanimous vote.
ORDINANCE D-50 - This Ordinance increases mileage paid to Town employees using
their own automobiles for Town business from 10S per mile to 13S per mile. This
was passed unanimously upon the motion of Mr. Hinshaw and seconded by Mr. Swift.
ORDINANCE D-49 - Increases salary of Terry Janssen and Rosezella Dietrich.
ORDINANCE D-48 - Permission to hire a part-time Draftsman.
ORDINANCE D-47 - Increases salaries for Douglas Dyer and Woodard Cooper and to
hire Ovidio Araujo as Sewer Inspector.
ORDINANCE D-46 - Increases salaries of Building Commissioner, Assistant Planner,
and Building Commissioner's Secretary.
ORDINANCE D-45 - Increases salaries of Donald Perkins, Fred Hohl, & James
ORDINANCE D-44 - Authorizes hiring of a Sewer Inspector.
ORDINANCE D-43 - INCREASES salaries of Town Engineer, Utilities Manager. Also
authorizes hiring of Meter Reader to replace one that resigned.
The above seven (7) Ordinances were passed unanimously upon the motion of Mr.
Hinshaw, and seconded by Mr. Swift.
ORDINANCE Z-126 - Mr. Coplen presented this Ordinance, recommended to be passed
by the Plan Commission, to change zoning from P~2 to B-3 for House of Ideas. Mr.
Hinshaw made a motion to change this zoning from R-2 to B-3, Mr. Beach seconded
and it was passed unanimously. Ordinance was signed by members present.
ORDINANCE Z-~ - This Ordinance also recommended for passage by Plan Commission
to change zoning of Dr. Geerge Tiffany property on N. College Avenue (Docket
1-732) from R-1 to B-3. Upon motion of Mr. Beach, seconded by Mr. Swift, this
Ordinance was passed unanimously and signed by all members present.
The Plan Commission ruling on Brookshire at last Plan Commission meeting was dis-
cussed. The opinion that to rescind previous vote and revote on this Brookshire
subject would he legal. Also discussed was communications between Plan Commission
and Building Com~issioner's office.
In discussing the two police care turned over to the Town, it was states one of
the cars is beyond use. Mr. Coplen was to have received one of these cars and
since the one car is beyond use, he requested permission to purchase a new
Chevrole~ pick-up truck from Dan Young Chevrolet in the amount of $2334.00. Upon
motion of Mr. Beach, seconded by Mr. Swift, approval to purchase the pick-up at a
cost of $2334.00 was unanimously passed.
Board advised Mr. Coplen to send a Certified letter to the people operating the
business at Cricklewood Farm on East 234 informing them the Town intends to file
a lawsuit against them for operating a business in that location without zoning
The aforementioned 1969 Dodge that is beyond use was again discussed. Mr. Swift
made a motion to ask for bids on this auto. Mr. Hinshaw seconded and it was
passed unanimously.
STONEPEDGE BOND ~,EASE - Mr. Hohl requested permission to release the bonds on
the Storm Sewers at Stonehedge. Mr. Beach motioned these bonds be released on
the recommendation of Mr. Hohi. It was seconded by Mr. Swift and passed unani-
Mr. Hohl advised the Board that Police Chief Beard had requested an Ordinance
prohibiting parking on East Side of 1st Avenue S.W. between 2nd Street S.W. and
the dead, end at Beeder & Kline Machine Co. Beard was of the opinion the Police
Commissioners should discuss this type situation and recommend an ~rdinance be
passed to cover the particular situation.
Discussed was reacquiring of the strip of ground on East side of 1st Avenue S.W.
from 1st Street S.W. South to O'Malia Market drive at north side of store. Mr.
Hohl is to contact present owner in effort to get this ground deeded back to the
Town per verbal agreement, otherwise to advise the Town shall begin condemnation
procedures. Parking situations in the Town were also discussed.
Mr. Hohl shewed the Board a copy of a letter he had written to the State Highway
Department asking them to put in casings at prescribed locations for future Water
and Sewer lines; this to be done at the time they build the rerouted U.S. 31 West
of Carmel.
TOPICS PROGRAM - Mr. Hohl shewed the Board prints on widening of ll6th Street to
3 lanes from Keystone Square Shopping Center to Westfield Blvd. at the Town's
cost of $68,000.00 (1/2). Also prints were shown for proposed 126th Street
(Mohawk Road) street work beginning at the two 90 degree curves West to Range
Lins Road. This work would eliminate the curves and weden the road at a cost to
the Town of $54,500.00 (1/2). Upon a motion by Mr. Hinshaw, seconded by Mr.
Beach, Clyde E. Williams &Associates are to be notified to proceed with papers
and engineering of these 2 projects (#2 ). It passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl and Mr. Dougherty discussed their need for a girl to handle their
secretarial and other paper work, her salary to be shared by MVH, Water, and
Sewer departments. Mr. Beach made a motion this new position be established and
that the salary be set after applicants have been interviewed. This was seconded
by Mr. Hinshaw and passed unanimously.
Mr. Dougherty presented change order #4 on Waste Water Treatment Plant in amount
of $400.00 for signature. This was approved at last Board meeting.
Mr. Swift made a motion to sand a letter to Postmaster requesting a Sesquecentenni~l
Stamp for use in cancelling Carmel's outgoing mail be made at an approximate cost
of $90.00. Mr. Hinshaw seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion Police Commissioners be permitted to interview applicants
for an additional Policeman position to begin work in ASril instead of July as set
up in the budget. Mr. Beach seconded the motion and i\t passed unanimously.
Mr. Hinshaw brought before the Board for discussion only the Town retaining an
Attorney to handle prosecuting procedures for the Police and Building Commission
departments. This subject discussed and included various other areas relative to
attorney services.
Chief Swails returned to the meeting to advise he wished to clarify the National
Custom Coaches, Inc. bid with them before making a recommendation.
Mr~ Cline made a comment to Board in which she thought appearances of some Town
employees should be more presentable and that mens' hair should not be worn
longer than to the top of the collar. She cited the Policemen and Firemen as
presenting appearances acceptable and pleasing to the people of the community.
Mr. Kern announced that Mr. Charles Shinaver has been appointed to Board of Zoning
Appeals to fill vacancy due to resignation of Mr. Hash.
Mr. Kern made a motion the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Mr. Beach
and passed unanimously at 9:57 p.m.
OwEn S. Kern, President
Board of Trustees, Town of
Carmel, Indiana