HomeMy WebLinkAboutPitney Bowes (2)RSCAL RJNDING I~ERIOD FROM TO Your' BdSiness Needs' STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TERM RENTAL AGREEMENT ~ Your Payment Plan Initial Rental Term Billing Frequency [] Monthly [] iluartedy [] Other (spec~__J Next $' " Next: $ - Ne~ $ Next.- $ . [] EqufpmentMaintenanceAgreemeetOnRe~al dl Solhvam Malnt~e Agreemerit [] Mete,' On Rental Nental Terms and ConditionS: ;,-: ' .,:,:. PB SLR2 3(00) ~EC~ OEICE: 27 WATER~ DR · SHELTON CT ~64~-4361 · EQUIPMENT VENDOR: P~ BOWES iNC. · FOR SALES AND SERVICE ~LL 1-800-322-8000 WH~ COPY PBC~ ', PINK COPY Pl~ BOWES ~NC. · Y~Ow coPY CUSTOMER : ' ' ' ~ PAGE 1 · "" S~pAGES2&3FORADDmON~RMSANDCONDmONS-=. . :~:-=,~ '~=-.~. ~- ~ Pitney Bowes Rental Account # STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TERM RENTAL AGREEMENT :::::':.,::aj::j:,' "'i.o........ z.a ,:,,..,, CREDIT CARD ~EXP DATEL NAME ON GARb~PE TAX EXEMPT # FISCAL FUNDING PERIOD FROM TO SALES TAX (IF APPLICABLE) RENTER P0 # C~j~ Your Business Needs / / . z CHECK ITEMS TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR TOTAl, RENTAL PAYMENT [~ Equipment Maintenance Agreement On Rental [ Soft-G~ard Agreelaent L3 SoffiNare Maintenance Agreement D Meter On Rental E3 RentOr Retains 'title ~ Your Payment Plan ~ Rental Terms and Conditions Initial Rental Term Billing Frequency Q Monthly h, guarterly D Other (specify ,) Next $ Next $ Next $ Next $ / PR,. .AMEL' ,':j :'-' / PsADco..T.EP. M./t' l."vcu' r:, EMPLOYEE. _PB ACCEPTED BY TITLE By your signature as "Rentar' below, you request that we rent to you the equipment described above or on any schedule aeached hereto (the "Equipment") for business or commercial purposes. Your oNer wig be binding on us when we accept it by having an authorized employee sign it. All payments hereunder shall be payable only to us at our executive office, unless we direct you otherwise in writing. 1 NON-APPROPRIATION: You warrant that you have [~nds available to pay the Total Payments until the end of your current appropriation period, and shall use your best efforts to obtain funds to pay the Total Payments in each subsequent appropriation period through the end of your Initial Term. If your appropriation request to yoGr legislative body. or funding authorit~ CGovern~ng Body") for funds to pay the Total Payments is denied, you may terminate this Agreement on the last day of the appmpriabon period for which funds have been approprBted, Upon: (i) submission of certified copies of your funding request and the Governing Body's denial of the appropriation request, and (ii) satisfaction of all charges and obligations under this Agreement incurred through the end of the appropriation period, including the return of t~e Equipment at your expense. if you terminate this Agreement and return the Equipment Under this Section, you shall not purchase or rent eqstpment performing substantially similar functions to those pedormed by the Equipment for a period of one year following termination " ' I _t' i/!% TITLE(/ '/" ~ ~ , / r :' DATEgSlO/ DISTRICT NAME & # [ , / DATE EXECUTIVE OFFICE.' 27 WATERVIEW DR · SHELTON, CT 06484-4361 ° EQUIPMENT VENDOR: PITNEY BOWES INC. ° FOR SALES AND SERVICE CALL 1-800-322-8000 WHITE COPY PBCC · PINK COPY PITNEY BOWES INC. ° YELLOW COPY CUSTOMER PAGE 1 PB SLR2 (3/00) SEE PAGES 2 & 3 FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Approved and Adopted this 5'7~ day of ,2001. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety BY: B ard, Mayoresra Date: ~ ' (~' "~ / Bii.~ly~alker, Member Date: ATTEST: Date: City of Carmel INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35-6000972 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -"ORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CiTY OF CARMEL - 1997 9%'~0L4~g SHIP VENDOR TO PAGE PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES. NP VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE, DESCRIPTION OUANTITY I UNIT OF MEASUREI PAYMENT TERMS DEEcR,P,,o. FREIGHT UNIT PRICE ~ ~XTENSION DEPARTMENT j ACCOUNT SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS · SHIP PREPAID, · C,O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED · PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABELS. · THIS OR[)ER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99. ACTS 1945 AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. 10 3 6 iS PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE I PROJECT I P.GjEGT ACCOUNT AMOUNT PAYMENT · NPVOUCHBRCANNOTBEAPPROVEDFORPAYMENTUNLESSTHEP.O. NUMBER iS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED, · tHEREBYCERTIPYTHATTHEREISANUNOELIGATEDBALANCEIN THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. ORDERED BY TITLE CLERK-TREASURER