-- OF MARCH 13, 1973.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Swift only member that was absent.
Upon motion by Mr. Mcfadden, seconded by Mr. Beach reading of the minutes was
unanimously waived.
Mr. Kern read a proclamation declaring the week of March 11-18, 1973 as
International DeMolay week in Carmel.
Claims were signed in the amount of $398,992.34, including $211,000.00 invested
for 6 months at 6% interest.
Visitors at the meeting were members of Girl Scout Troop F179 and members of the
Orchard Park Boy Scout Troop #134.
Mr. McFadden made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw to permit the Clerk-Treasurer
to transfer funds within the Building Commissioner's budget as follows:- Transfer
from account ##1-191, Extra Help, $375.00 to Account #2-263, Cleaning Service,
$375.00 and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Zinsmeister of Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. presented multiple forms and letters
for Mr. Kern's signatures covering application PL-500 Grant for 96th Street Waste
Water Plant Expansion and Interceptors from South Plant (96th) to North Plant in
approximately two (2) years at an estimated cost of $12,500,00.00 of which the
Federal Government would contribute 75% and the State 10%. This is only the first
application and is subject to change. Interceptor from South Plant to be 60"
and plant expansion to be from 2 million to 5 million gallons per day. Discussed
was an immediately needed Interoeptor from South Plant North a short distance then
more or less follow the River to 106th and West to Gray Road and then North to
ll6th. Purpose of going West on 106th Street to Gray Road is to relieve immed-
iate problem of 15" line on Gray Road. American Aggregates was approached to
share costs of above routing if used, otherwise route possibly woxuld be North on
River Road to about 106th Street then West to Gray Road to relieve 15" line.
Mr. McFadden made a motion to have Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. proceed with design
from South Plant to first routing mentioned above then West to 15" interceptor.
Mr. Beach seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Zinsmeister advised that the Fishers Town Board wishes to meet with the Carmel
Town Board to discuss planning of cooperative sewage disposal and treatment. The
date of March 26, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. was set for this meetim~ here at the Carmel
Town Building. Mr. Zinsmeister will so advise the Fishers Town Board members and
also advise the Westfield Town Board of this date should they wish to attend.
B~OOKSHIRE EXPANSION:- Mr. Sam Lyle of Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. discussed the
need for immediate expansion of the Brookshire plant inasmuch as there have been
an additional 600 customers (about kO%) added to Carmel water service since last
Summer. With a normal Summer usage the present capacity will not be sufficient
during peak periods. The thdrd well pump, already authorized, will be started
next week and in order to treat and pump the added supply to the distribution sy-
stem, the Brookshire plant will necessarily need be increased from l~ million
to 2 millions gallons per day. This cost will be about $30,000.00 plus $25,000.00
for the third well. Mr. McFadden made a motion seconded by Mr. Beach authorizing
Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. to proceed with plans and specifications for third
high service pum~ and pertinent wiring and piping for its installation at a con-
struction cost of approximately $30,000.00 and it passed unanimously.
A discussion only was held by Board, Mr. Zinsmeister, and Mr. Ken Thompson in
regards his dam in relation to the Woodland Springs dam.
OXFORD DEVELOPMENT:- Mr. Wisecup and Mr. James Melton came before the Board to
discuss water lines for their development South of 146th Street and West of
Road #31. Discussed was a letter from Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. to Fred Hohl
in which there were 3 alternatives offered and Oxford Development company stated
they would approve Alternate #2 as their choice and would be willing to accept
Alternate #3 and pay the same costs necessary to follow Alternate #2 with the
thought another developer might share the additional costs. It was Mr. Kern's
opinion that even though the Master Plan was not now fully completed it is generally
known and he is of the opinion there should now be no deviations. It was pointed
out that Oxford Development could possibly save money in reimbursements by using
Alternate #3 rather than paying the full cost of Alternate #2 with no reimburse-
ment. Clyde E. WiLliams & Associates' letter of December 15, 1973 as modified in
Mr. Lyle's letter dated January 25, 1973, was agreeable to Oxford Development and
it is in. accord with the Master Plan. Oxford Development agrees to construct the
streets to minimum Town requirements but exDect the set-backs and sidewalks to be
waived pursuant to the Condominium Ordinance. Therefore, it was in agreement be-
tween the Town Board and Oxford Development to follow the Master Plan except the
12" line would not extend North as far as shown on the Master Plan and the above
mentioned set-backs, and sidewalks waivers.
Mr. Zinsmeister suggested American Agreegates be contacted at once. Mr. McFadden
will contact Bill Karns, American Aggregates official, tomorrow to urge an early
decision on their possible participation in the Interceptor project.
Mr. Paul Newlin of Clyde E. WiLliams & Assoc. talked to the Board relative to
reads. Regarding 106th Street from Keystone East to Haverstick Road (about 4,100
feet), Mr. Roy Davis, a County Commissioner, was contacted and the County will.
participate, also Ken Thompson agreed to share in the costs. It is improbable
Federal funding will be available. Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. presented a con-
tract for the Board to sign to cover a preliminary study at a cost limit of
$4,000.00. If authorized to later design this project, $2,000.00 of above will
be applied. The cost of this project would be approximately $100,000.00 and it
could be done late this Summer. Upon motion of Mr. McFadden, seconded by Mr.
Hinshaw, Clyde E. WiLliams & Assoc. was authorized to make preliminary study at
above cost and it passss d unanimously. Mr. Beach not in room at time of passing.
Mr. Newlin also discussed Topics projects to improve ll6th Street between Range
Line Road and Keystone Avenue and Range Li~e Road and Mohawk Road to include the
straightening of the two (2) curves to the East of Range Line Road. Clyde E.
Williams and Assoc. fees to be based on cost curve. Upon motion of Mr. McFadden
seconded by Mr. Hinshaw, approval of design of these two (2) projects was unan-
imously approved. Mr. Beach had not yet returned to the meeting.
Also discussed with Mr. Newlin and Mr. Fred Hohl, Town Engineer, was one-way
street planning in the older part of Carmel. Mr. Newlin offered to make a pre-
liminary study at no cost to the Town with the thought Range Line Road from First
Street South to Fifth Street North would be one-way North and First Avenue West
to be one-way South from Fifth Street North to First Street South. The Board
thanked Mr. Newlin and asked him to proceed with this prel~mfnary study.
Mr. Hohl explained the bulk gasoline problem we experienced last Friday and
what is being done to determine what is causing the seepage and correcting.
The three (3) members of the Building C~,~,~issioner's office, Mr. Larry Coplen,
Building Commissioner, Mr. Gary Holt, Ass't. Building Cmmmissioner and Town
Planner, and Mr. Tom Tyler, Inspector, who resigned were present and they ex-
pressed their appreciation of the Board being cooperative and they also expressed
their desire to offer any assistance whatever to their replacements.
Mr. Kern moved meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw and the meetiB~ was
unanimously adjourned at ll:40 p.m.
Owen S. Kern, President
To~n Board of Trustees
Carmel, Indiana
ATTEST: ~ ~ /
~Netl B. Schm~l~ekop Clerk-Treasure~