HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1953 (10-06 thru 10-28)October 6, 1953
The regular meeting of the Town Board of Carmel, Ind. was caz±ed to
order at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. The minuets of the
SeptemOer meeting were read and adopted.
it was moved oy ThornOerry ; the Town of Carmel pay one half of the
cost ( if not more than one hundred dollars) of a catch basin located
at the corner of Fourth Ave. and F£rst Stree~ NoE. The county of
Hami±ton So pay the Oalance of the above mentioned catch basin.
The second so this motion wa~ by Hinshaw. The motion wa~ carried.
The Clerk-Treas. was instructed to advertise that applicati~ns for
the Clerk-Treas. office ~ouia oe received at Jewe~ts untll~ 6:P.~.
Octooer 16, i9~. The BOard of Trustees would meet on this date and
appoint a Czerk-Treas. to fizl ~he unexpired t~rm of Tom Jewett.
The Following Oi±~s were a±lowea:
Max Ca~ier $ 1~6.o0
Donai~ Swells Jr. 104.40
protection~ public Service25.0$
O. W. N~tt Co. 23.97
Indiana Gas Di~t. Corp. 5.55
Gordon ~ Nutty 7.50
In~. Gas Dist. Corp. 5.65
Bowser Truck Line 10.64
Central Supply Co. 78.44
Glenn ~a~tz 15.00
Parsleys Service 9.89
Public Service Co. 251.50
Jewetts 1.85
Rees-Young Co. ~.95
Loya~ Hatchery 5.10
Donald Swails "r. 37.50
Donal~ S~ails Jr, $ 07.50
Carmel Fire Dept. 82.~0
PuOiic service Co. i. O0
Parsley's service ±l.91
~ont~omery W~r~ Co. oO.~l
Donald Swaiis Jr. ~5.00
PuOiic Service Co. 79.48
Carmel ~elGing service S.zO
Jewetts 10.00
O. W. Nutt Co. 9.00
Talbert-Schaab 6.75
Otha ~yers
,Newoy-NcCray Motors .9o
Grady Bros. 6.89
Nax Casler l~6.SO
Donald Swells Jr. 104.40
Me=ting Adjourned.
OctoDer 16, i950
special meeting called to chose a Town Clerk-Treas. for applications
receive~. The Board selected ~r. R.
~pres .... Cler-~reas
October ~8, i95~ Boar~ o~' ~o~n Trustees
Zinsmeister ana Hinshaw absent.
A special meeting was he±~ for the purpose of acting on the resignation
of Tom Joyett aha for the appointment ufa successor.
Motion by DucKies, that the resignation of Tom Jewett as Clerk-Treas.
of the Town of Carmel effective November l, 1955, be accepted.
Motion seconded by Tnornberry. Motion carried. 3 ayes, no noes.
Acceptance of the resignation of Mr. ~ewett as Clerk-Treas. createa a
vacancey in the office of Clerk-Treas. effective No~ember l, 1908, it
was moveu Dy Thornberry that Roy Richardson De api~ointea to co~,plete
~he unexpireu term of Mr. Jewe~t as clerk-treas, effective November l,
1953. Motion seconded by Buck±es. ~otion carriee. Ayes three, Noes O.
Mr. Richardson haveing been ~uiy appointe~ Cle~'~-Treas. of the Town of
Carmel for the unexpire~ Term beginning Novembe~ l, 1950 and ending
December 3l, 1955. now iiles with the Boaru of irustees his official
bond in the sum of $3000.00 with Americam States Ins. Co. ~$aia oond
is now examinea and approved Oy the Board of Trustees; and Mr. Richardson
after taKeing the oath ~ office, is now the duly appointed an~
qualified Clerk-Treas. of the Town of Carmel 0eginning Novemo.~r l, 1953
an~ ending December 5l, 1955.
~eeting adjourned .