HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1911 (03-07 thru 03-10) on the ~as+ am~ 7.ms+ sl~ ef ~olt~e /va~un, %,~i~I~ at the
T~ne u'i+h si~!e-"allTs ~our~4)~oet vide,
Co~po~af ion
and cu~%s slx(~) inches wi~le to ~To~h ~et, an~ sidewalks
five(5) feet wide with curbs six(~) inches wide to Cray
Be it resolv~d by ~.he Board oF ~ s+e
~ ~ru .... eo of The Town
Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, that it is necessary to im-
prove sidewalks on Collef~e Ave,~rom South Corooration Line
to Gray ~*
~.,in said town.
That tho said sidewall: and curbs be of cement material.
That it ..... ll ~ sidevzel~ four(4) feet wide .~tb a
curbsix (~) inch~ ~vid~ from the Mouth ~oroorat~o~ Llne to
~Iorth ~ ~a~+ ~ ~: ~i,,o (~] e~t wide with a curb
Corpor~slO~ Li~o ~llqt] %er~i~1o, te afl tray ,~t~ o~ %~e ITor~h.
Be it ~ur~her resolved, that person:~ whose oroperty may
be ~fu..~e~ by such proposed i~prov'~eut . heard as to
thc ~ coo'' ~ ~ '
n~c .... 1...y of tho same on l. Tonday the ...... day o~
1911, at 7.ZO ~ ~ ~
,~,~.~, P.L~. at the Citizens .-:t. te Banl~
Carmel, Indiana.
Resolution passed this . day of ~ , lnll.
~r?s. ~f ~or.rd.
cross st, to ,woro~ ?.~. Cro~sinf wan
Was moved by Ha-P.;ins and ~ecomd~r~ by ~auh-nspe~7~ that
resolution be adopt:~d. Pesolutinn was passe~
and nay vote,
Ea 1 t
fyi lkinson
by follo~vin~ yea
?~a ~ S
Necessity Resolution/kin the ~mprovement of West ~ain
Cross Street, beginnir~ at
to Honon P.P. Crossi~E.
Carmel, In.~iana, t~at it ~s ~e~ssry ~ im~r~ wost Wain
Street erom ~fain Stre~'~t to ~onon ~.~. ~ro~sinq.
That the said Street Shall be constructed of brick.
That it shall be From curb to curb ~rom West Naim ~traet
to the I.U.T. Crossing and a Brick Street with curb from
i.U.T. Oross~ to ~,[onon R.R. Crossing.
That ssid proposed improvement shall begin at Hain ~treet
that persons whose property may
improvement may be heard as to
and terminate at Honon R.~.
Be it further resolved,
be affected by such proposed
the neccesity of the same on _~Tondey the ~
1°11, st The Citizens ~ ~
Pres. o~' i~oerd.
Fred Hines ~vas appointed to act
as town Attorney in the above
~'!eeting was continued over.
pres. of ~rd.
- ~ ~ )/~ ~21
uo suqo£ uosuI >[I IZ,
I I ~H ~o a~suoqne(I
~prtl, ?-th, loll.
Beard met in regular ses$ien all ~me~,ber$ being present.
Minutes e? previeus meeting were read and anproved.
Was m~ved by D~ubenspeek and seenn~ed ~y Hawkins that
J.S.Shannon b~ continued a~ City Engineer and Dr. R.l. Ooooer
as iioalth Of Fic.)r up to close ~r year 1~11. All members voting
voting For it.
Bill of ~2Z.~ wss alIo~od CarmoI Stand~,rd ~or
oontinued ev~r.
Sear4 met in regular session,,all members being
present except~Jehnsen. Minutes ef previous meeting were
read and approved.
Two catch basins on Willow St. were ordered moved
from street te inside of curb.
A Remonstrance was read, which pretested against
the construction of curbs en the East side of Main St. from
main cross st, to North Corporation line.
To THE HONORABLE BOAMD of Trustees of the town
ef 0armel, ~nd.
You, having passed a Resolution to curb Main St.
running north and south. We whose names are here aPflxed
and who ~ould be sffeoted %y said impr~,~ment, hereby
protsst and rsmonstrat~ ao~.h~,~t sai4 rumple-.,~..n~ ~,s
part lying on th~ ..... si<i?
not justified by the beniFtt to be dcrivo~.
!rvin New'in
:ames Wood
Mary W. Sanders
Emma W. Roberts
T. A. painter
Oyrus f
~ick Quick
Meeting was continued
over until ~onday night3
Aor. 9~ when further
consideration of
'~emonstrance will be