MAY 22, 1973.
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. with all members present.
Minutes were read and corrected by Clerk-Treasurer. Corrections included the
ommission from tho minutes the transfer of funds within the Building
Commissioner's budget and to include the statement relative to authorizing Mr.
Garrettson conductin~ a survey "the payment of the $2500.00 to be paid from
tho Revenue Sharing Fund". The transfer of funds mentioned above is covered
by Resolution #5873-11.
OLD TOWN:- Old Town representatives appeared before the Board to discuss
center of Town (Main & Range Line Road) and the traffic and parking problem
of the immediate area. Mr. Jack Phelan was spokesman for the group. After
discussion Board advised them tho Town would delay requesting the State pro-
ceed with their plan which would eliminate 15 of 37 parking spaces and that
any solutions to tho traffic and parking problem this group would have should
be submitted to Town Engineer for consideration.
motion an Ordinance be prepared to limit parking from 1st Avenue N.E. to 1st
A~nue N.W. and on Range Line Road from 1st Street N. to 1st Street S.; also
to include parking lot on Main Street owned by the Town to one (1) hour
parking and that signs be erected. Mr. Swift seconded the motion and it was
passed unanimously.
POLICE DEPARTMENT:- Mr. Robert Jenkdns, a Police Commissioner of Carmel, dis-
cussed with the Board a purchase made by Chief Beard of a gun with a 2~,,,
barrel. The original understanding of this purchase was that it was made for
an individual but later it was stated the purchase was for the Department and
a donation given in appreciation was used to pay for this gun. Mr. Beach made
a motion an inventory be made of all g~ns owned by the Police Department. It
was seconded by Mr. Kern and passed unanimously. Also a motion was made by Mr.
Kern that the truck being used part time by the Police Department not be used
again until it is determined if it is necessary and is covered by insurance.
Mr. Beach seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
A lady who recently moved to Brookshire questioned the elimination of the
Summer Sewer Rates. Mr. Kern explained the possible shortage of water sho~d
there ho excess water usage for watering lawns during hot periods in the
Summer. She was advised to talk with Mr. Dougherty for further information.
FEDERAL AGENCY ASSISTANCE.~y Mr. Dougherty reported on conference ho attended.
He stated various agencies are being discontinued and others are being formed
and all with tho thought of regional thinking in various areas such am Water
Treatment facilities and zoning. He gave a lengthy report of various phases
of regional planning and was requested by Board to prepare his notes into
readable form and give each Board member a copy for study.
GARRETTSON SURVEY:- Mr. Garrettson gave copies of tables he compiled for a
projected three year period comparing impact on Town of Carmel should the
County Council adopt the local Option Tax Plan or not adopt it for Hamilton
County. The local and No~lesville papers were also given copies of these
tables for release to the residents of the City of Noblesville and the Town
of Carmel for their information as to the effect a vote by the Council would
have on these two communities. Mr. Swift made a motion Carmel Town Board
express their desires the County Council does not enact the Local Option Tsx
Plan due to extreme hardship enactment of this Plan would cause to a growing
community. Motion was seconded by Mr. Beach and passed unanimously.
Fred Hohl discussed publishing requirements to install casings under rerouted
Road #31 West of Carmel for the purpose of obtaining bids for this work.
Mr. Hohl advised Board he has presented cost figures to Westfield and Fishers
should they use our Sewage Treatment facilities.
2 BOND RELEASES:- Mr. Hohl requested bond releases for Sidewalks in Keystone
Woods, Sec. l, and for Streets, Carbs, Sanitary Sewers, and Sidewalks in
Woodland Springs, Sec. 8. Mr. Swift made a motion to release these two bonds
per Mr. Hohl's recommendation; Mr. McFadden seconded and it passed unanimously.
TRAFFIC OR~.INAN~: - Mr. Hohl discussed the Traffice Ordinance and requested
it either be rewritten or amended.
S~OP SIGN - 1ST AVE. SW & let Street SW:- Mr. McFadden made a motion that this
intersection be returne~ 1~ a 4-way s~op intersection at once. Mr. Beach
seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr. Swift made a motion Clerk-Treasurer notify owner of lot at N.E. corner of
1st Avenue S .W. and 3rd Street S.W. that they mow or have mown the weeds on
this lot within 10 days. Mr. McFadden seconded and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Hohl advised the State requires that he be certified as to his position
and responsibilities. He presented a prepared letter for Mr. Kern's signature
and will send to Indiana Environmental Management Board.
BOND RELEASE:- Upon motion of Mr. Beach bond to be released on Sidewalks in
Brookshire, Sec. I per Mr. Hohl's recommendation. Mr. Kern seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
Mr~ Hohl requested the Board to proceed with necessary steps including procur-
ing or right-of-ways for 126th Street project planned for 1974.
Mr. Beach made a motion the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. McFadden
and passed unanimously at 9:40 p.m.
Owen S. Kern, President
Carmel Town Board of Trustees
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