HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1927 (03-01 thru 06-14) l{ar:h 1,1927.
s~a~mn at gOO P.)~P.in library hall with all
Beard met in re.~ular
members present. -
Bill were allo~,e~ arid paid as fell®vis;
Till Per. ry Labor ~0.~0 Carmel ~%an~ar~ Printing 1~.40
wilkinson Lumber C0. ~rag 10.88 Light Ce lig'hts
Reb Rayle 2.00 Carmel Supply 0~ Tile 1.~5
Jesse Reese Hauling ~5.50 Jim Shannen surveying 70.00
The questien cf lights at the~, interseetien ef Naln Street mn~
street en west si~c ef New-scheel buil~in~ was taken up and
pon a ~etlen made an~ prsperl~ vo~ed on .clerk was sr~ere~ te writ~
Hnign Traction Ge. er~r te install said li&ht.
After little ~iscussion upon eemplaints from the peeple of
commonly ef Gim~le junk,the b~ar~ was unanimaneus in ordering
clerk to instruct the Marshmll to clean all allies in torn.
~rrlea over/
April 5,19~7.
Board met in Library }lal£ at 8:00 P.Mo AIk m~mber,q pr~-~nt. ~inu~s
cI l,larch m¢~ettng were rea~ and approv~d, Blils of ;
Light Ce li~]ht~ ...... 8~.40 Jess Reese Haullmg 40.00
~.W.Nutt Lantern 1.~5 Carmel Garage Supplies 5~.67
Till Perry S~l~,ry 60.00 Were re~ ~nd allewed.
H~rry Gimple ~ske~ per~mlssi*n t~ burn Junk,west ef his junk
and after ~eliberatien R.f.Follett was given complete charge te ~e as be
tbeugbt, best ~beut the matter after seeing the sttua~ien.-
After ~l~cussion u~en the hauling ef J~nk ferthe tewn R.J.Fellett
appelute~ to see after this matter
Plans ef the ~ltcb and annexatien were ~iscusse~ at length,with
eenclusion that the bear~ wmul~ h~ve Rell Gr~ffen te ~re~are the
necessary ~aper~ fer the same.
Ne Further bu~ine · te c~me before the meetin~,Meetin~
oarrie~ ever. /
May 3.19~?
Beard met in Library Hall,wit,~ all members present; ~i~es ef April
m~etlr, were read an~ approved.Bills of ;---
Till Perry s~lary ~0.~0 Ll~t Co 1L hts 85.~9
Wilkin~on l~ber Co Tile ~.75 ~esse ~es hauling ~6.00
were presente~ ~n~ ~llowed.
A claim ~f Frank Hattery,againzt the tewn ef C~rmel,fer inJuri~
re~ieve~ ~hlle fightin~ fire as a volunte~F fireman,was read an~ table4.
~aper~ ~ere ~re~ented :nm sz~nee fer the annexatien ef tLe Wie~ler
a~itien,the Gi~en Newby m~ition,the D?W.Kinzer ad~itien, t~.
~~,an~ the renain&ln~ ~art ef Phelps addltlen.
Also Fer th, mnnexsti~n ~f eert~ln ~ther ~e~crib~4 territ~ry.
Alpc a Retitien fer th~ re~p~ir an~ rec~nstruetien cf the
Clerk was or4er~ to get as m*rty si~ners ~n ditch petition ~s
might be mbtalne4.
Fellett reperted on thc haulin~ ef junk,Clerk was in~truete~ te h~ve
neti~es-~nte~ ane-~4sA~lbuted to e~ch ho e in Carmel that Ju~ weul~
hauled en ~ certain d~,y. -
Ne further busires~ t~ come before th s Boarg ,l~eet~
/'3 w~s csrried ever.
_'~ ~__: ~Z~ ............................. ~
June 7,19~7.
Hoar~ met in Library Hall ,with Feaster, Dau~ensp~ok,ana Froteuhauer were
pr~.sent,~lnu~tes were read an,iapprov~6 of the '~ay meeting]. Bills eI
Till ~erry -~--Salary .~0.00 R~y F~aster Hauling 1~.00
Carmel Suppt~ ce~ Tile 3.05 Light Ce Li~bt~ 85.94
Carmel Standar~ Printing 5.00 J.D~ty Haulin~ 59.85
Rel!-Oriffin Rec~rmin, 14.~ wer~ ~r~mente~ aha ail,we~.
Af%~er.~iscussing at length th~ I'ire situation ~f the tewn an~ Cemmunity
cl~rk wmm inmtruct~ te ~et in t~u~h wiih Trustees an~ a~vim,ry bemr~s
mn~ also Obenchain Boyer Ce of Le~anzpert for a meeting te be hel~ June
14,1927 , N~ further ~,u$i~s te come g~lere the b~ar~ ?meetin was
June 14,1927.
Meeting; w~s hele in Library with all member of Tewn ~eare Present,also
Tewnshi~ Trustees and th&%r A~vi~ery Boares alse A.U.~yre~ ef ~
Hamilton Ce Insurance Ce . After mueh ~lscussion ana ~n excellent talk
by Byres ~motion was m~.de and ~roperly secon~ an4 e~rrie~ to ~urchase
~ chemical fir~ flghtin~, equlppment at a cest ef $5~50 Te be ~i~ fer
as t~e Acts eI i~7.
Ne further business to ~eme
befere the meeting,~eetin~ was ,~
Chairman ~