HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT 1954 (02-02 thru 02-03)February 2, I954.
The regular meeting of the Tov~ Board was called to order at 7 P.M.,all
members present.
Mr.Moo~of the Telephone Co. was present, requesting premission to insta]~
some underground cable conduits, and a lette~ign~d by a~l members, copy
of which is in the Town files,~v~^~r~z~ T~ z~e~,
Mr.Chas.W~ter and his partner were present, and explained that they wish
to bring a new addition on the south-east, into the corporation, and have
water furnished there-to.
The Pres. explained that it was impractical to incorporate a tract
which was not co-terminus with the corporation.
Mr. Zinsmeister e~plained the procedure in furnishing water to a new
sub-division not incorporated, i.e. the Town runs the water mains to the
Corporation line, and the Realtor takes it from there on.
The Pres. then explained that the Town was not in a position to furnish
water until after a survey, now in process, shows the present condition
of the water system .
The following bill~ were approved on motion by Mr.Thornberry, seconded by
Mr. Hinshaw, and carried.
Donald Swails,Jr. $104.40
James Mollison 5.00
Ind.Gross Income Tax Div. 78.75
Donal Swails,Jr. 98.70
R.C.Richardson I8.~2
O.W.Nutt Co. .90
Pub. Serv.Co.,Ind. 66.I8
Ind.Gas Dist. Corpn. 29.96
Central Supply Co. 23.I4
John Wil~y Jones Co. I6.I3
Nathan Thomas 5.00
O.W.Nutt Co 27.44
Union Telephone Co~ 4.95
Pub. Serv.Co.Ind I.OO
Pub.Serv. Co.Ind. 29.4I
Ind.Gas Distr. Corpn. 50.74
Parsley's Std. Stat~on. IO.44
Martin Carey Serv.Station 46.59
Noblesville Morning Times I3.47
Griffith Auto Co. ~I51.66
Allan Stanley 76.28
Talbert-Schaab Lbr. Co. 1.80
Carmel Fire Dept. 208.00
R.W.Carey Ins.Co. 55.45
R.W.Carey Ins.Agency 65.25
Max Casler I36.30
Donald Swails,Jr. 37.50
Director of Internal Revenue 44.40
State Bank of Lapel 'IOOO.OO
State Bank of Lapel 37.50
~erdena Samuels I2.50
Max Casler I31.20
Donald Swails,Jr. 37.50
Otha Myers 36.67
O.W.Nutt Co. 1.94
Pub.Serv. Co.Ind. 303.23
Parsleys Std. Serv. I4.79
Noblesville Dail~Ledger II.85
The State Board of Accounts bill for auditing was ordered returned
to them for clarification.
A motion was made by Mr.Hinshaw, seconded by Mt. Buckles, and c~r~ed, that
the Pub.Serv. Co. be instructed to install two steeet lights e~e~ behin
the stores and near the tank and ~ in front of the P.O. on Ist Ave.N.~/.
~e.sidewalk along the side of the Ta~k was discussed together with the
cmcv~ of a fire plug;action was p~stponed pending further investigatio~
of surrounding problems.
The Pres. explained a condition regarding Geo.Daubenspeck's property
where his own plumbing sNstem for four houses, is hooked up with the
Town mains. Ea~ch house now has a meter. There is a leak somewhere
in the Daubenspeck plumbing. The Pres.stated he did~ not think the To~n
was obligated to go on private property to repair plumbing.
Mr.Thornberry reported that he had interviewed several business men in
the south east of town regarding incorporating, and that they were not in
favor of coming into the corporation.
The Pres. reported conditions regarding residences not incorporated in
the north east section of town.
Mr.Hinshaw reported that he had talked with several men regarding bids
for street work. He stated that all black top streets should be sealed,
and that gravel shot with oil should be put on other streets
temporarily, until we know what the present water survey recommends, as per-
taining tc the tearing up of streets.
Mr. Zinsmeister moved - seconded by ~r.Thornberry - that the City Attorney
check with the County Surveyor and ~ or the County Attorney, as to whose
responsibility it is to repair the Follet Drai~n. Notion carried - all ayes.
The Pres. requested Mr. Hinshaw to check into road ~ork costs so that
for the bids may be made as soon as possible.~
advertising no further business, the meeting adJcu~d./~/~/~~
There being
P¥~ sld~nt ~ ~ ~6~~~
March 2, I954.
The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order at 7 P.M.,with Mr.
Thornberry absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. The following b~lls were
approved for paymentton motion by Mt. Buckles, seconded by Mr.Zinsmeister, and
carried - all ayes.
Pub. Serv. Co.
Martin Carey Serv. Sta.
Ind.Gas Dist. Corp.
Parsleys' Std. Serv.
Pub.Serv. Co.Ind.
WtH~Glazebrook Co.
Fishers Garage
Carmel Fire Dept.
Iud.Gas Dist. Corpn.
Donal Swails Jr.
Donald Swails Jr.
of Iud ...... $21.3I
Darling Valve &Mfg. Co. $II8.45
Pub. Serv.Co.Ind. 79.R5
Richardsons II.6?
Donald Swails Jr. 37.50
Max Caslsr I$4.05
Denal~ Swails Jr. 37.50
Max Casler I34.65
Otha Myers 75.00
Pub. Serv. Co.Ind. 251.50
Parsleys Std.S~a. 21.68
R.W.Carey Ins.Agy. 38.95
Grady Bros.Inc. 5.85
Messrs. Floy~ ~eatherston and Leon Hinshaw were present with complaints on
water bills;both were convinced that~the bills were right, and agreed to pay
in full.
At the suggestion of the I~brary Board - a motion was made by Mr. Buckles,
seconded by Mr. Zinsmeiste~ to appoint Gus Hash as a member of the Library
Board to replace Ross Hunt whsse term expired. Motion carried - all ayes.
Mr.Hinshaw reported that the bi~s for the Tov~ road repairs can now be adver
tised. He had no definite information from the S~te regarding what work was
to be done on Maine Street. He also explained the possibilities of parking
space o~ Ist Av~. S.W. Grading this street was discussed, and cost of ~
same will be investigated.
Mr. Stewm~t explained that the Tow~ could repair the Follett ~mmin, but as it
is a county drain the County should make the necessary re~airs. ~t was moved
by Mr. Zinsmeister, seconded by Mt. Buckles ~and carried that Mt.Ray Homey
County Surveyor, be invited to meet with the Town Board to discuss repairing
Ist A~,e.N.W.
The President reported that the Me~hcdis$ Church wanted to bring their
proposed new location into the corporation, and also want water dervice. They
want the County to widen the road and propose to dedicate forty(40) feet to
the Town of Carmel.
Mr. Zinsmeister explained that the engineers would show us at our next
meeting hew th~ Aumann additi?n could be furnished with water if we so
wished. He also stated he was in favor of furnishing water to the Aumann
addition if the details can be worked out to cur specifications with a
sur-charge for service outside the Town limits. Also that some of the
Newark Village people want water. Mr.Hinshaw agreed with th~ explanation.