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(V) Dransfield Fence Height Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
3. Docket No. PZ-2021-00153 V UDO section 5.09.C Max. 6’ rear yard fence height allowed,
8’ requested. The site is located at 1051 Arrowwood Dr. (Copperwood Subdivision Lot 72). It is zoned
R1/Residence. Filed by Michael Dransfield, owner.
General Info & Analysis:
The Petitioner seeks approval for an 8-ft tall privacy fence along their rear/east property line to provide for
greater auditory and visual privacy. Please see the Petitioner’s info packet for more detail on the variance
There is a 15-ft wide DUE (drainage and utility easement) that runs along the east property line. The Petitioner
will be required to sign a waiver of liability form concerning encroachment of the fence into that easement.
(This is standard with the Fence Permit application review process.)
Fence Height Regulations: UDO section 5.09 requires the following for a fence in the rear yard -
C. Fences in Side and/or Rear Yards: Residential fences located within any required side or rear yard shall not
exceed six (6) feet in height, as measured from the topmost point thereof to the ground adjacent to the fence.
E. Height Measurement: Fences shall be measured from its topmost point to the ground adjacent to the fence.
The height of any fence placed upon an erected earth berm or masonry wall shall be measured from the ground
adjacent to said earth berm or wall.
The Petitioner addressed all planning/zoning review comments; the Planning Dept. supports the variance
request if the fence panel height is reduced down to 7-ft tall, rather than 8.
Findings of Fact:
Please refer to the petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their info packet.
The Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends positive consideration of Docket No. PZ-2021-00153
V, with the following conditions:
• Reduce the fence panel heights to 7-ft tall,
• Provide documentation of Copperwood Homeowners Association (HOA) approval,
• Secure a Fence Permit approval,
as well as with adoption of the findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner.