HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1927 (07-05 thru 11-01)CARMEL GARAGE
~Authorized Sales and Service
Automobiles and Accessories
Unexeelled Repair Work
Genuine Ford Pagtz
Nemt~mtihn ~ee t in~[.
,k general meeting ',.'ss ce!le~ by the Clerk mf the tewn,aet
Library h~ll ~t, ~ ~.~f. Meeti~ w~s ~alle~ t~ er~er by ~lerk,wh~
ex,lathe5 tbe pu '~e~ If t~e meeting.
R.J.Fellett was eleeted Ch~.iman fer t~e meetin~,an~ Fre~ W.ge~n~en
was electe~ Clerk.,er Seeretary.
Neminat~en fer First W~r~ wss ~nssee temperaily ~s there w~ ne
n~minm t ien~.
Nemfnatt~n~ ~'er Trustee ef se~en~ w~rd was Elmer Myres,whm
~eml~rcd n~mine~e~ by catirm were.
~eminat~mn~ fo:, the thir~ w~rc were Earl Jefferies,C.lnel Trester
an~ Fred Pi'~t~hautr.
~'lPs% vm~e;-- Treater ~5; Jelicrles ~6;Pl'~tenhauer
~nm. Ballet;---Pf~te~:hau~r 4J J~fferie:~
N~mi:~.ti~z f~r ~a~lh w~r~; Dr.C~o~r,R~ssel Fi~her,an~ Fr~a St~tt~.n
l~t. oallet Ce~er ll;Fi~hc:, 40 ;S~rattmn 35.
~n~ ballst;-- Fisher 8~ Strattan
Fisher c~clar:~d o~minate~.
Nemi~'~ati~n f~r 5th ~,arc;-i.[~e~lin,Chas Dear~rf;C.Jewett; an~ F.
l~t ballet ~ewlin 7 ;Algre~ ~5;Jewett l~; De:..rd~rf 35;
En~. ball~t;--Al~re~ ~6 ;Jewctt 14; Deaf,err
Deaf,err receiving the mmJerlty ef all v~tes ~a~t was ~cmlmre:~ nemii~ate~
Gein~ back t~ First war~ Jesse J~hnsen,F.Sink; R.J.Fellett;
l~t ballet ; Jehnsen lo; Sink ll; Fellett ~ ;Nyre~ 16.
~nd B~llet ; Jehnsen 16 ; ~yres 16; Fellett 49.
Fellett declmre~ n~minate~,
Neminati~n fer Clerk-Treasurer ;Rue t~inshmw with ne e~ltl~n.
A res~lutien wms maie an~ ~r~erly vete~ u~n ,a~king the Bear~
Tewn T~ustees,t. app~i~t ~ free-hel~er fr~m each w~r~ t~ act ms an .~.
a~visery b.ar~ in the matter ef ditmhing Carmel.
N. further bu~. iness te
a~ jeui~he met: t in~.
ce~e bef.re
the meetingp Clerk
July 5,19M7
~eard met in Libras, hall with ~ll members present;
?ills oF ;--
Cnas Cot t inf~ham Pl~t 2~.~5 Standard ~r inttng ~4.~
Light. Co. li~;~]t ~9.1~ Till P~rry S~l~ry 60.00
Oar~el Gmra~.~ Sup lies 58.48
were pres~nte~ and all.wed.
C.~.Nutt was appelnte(% t~ serve tbS' unexpired term ef Dr. Bmker
as Health officer. B~arc] ordered clerk t~ ~ite Luther Craven
r~:~arcs to his barn oeir~ in ~ uns~itary cendi~.i n.
N~fu~r busi~ss *0 o~me before the me[~ting meet~n W~.' csr~d
August' M',19~7.
B®~rd met in Library itmll ¥~itm Feaster ?F~llCtt an~ Pf~Lenhauer
Bills ~f ;--
Till Ferry salary o0.00 Li~h~
Raymond ~.east~r haulin~ an~ ~;~vel l~,,O0
---The tax~ levy fir t~e-Near 19~8 was ma~e eut wtth-a-~es=U-
ef 70~ ~er lO~.CO.
e furtl!er business ,the B~a~ meetin& was =ambled evcu.
Segt. 1~, lO~? .
~oard met in Lib~-~ry hall ~Itb Feaster,Rellet~-and gf®tenhauer
present. Bills of ;
Llg, ht Co li~.hts 86.19 Till Pe~ry Salary OO.OO
O..,.Nutt supplies 7.S5 .Dr.Bmker ~s.tate s~.l~y 7.50
Standard ~rintin~ 10.00
were ~r~ented and allo?,ed.
The clerk was srd~ Fed ts ~all ameetlng fer nomin~ting a town ticket.
A curfew e~e~ance was er~ere~ ta be ~rmwn u~ ,~hieh was ~ne an~
Gurno3 Semwrl&ht an~ Lussle Fisher aRRemr~ in behalf ef the
~operty ~wn~rs ~n ~mer st. west ~f TrmGtl~n line asking f*r
~rmdln~ an~ ~ravelin~. Petition was ~ranted.
................... ___
October ,[.,I ~7.
Bo;.rd met in Librar- Hall
Bills ef;--
~esse Eees~ ta'aming ~.50 F.%~o~k Surva y
Carma! Gara;~ St~r~ g~ ~tc. 44.~4 Stsntar~i printing 14.92
Li.~h$ Co li.'h~s 80.i~ Ha~nes aute 2t~p ~nd C~ re~. ~.50
Till Perry Salary oO.OO · Ray Fesnter Hauling 174.00
were ~re$(~lq~ (~ and
Re~ert on the insurance for fife truck men was rea~ and laid ~n %;DtC
A~exm~imn repo~ t.~,as given by ~lerk.
T~m Ev~ns was ~=r~rn in as assistmnt marshsll at · salmry ef 1~ O0 ~er
month with 1.00 addltienal for each arrest a d conviction.
Clerk zss instruoled %~ ~urch~se ~ siren f~r curfew alarm.
--Elmer Strattan ~,as ap~inte~ eleetlmn instanter-
to b~ hel~ N~v.~.
A~etitign sign~ by all ~r~erty er, nors inthe D.W.Klnzer addlt en
askin~ for lights t~ be ~lac~ at the serner ef College ave, ang
~mrk st. and at the G~rner ~f Park st an~ Range line rea4 was
~res~nted an~ Orante~. Clerk eraer~d te write Ll[ht ~e~ er4ertng
Ne ['urt~er business ,m~ting was carried over,
with Fe:ster,Foll~tt aau Pf~tenhr~r present
-- Ney-.- 1-,-1S2~.
Beare met tn library hall with
Feaster,Fellett,Pfetenhauer a~d Str~.tts~
Tom Evans salary . i~.OD
R~y Feaster haulin~ 1~ .OO
.Car~el ~.~.? Su~lies ~5.04
Bills ef ; ......
Till P~rry ...... salary O0.O0
Light ee Lights 84.45
Obench~ln Be~er C~ Su~lies £~.0~
were 9resente~ an~ sll~we~,
Rev Cleaver was ~resent asking tha&
~ark ~teeet be graveled. Request was grante~ ;Fellet a~einted te
after the s~i~ werk. The questlen ef Insurance ef Fire truck was
table~ until the Dee.meeting. Cler~ ~as ~rdere~ te write the tewnsb!~
trustees t® meet with beard at th.t meeting.
A ~etltion signed by a £r~u~ ef representative eltlzens aski~ far
street light at the earner of ~ill street ~n~ W~st main street was
read and &ran.ted.Clerk was erdered te ~it~t~e Traetien Li£ht Ce.
ordering same. Fellett metien,?fetenh.~ue~'
Election su~li~s er~ereri ~rinted ~nd Aiven to In~>e, eter Elmer Str~++~n~
C.u.majer ~ele~t~-~s ci~r~ ~ election Boaru.
~lerk ---~ .....................................