HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1910 (01-07) January ll.1910.
Board met at Bank Building at 7.30 o'clock.
Called to order by president and a motion was then made
to complete the b~siness of the evening at the Law office
of W.E.Hershman. Secondsd and carried.
Ninutes of meeting of January 3,1910 read and approved.
Clerk was ordered to read award of damages and benefits
accruing from th~ widening of Willow Street. The meeting
was thrown open for discussion of question by those
interested.Messrs.W.A.Puokett,E.L.Roberts and R.L.George
objected to paying damages to one party when the others
received none. Notion by Daubenspeck and seconded by Johnson
that awards and assessments of old Board b~ approved.The
motion was put and carried by the ~nnanimous vote of the Board.
A Declaratory Resolution for Clark Alley was presented
and read.It read as follows:
Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees o£ the town
of Carmel,Hamilton Count~,State of Indiana,more than
two-thirds of its members concurringtherein; .... That it
is deemed and desired necessary to open an alley sixteen
and one-half (18 1/~) feet wide in said town of Carmel,
beginning at the North side of North Street,run North
betwesn Lots i and 52,~ and ~1,3 and ~0,~ and ~9 of
D.W.Wilkinson's addition to the town of Carmel,Indiana,to
the south side of sugar street in said addition,by the
condemnation and appropriatioh of sufficient land between
said lots,viz: 18 1/2 feet,as shown by said plat of said
addition, or by the condemnation and appropriation of 18 1/~
feet,of land off of the West side of the following described
tract 6f land,viz: Commencing at the North east corner of Lot
4 in D.W.Wilkinson's addition to the town of Carmel,Ind.
run thence East l0 rods,thence South to the North line of
North street,a distance of about 18 rods,thence West l0 rods,
thence North a distance of about 18 rods to the place of
beginning. Said above described trac of land being the
same as shown and known on the plat of D.%~.Wilkinson's
Addition as lots,~9, 50, 51, and
That said lots i and $~ of said D.W.Wilkinson's
Addition to the town of Carmel are owned Nichslas Quick.
That said Lot S and 51 of the said D.W.WilkinsSn's
Addition to the town of Carmel. Ind~ana~are owned by Elmer
That lot 5 of' said D.W.Wilkinson's Addition to said
town of Carmel,Ind.is owned by Sarah Alice Clark.
That lots 4. 29, and 50 of said D.W.Wilkinson's
Addition to said town of Carmel,Ind. are owned by the ~ary
Carey Estate.
That the property which may be injuriously or
beneficially affected in the town of Carmel,Indiana,by
the opening of said proposed alleyas above described is
known and described as the ground herein proposed to be
condemned and appropr~ated therefor,and are all the lots
and lands and parcels of lots lying within the followln-
described territory in the town of Carmel,Indiana,Lots l,
2,3,4,29,30,Si,and Mr in D.W.Wilkinson's Additions to the Town
of Carmel,India~,all as shown by a plat of such territory
now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town.
Be it further resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
town of Carmel,Indiana,that Tuesday February lq, 1910 at 8
o'clock P.E. be fixed as the time and Hershman's Law Office,
in said town of Carmel,Indiana,as the place when and where
the Board of Trustees will hear al~ persons whose property
will be affected as to the necessity of opening said
proposed alley,by condemnation and appropriation of said
land and lots,and at said time said Board of Trustees
will consider all remonstrances against same: The clerk
of said town is hereby ordered to give notice of the time
and place of hearing said objections and remonstrances
against same by two weekly publications in the Carmel Star,
the first of which publication shall be on the day of
January 1910,and the second of which publication shall be on
the blank day of January 191~0.
PreSident of To~n Board.
Deeming it not off Public utility a motion was made by
Daubenspeck and seconded by Jonson to reject the said
resolution. The motion was unanimously carried.
Ordinance read giving the Marshal power to appoint a
January 3,1910.
The Board met on Jafluary 3,1910,at 1~ o!olock for. the
purpose of taking over the records of the old Board
and organization.
Meeting called to order by the President of the
Board,C.E.Wilkinson. The Bonds of the Clerk-Treasurer
and Marshal were read and approved.
W.E.Hereshman was chosen as Town Attorney. His
salary was fixed Et $50.00 per year.
There being no further business the Board adjourned
to meet January 11.1910 at the Citizens State Bank.
/ ~ //Tow~ Cie~k, /
PrO*iden~ or the Board.