HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1951 (07-04) Sepcembur ~, 1951 The boaru of Trustees met in regular meet£ng in the To~m Buiiaing at 8:00 o,¢lock ~ith all members present. Minuets of the last meeting were reau an~ approve~. A petition for a street light at third Street and T~ird Ave. N. E. was rea~. Upon a motion by Hash, second by Dab.son, the petition wa~ approved. The i951 Budget Ordinance, ordinance number t~ree(o)-1951, ,.as read. Buckles moved, Hash secon~ that the budge~ be approvea as read. ~iotion carriea. The follo~,ing bills ~',ere axlowed: Wm Beymer w~ 150.70 Gradle Bros $ 475.00 Puolic Service 14~.95 Carmel Fire Dept. 12b. O0 To~ Evans l~.00 Donald Swails Jr. 33.75 Nooiesville i'ime.~ ~5.60 H & H Digging Co. 104.00 O. V~. Nutt Co. ~.45 Tom Evans 7.00 Nob~esvilxe Ledger ~9.62 Jewetts lO.O0 Parsleys Service 8.95 PubLic ~erv~.c~ 64.25 Indiana Ga~ Corp. 1.O0 Bo-set Truck Line 16.50 Carmel Gr~elC ll. O0 Central ~upp±y Co. 142.66 Gradle Bros. i06.10 The Ford Meter Box Co. 25.12 Grau±e Bros. 450.75 Donald S,ails Jr. 175.00 Pu01ic Service Co. l.o0 wilmer S~anley ~9.64 Carme~ Ganage Inc. &b. Oo Donal~ Swai±s Jr. 75.00 Parsleys StanUard Serv. 10.02 I Meeting Adj°urnea'~ /~7//'~' ~~~. Clerk. October 2, 1951 The Board of Trustees met in regular meeting in the To~n building at 8:00 o'clock with all members present. Minuets of the last meeting v~ere reau anG apFrov~c. ~a~h move~ the clerk to inform stees that the protection balance must Oe brought up to mate before t~e Boara of Trustees wi~= De in position to approve any further pro~ection obligati~.ns. Comi~ton second anu so carried. ~rdinance No. ~, 19bi was reaa aha taken unuer c~nsiaeration. Roy D. Homey .............. ~ oO.O0 Talbert-Scha~O ............... 3.45 O. W. Nutt Co.- ............. i~.Tc Public Service ~o. of ind .... J~.95 ~nuiana Gas Dist. Corp.- .... 1.O0 bonal~ ~;ails Jr. 75.00 ~m. Beymer- ................. 15~.70 Tom Evans .................. lo.00 ~[iimer Stanley .............. 50.00 Tom Evans ................... 7.00 Donald Swails Jr. 175.00 Pubzic oervice ~o. In~.- .... ~ 67.~5 £he Community Press ........ 8.00 Parsiey's oervice ............ ~.iimer Stanley ............... 39.44 ;,a±lace & Teirnan ........... 22.15 The Form Meter oox Co.- ..... 59.94 Cam~l ?/e~aing Co.- ........ iz.75 Neptune Eeter ~o.- .......... 105.00 Centra± SupFly Co.- .......... tJbl.44 Jewetts ..................... 10.00