HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1951 (03-06) fhe ooar~ of To~¥n Trustees ,meet in regular meeting in the Town ~u~l~ing
at d:O0 o~czock ~,ith ail m~mbers present. L[inute~ ~ere rea~ an~ a~p-
~,rs. Harvey Stout anU ~[rs Clauae ~ajor upreared ~n oeha~f of the Drinking
Fountmifl given to the To~'~n by the American Legion Aux. The Boaru
or~ere~ ~r. Bey~ler to ~±ac~ the fountain on the ~ater Cc. Proper~y at
the earliest date possiOle.
Mr. ~oyce~ hr. Christie, ~r. Armstro~g, ~rs. Jane H~ines, anm ~r.
B~dweli ap~eare~ oef~re the Bo~r~ f~r water ~1i a~u~t~ients, i'Ve
C~erk w~ or~ere~ to amjust e~ch bil± 5o an a~erage s~nce it ~as net the
~u!tof the above s~ateu persons t~at le~ks ~ere not d~tected before
the Oi±~s became e~cessive.
hr. C~ar~es Ca~Foe~ application for a strip of grouna to be taken
into the To',,n of Carmel ~a~ ream aha app.,roved.
Ha=h m~vea cne c~ei~K prepare a ~riG~en reso±~tion gra~Ging the B~ar~
of Tru~t~s of the Carme~ Library authority to obtain ~. ±o~n in the
a,~ount ne~ue~ to meet ~xpences untill the next regular ~ra~. S~c~iu
by ~offitt~ ~o~ion carriem.
The f~iio~ing oi±is wer~ allowea:
Wm Be/ruer ~ 1~.70 The Comm.,unity Pr,~s ~ 7.~
Pubti~ Service ~08.90 Indiana Gas Dist. C~rp. ~i. Su
A. E. B~yce o7.50 Je'~etts
Parsleys ~ervice ~.OO ~om Evans 7.00
U. ~. Nutt Co. 4.~9 Car~sel Garage Inc. ~S.OO
Io~ Evans i~.O0 Carmel Fire D~pt. l~.00
tearoom Cne~ical Co. 7o~1~ Public Service Co.
SherLuan Truck hi~e
?ub~lc Service Co. 9o.58
~o further business to come before the meeting~ ~eetin6 ~as c,,:rried ~,,ver.
April 3, 1951
The Board of Town Trustees met in regular meeting in the Town bld$.
at 8 o'clock with all members in attendance. Minutes of the last
meeting were read and aaopted.
Compton moved, Hash second that the Board except the Leafy Co. contract
to paint and repair the water tank. Motion carried.
Ordanance 1951-1 was read by all members of the Hoard. Hash moved,
B~cktes secon~ the ordanance be passed. Motion carried.
Compton moved, Hash second the following c~tizen members be appointed
to the newl~ created Zoneing Board for a two year term to expire on
the 1st say of January 1953.
1. John Lierman
2. Herbert Zinsmeister
The following for four year terms, to expire the 1st day of January
1. Huber B~'uce.
~. Wayne Mc~ahan
~otion carried.
The president of the Town Board of Trustees
Trustees of the Town to Carmel to
balance of their term of office.
appointed the following
ser~e o~ the Zoneing ooard for the
1. Lenord Compton
2. C. D. Dawson
J. Wm. P. Hash
The fomlowing bills were allowed.
Carmel Garage Inc.
Parsleys Service
~armel Fire Dept.
R. W. Car~y, Agency
Public Service Co.
Carmel Fire Dept.
Wm Beymer
Tom Evans
Donald Swails,Jr.
Miscellaneous Fund
Don E. Christie
Meeting Adjou_rned .
Carmel Gravel Corp
Publie Service Co.
Chas ~rooks
Parsleys Service
Tom Evans
Don Swailes, Jr.
Browns Pharmacy
Public Service Co
Atkinson Welding
O. W. Nutt Co.
$ 147.20