HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1912 (11-04 thru 12-02)The ]3oard met in re,ilia!- session all ~tm~s O.~!.Oraves 0. C. ~.uff i ne John Ca~.heart Tillman Perry Kate OiDonnel Carmel Standard ~e~e~tive services ~ala~ce on ~ai~ repair5TM s~de-wa]k hauling ~rsvel Lights for october Legal notice and assessment blanl-$ The meeting was continued over. ~lerk-~reas. Presi~cn{. The P~oord me+ f~ re~uls~ ~sier ~l~ ~e~b~s 5ein~ nrese~t. The ~inu~es o~ ~b.e ~re~,ious meetin~ --ere rrna~ a~ a~Drove~. The ~ol]owi~ ~ills wer~ al!owe,~, George Daubemspe~k, ~alaries ~or ~rustoes ~u~ D.U'.[~uakett, 10mo. salary am~ exmense incurred Tillman Perry 9mo salary (z7.~0) labor on sts 2.~0 i[ate Odonnel Lights For Nov. Fred Hawkins a mo rent ~.r Hegrew, represen~inff ~he Konom, made the p~oposition tLat the Town of Carmel install two elee~ie li~%~s w~ere +racks crosses mai,~ a~d wa+or sis a~ that ~wo be'paid by thc ~o%'m and the o~ber ~hJrF be ~ai~ 7~y +ha railroad. The propositio~ was rejn~+e~ by the ~osr~ all ~ombers ~or~urri~ in t~ be].ie~ +ha+ +~e It was moved by Hall ~rd seeom4ed ~y Jo~msmm t~at +~e Uarshall either o11~ ~O.OOdollar li~emse or order t*~at the slot machine bo removed ~rom Je~frie's pool room. The meeting was c on% i'~ued over. 41.10 p~.OO