OF APRIL 24, 1973.
Meeting was called to order at 7:23 p.m. All members except Mr. McFadden were
present ~
Mr. Hinshaw made a motion to waive reading of the minutes Mr. Swift seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Funds within the Police Budget and funds within the General Budget were trans-
ferred as indicated by Resolutions 42473-1 and 42473-2 respectively, upon the
motion of Mr. Swift, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
Albert Pickett, Building Commissioner, talked with the Board about rewording
sign for their building to read "Building Commissioner & Inspections". He also
requested permission to get Identification Cards for his people. Mr. Hinshaw
made a motion all full-time employees of the Town have I~entification Cards,
seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
CHANGE STATUS OF TOWN TO CITY - Mr. Hinshaw made a motion Carmel Town Board of
Trustees take immediate steps to instigate proper procedures to have an election
of Mayor and City Council in order that Carmel may become a City. Seconding of
this motion was ma~e by Mr. Kern. Mr. Hinshaw and Mr. Kern voted Aye; and Mr.
Beach and Mr. Swift abstained. Clerk-Treasurer asked for an opinion as to
whether or not an Abstention was a vote. No definite opinion was given on this
inquiry. It was agreed by the Board to hold this subject until next Board
meeting, May 8, for the purpose of further study and research.
FIRE HYDRANTS - Mr. Dougherty advised the Board he had discussed the private
hydrant situation with Mr. Jewday of the Public Service Commission and was ad-
vised it was the decision of the Town Board to arrive at a decision. Clerk-
-Treasurer was advised to contact McCullough & Associates and the State Board
of Accounts to learn if it be compulsory schools pay hydrant rental on their
WATER & SEWER BOOKEEEPER - Mr. Dougherty advised the Board he had interviewed
several ladies for the new position of bookkeepar to take care of all water and
sewer records. This new position was recommended by the Town's accountants,
McCullough & Associates. Mr. Dougherty stated he had chosen one of the appli-
cants at a salary of $125.00 per week and requested permission to hire her.
Mr. Beach made a motion this lady, Mrs. 0dom, be hired at a salary of $125.OO
per week ($6500.00 annually) as a bookkeeper to handle the water and sewer
utilities records and if there be time available to assist Clerk-Treasurer.
Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
EDEN FOREST LIGHTING - Mr. Bill Lyons representing homeowners in Eden Forest
asked the Board for underground lights for their addition. Board explained to
Mr. Lyons the cost to the Town by Public Service Indiana is more than lighting
from poles and if the Eden Forest residents would pay this difference so that
Town's monthly cost per light was the same as pole lighting, Eden Forest could
have lights. He was directed to discuss this further with Mr. Hohl.
Mr. Ken Thompson appeared to discuss resurfacing of 106th Street East of
Keystone Avenue. It was Mr. Thompson's and the Board's opinion Mr. Zinsmeister
was to have been present, but inasmuch as he was not, the meeting was reset for
the next Board meeting May 8, and Mr. Zinsmeister would be notified.
JAMES GARRETTSON SURVEY - Mr. Garrettson presented to the Board a more specific
outline of proposed community survey. After a discussion, Mr. Kern made a
motion the Town spend $2500.00, to be equalled by the school, and the Town would
set up points they want surveyed. This money to be taken from the Revenue
Sharing Fand and the motion was seconded byMr. Swift and passed unanimously.
Mr. Albert Pickett again talked with the Board regarding Burns Construction Co.,
low bidder on relocating part of Road 31 West of Carmel, and the problems as
concerns the Plan Commission. Mr. Kern suggestedMr. Pickett approach Plan
$ommission to appoint a three-man Committee which would have final authority
on special rulings for this project. Mr. Hinshaw made a motion that to expedite
handling of zoning problems brought about by reconstruction of Road 31 for tem-
porary sites for cement plant and for acquisition of dirt necessary for this
project by constructing borrow-pits, a three-man committee consisting of the
President of the Car~el Town Board of Trustees, President of Carmel-Clay Plan
Commission, and President of Carmel-Clay Board of Zoning Appeals be formed to
handle the required temporary variances and business necessary for this road
construction and preservation of existing thorofares. Mr. Swift seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
SIGNS - Signs were discussed and opinions were given on some of the new signs.
Nr. Pickett was advised to limit signs to those approved and to keep close
watch on any unauthorized sign installations.
NATIONAL KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL DAY - Mr. Fred Hohl, Town Engineer, read a
letter from the Girl Scouts organization advising April 28 is National Keep
America- Beautiful Day and in keeping with this, the Girl Scouts intned to
collect papers and trash at various locations. They would bag this debris and
are asking the Town to furnish equipment and manpower to dispose of these bags.
Board requested Mr. Hohl to try and comply on Monday, April 30.
~TREET REPAIRS PLANNING - Mr. Hohl reported on street repair planning for this
year. 106th Street - Reworking of this street being designed, ll6th Street
between Keystone Ave. and Westfield Blvd. - Contract for 3rd lane has been.~
completed with Clyde E. Williams & Assoc. and application for State & Federal
funds has been made. Mohawk Road - Reworking of Mohawk Road from Range ~e
Road East to Just East of two curves is also being processed to try and obtain
State and Federal funds and will not be a 1973 project. Auman and Newark sub-
-divisions are now being surveyed for future road work and drainage with work
to start this year limited to availability of funds. 1st Street S.W. - Black-
topping from Range Line Road to Railroad. 1st Ave. N.E. - Blacktopping from
2nd Street N.E. to 5th Street N.E. Emerson Ave. - Blacktopping from 4th Ave.
S.W. to Park Lane. 2nd Ave. S.W. - From 1st Street S.W. to 3rd Street S.W.
?th Street N.E. - Blacktopping from 1st Ave. N.E. to 2nd Ave. N.E. 3rd Street
S.E. - Blacktopping from Westfield Blvd. to 1st Ave. S.E. 3rd Street S.W. -
Blacktopping from 1st Ave. S.W. to 2nd Ave. S.W. Altam Ave. - Blacktopping
from Carlin Ave. to Belden and Belden Ave. E. Drive back to Carlin Ave.
4th Ave. S.E. - Blacktopping from Main Street to Carmelview and all of Carmelview
Drive. Mr. Hohl stated he expected to do a major portion of these projects and
a portion of the Auman and Newark subdivision work this year.
STREET STRIPER & COMPACTOR - Mr. Hohl requested Board approval to spend $3000.00
for a Striper. Mr. Swift made a motion authorizing Mr. Hohl to spend $3000.00
for a Street Striper, seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously. Mr. Beach
made a motion that per Mr. Hohl's request, he be authorized to spend up to
$1OO0.O0 for a Compactor, seconded by Mr. Hinshaw and passed unanimously.
SIDEWALKS - Mr. Nohl suggested that anyone wanting sidewalk replacement and that
would be willing to share 1/2 the cost (not more than $1.50 per foot) and/or
Curbs on the same basis, please notify the Town by June l, and this work would
be done to extent funds would allow. Notice to be in local newspapers.
MAHAN'S PARKING LOT - Mr. Hohl and Board in agreement that there should be a
sidewalk on 2nd Ave. S.W. bordering new parking lot on Main Street.
Mr. Hohl reported on a meeting with Olde Town Association representatives in
which they indicated they were not in faF~r of one-way streets. They were in
agreement with the State's plan for striping Main Street and eliminating some
of the parking near the intersetion of Main and Range Line Road. Board advised
Mr. Hohl to contact State Road Dept. to dc work as they has originally planned.
DiS6ussed was problem of mud carried onto the streets from construction projects
,,and ~the possibility of writing an Ordinance mandating the streets be cleaned.
~"~OLICE DEPARTMENT - Mr. Hinshaw, a Board Member and also a Police Commissioner,
~i, ?,advSsed ~oa~,%he Police Commmssioners had agreed to purchase equipment to record
'~ :i. all~ca~ions. The Town's 25% cost to be $2288.61 and the balance of the
· tot~Y cost o~ $9154.46 to be funded by Criminal Justice Fund. Also discussed
was promotions in the police department. Another subject discussed by the
Board was the Carmel Police operating outside the Town limits. Mr. Swift made,
a motion the Carmel Town Board inform the Hamilton County Council that Clay
Township should be assigned two (2) ~ull time round-the-clock deputies. Also
that the Town of Carmel cannot and will not police this Township outside Carmel
corporate limits, thus the Board regards this to be a matter of the utmost im-
portance and should receive the County Council's immediate attention inasmuch
as these Clay Township taxpayers contribute 40% of the taxes paid. Mr. Beach
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Beach, and passed
unanimously at 12:O3 a.m.
Owen S. Kern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
No'il B. SchmelSekop, Clerk Tre su