HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrakes Engineering/UtilitiesFrakes Engineering, Inc. Utilities Dept - 2001 Professional Services for SCADA System Appropriation # 02.3460.50 Contract Not To Exceed $15,000.00 APPROVED. AS TO FORM BY~,~' RIDER TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Rider to the Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"), executed by Frakes Engineering, Inc. ("Professional") and the City of Carreel, Indiana ("City") on March 16, 2000 (City Contract No. 0315.00.03), is hereby entered into by and be ee the City, acting through its Board of Pubhc Works and Safety, and Professional on this//d'~day o ~,cc'F ,200__/. WHEREAS, on January 1, 2001, City instituted a mandi~ "purchase order system" for City's purchase of all goods and services exceeding Two Hundred FiFty Dollars ($250.00) in value; and WHEREAS, in order to operate under this "purchase order system", every City contract must contain therein an estimate of the cost of providing goods and services to City pursuant to such contract, and City must rely on this estimate when encumbering sufficient monies to pay for same. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The above Recitals are incorporated herein as though they were fully set forth below. 2. Professional estimates that the total cost for all professional services ("Services") provided to City pursuant to the Agreement during calendar year 2001, which Services are described in attached Exhibit A, shall not exceed $15,000.00 (the "Estimate"). 3. City agrees to prepare a purchase order setting aside the sum of the Estimate to pay for the Services provided during the time period covered by the Estimate, and to indicate budget appropriation number 02.3460.50 as being that from which such Services are to be paid on said purchase order. 4. Professional agrees to notify City, in writing, when the total cost for all Services provided to City by Professional pursuant to the Agreement during the time period covered by an Estimate reaches the amount of the Estimate. 5. Professional agrees that it will not provide any Services to City during the time period covered by an Estimate if the provision of same would cause the total cost of the Services provided to City during such time period to exceed the Estimate amount, without prior written City approval. 6. This Rider shall continue in effect from year to year, unless otherwise modified or terminated in writing by the parties hereto, except that this Rider shall automatically terminate on the date on which the Agreement itself is terminated. 7. The terms of this Rider shall supercede any contrary terms or conditions contained in the Agreement. All Agreement terms and conditions not so affected remain in full force and effect, are incorporated herein by this reference and shall apply to this Rider as well. Frakes Engineering, Inc. Utilities Dept - 2001 Professional Services for SCADA System Appropriation # 02.3460.50 Contract Not To Exceed $15,000.00 8. Upon proper execution by all parties hereto, the effective date of this Rider shall be January 1, 2001. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Rider as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA ("CITY") By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety BY: Je~s Brainard, Presiding Officer FRAKES ENGINEERING, INC. ("PROFESSIONAL") Pried Title FID/SSN: Date: ATTEST: SUl aS 01 11:03a Frakes Engineering, Inc. {317)577-3005 p.3 FRAKES ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE IS THE DIFFERENCE! ,.. ) CONTROL SYSTEM INTEGRATORS SINCE 1978 ?950 Ca~/I. EY~YDR, SUITE160, INI~S, IN 46250 ph. 317-5'/7-3000, fax317-b'Tl-3005 2001 FIEI,D ENGINEERING RATES (Outside 48 Contiguous S/arcs) SENIOR ENGINEERS T} 'PE OF REGULAR SA TURDd IY S~)~.'DA 17 SER I ICE HOURS 0 1 'ER TLIIE 0 I'ER TI.IlE C~R~L. '?~. ] $90.00 $117.00 $144.00 l~. ~; $90.00 $117.00 $144.00 p~~::% $90.00 SliT.00 S]44.00 I2RA UEL EXPENSES Cost + 15% Cost + 15% Cost + 15% Cost + 15% LIJ ZYG EXPENSES $45.OO/day $45.00/day $45.00111ay $45.00/day INTERNAL SItOP RATES SHOP RATES TYPE OF REGUL.4R SERfICE HOURS £.1TURD. 1 };/ SU'NDA IvY Ol ERT131E OI't]RTI. tlE $60.00 $72.00 $53.00 $64.00 TRA I "E L EA'PENSES N/A LII'I3/G EYPE:YSES N/A 3~1 23 O1 11:03a Frakes Engineering, Inc. (317)577-3005 p.2 FRAKES ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE IS THE DIFFERENCE! ,. ~ CONTROL SYSTEM INTEGRATORS SINCE 1978 7950 CaSrLENV~yDR, SUITE160, II,,E31~S, IN 46250 ph. 317-5'/7-3008, fax317-STt-3005 2001 FIELD ENGINEERING RATES (48 Contiguous Stales) SENIOR ENGINEERS SA TURDA )V SUZVD?I 17 OI~'RTI3tE OJ'ERTL]IE TRA 17El. LIJ LYG EXPENSES E3;PE3,~ES $110.00 $136.00 Cost+15% $3S.00/day $110.00 $136.00 Cost + 15% $35.001day $110.00 $136.00 Cost + 15% $35.00/day $110.00 S136.00 Cost+15% $35.00/day JUNIOR ENGINEERS T} 7>E OF REG~ :LA R SER! ICE HOURS P~;o~Us~/,ie;. s6s.oo MO~N7 ~:~:' ~: ~ ~ :::: $65.00 MEN~ATION" '~::,' $65.00 :~BT~ON: : $65.00 &tTL.'RD..II7 SLIA'D. tI7 OI;ERTLllE OIERTI.'IIE TR.-I tEL LII lz~,"G EXPEAISES EA?ENSES $85.00 $184.00 Cost + 15% $35.001day $85.00 $104.00 Cost + 15% $...~5.00/day $85.00 $104.00 Cost + 15% S35.00/day $85.00 $11M.OO Cost + 15"/, $35.00/day J~l ~3 01 11:03~ ~ake~ En~inee~in~ Ino. ~31~]S~-3008 RATE POLICIES EMERGENCY SERVICE Emergency service or unscheduled service, defined as same day request and not scheduled service, adds $15 per hour to each rate. Our service people are provided this incentive to assure emergency requests are given proper attention immediately. THE FOLLOWING EXPENSE ITEMS ARE THE SAME NO MATTER WHERE THE SERVICE WORK IS PERFORMED: MATERIALS Any materials required will be invoiced at our cost, including shipping, plus an additional 15% handling fee. TRAVEL Travel expenses such as airfaxe, hotel and rental car will be invoiced at our cost plus an additional 15% handling fee. MILEAGE Mileage in a company or personal vehicle will be invoiced at $.35 (Thirty- five cents) per mile. OVERTIME The regular rates will apply for the first eight (8) hours of work Monday through Friday. The Saturday/OT rates will apply for any hour beyond eight (8) during the week and for the first eight (8) hours on Saturday, The Sunday/OT rates will apply after the first eight (8) hours on Saturday, all day Sunday or all day on any of our paid holidays. If our service person has worked any hours on the day he is called, these will be applied to the eight (8) hours before the rate change. For example, ira man is called out after he has worked for two (2) hours on Monday and works ten (10) hours at the plant, the bill would be for six (6) hours at regular rates and four (4) hours at Saturday/OT rates. Emergency service rate may also apply.