HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashington Twp/Carmel Fire,' $EP-05-2000 13:47 FRO~ APPROVED, AS 1'O FORM WASIIINGTON TOWNSHIP, MARION COUNTY/CITY OF CARMEL, HAMILTON COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT Rcs~dtthg from discussions between offmials of the Washington Tevmship Fire Depa~ment (WTFD), (Marion County) Md the City of ~ Fig Dq~atment (CFD), ('lqamilton County) pcalai~ te the provision of optimum fig and cmergency medical services along and adjagant to thc Washington Township/City of Carmel boundai~, the following agreement has been reached pursuant to i.C. 36-I-7; 1. FIRE SI[,T]~RESSION AWl'OMA. TIC DUAL RESPONSE AREAS 1.1 Pt.ws'uant to thc request of thc Washington Toumdfip Fig Chi~ the argas of the Washio~ton Township sc-wicc district listed below ~hall be designated as dual rcsponse areas: 1.1-1 In the event of any ~l~or~l fire or ha?ardous materials multiple al~aarams reRxmse, Carmel Egglne 43 shall n:~ond on fig initial dispatch as thc third due engine with the appropriate wTFD ' ~,la~ __rat~ in the following box ahrm areas: Box 2236: ~m area beunded by 961h Street m thc North, College Avenue to the Wcsk 91st Stzeet to the South and Westfield Boulevard, hterstate 465 and Keystone Avenue to the EasL Box 2237: an area bom~lcd by 96th Sta~lt to thc North, Wesffield ~d, Interstate 465 and Keystone Avenue on the We~L 791h Sm:et to the 5outh and White River to the East. If Carmel Eng~nc 43 is out of serdce, Caned Engine 45 shall be substituted, 1.2 1,1-2 In the evcm of any reported f~e or hazardous materials mtfltipl¢ apparatus response, Cannel Engine 45 shall re~4~ond on the initial dislmteh as the third d~e engine with the appropriate W'fI~D apparatus in tl~ following box alarm areas: Box 2235: an arga belmded by 961h Slreet to the NortlL Meridian Street to the West, 91st Street to the South and Conegc Avenue to thc East. Box 2234: an area bounded by 9151 Street to the NottlL Meridian Street to the West, 861h Street to the South and College Avenue to the East If Carmel Engine 45 is out of service, Carmel Engine 43 shall be substituted. Pum~a-~ to the request of the City of Camaal Fig Chief, the areas of the City of Cannel mt'vim distTict listed below shall be designated as ~J~,! response aras: 1.2-1 In the evem of a rqxtrted tim or a,-W. omatio alarm at any commercial, institulional. hndustrial or multi-family residential occupancy, WFe'D Engine 223 shall reapond on the initial dispatch as the third dne engine with the appropriate CFI) apparatus in the following box alama areas: an arga bounded by 106th Su~et on the North, M,6_ai.'~- Street to tl~ West, 961h Su'eet to the South and the White Riwr to the East. If Engine 223 is not available WTFD Engine 224 or 221 will be dispatched, 1.2-2 la the event of a reported fire or automatic alarm at any enuunercial, institutional industrial or multi-family residmtial occupancy, WTFD Engin0 224 shall respond an the initial dispatch with the appropriate CFD apparatus in the following box alarm Febmasy 1, 1999 .-$EP-O6'ZO00 13:47 FROM- T-083 P.O03/O07 F-643 2.0 2.1 an area ~undnd by Z06th 5t~ to the North, Towne Road to the Wes~ 96th Steer to thc South and Mca~i,n Street to Ihe East. If Engine 224 is not available W'rvL~ Engine 223 or 221 will bc dispntche& GR~AT]ZR ALARM RESPONSI~S Pursuant m the teque~ of the Washington Township Fire Chief, the CFD shah provide greater alarm mutual aid in thc areas of the Wnehing~on Town$hip servic.~ ~ct north of 62nd Street as listed below: 2.1-! in the event of a working incident within the arca described in varagraph 2.1 reqmring a closes~ CFD comr~_nles not to exceed one engine and/~r one aerial. 2.1-2 la the event at' a working incident requiring a second alarm reSptmse, CFD ~h~11 r~pond the closet available e~gine company to the following YV'II-D box a~amn areas; Box 2211: an area bounded by the White River to the North and West, 71st Street to file South and Keystonz Ay(roue to the East, Box 2213: an area bounded by 79th Stre~ 1o the N0tth, Keyswne Avenue to the West, 7la Street to the South and Dean Road to the Fast, Box 2216: an ama bounded by 96th Sm:et Nort~ the White River to the West, Inter.are 465 to the SO,"h 'and a line extending through Graham Road to the Box 2217: aa area bounded by Imersmte 465 to the N0~h, Allisonville Road to the Wc~, 79th Street to thc South and a linc ~xlending through Graham Road to the East, Box 22~0: an area bounded by 86Ih S~ to the North, College Arcane to the We~t, 75th Strut and the White River to the South 'and Keystone Avenue to the Box 22~4: an area bounded by 91st Street to the North, Meridian Slxeet to the West, 86th Street to the South am/College Avenue to thc East, Box 2238: an area bounded by 91st Sn-ect to the North, College Avenue to the West, 86th Street to the South and Keystoue Av/mue to the East, Box 22~9: an anm bomaded by JaR~stato 465 to the North, the White River to the W~st, 79th S~'eet to the South and Allisonville Road ~o Box 2243: an area bou~led by f~th S~ on the Nom~ Township Line Road to the West, 79th Su~e~ ~o thc Soulh and Diteh Road to the BoX 2244: an area bounded by 96th Su'cct to the North, Township t/ne Road to West, 86th Slreet to the South and Diteh Road to the Fast, Box 2245: an area bounded by 96th Street to th~ North, Ditch R~ad to the W~t, Street m the South and Meridian Sm:et to the East 2.1-3 In the event of a working incident nXlniring a second alarm resgonse, the CFD shall r~pond Ladder~l to the following WTFD box alarm a~eas: the areas previously described in paragraph LI-1 for Boxes 2215, 2236 and 2237 on which CFI} respond* on the initial dispatch, and the areas previously described in paragraph 2.1-1 for Be~..s 2230, :22.34, and 2238 tm which thc closest CFI3 engine company responds on the second alarm. 2.1-4 In the event of a working incident requiring a third a 'lann resptmse~ the CFD shall resgond th~ closest available engine company to the following WTFD box alarm areas: Box 2212: an area botmdcd by 71st Street on the Not~ the White River to the West, 64th Street, Evanston Avenue and 62nd Street to the South and Keystone Avenue to the Earl. 13:47 FROB- T'083 P.O04/O07 F'643 2.2 3.0 4.0 Box 2214: an ar~ bound~d by 79th Street ~o thc North, Dean R~ m ~e West, 71~ ~a 2~2: ~ ~ ~ ~ 75~ S~t ~ ~ N~ Mc~~i=~ g~et m ~e W~ ~e old ci~ limi~ m ~ ~mh ~d ~R~e A~nue to me ~, ~ 22~: an ~ ~ ~ ~ S~t to thc NO~ M~ S~t m ~ W~ 75~ S~ ~ ~e ~ ~ Colle~ Av~ue ~ the ~L ~ 2~2: ~~7~ S~ tO ~ N~ a ~o e~g ~u~ To~p Line R~d m ~e W~ a ~e ~r~ 67~ S~L ~ S~ and ~go ~ ~ thc ~ ~d H~ ~d m t~ ~g Box 2~: ~ ~ ~u~ ~ ~ S~t m ~c NO~ Dhch R~ lo ~ W~t, 79~ s~ m the ~ ~ ~ S~t to t~ ~, 2.1-5 In thc event of a working incid~t requiring a third alarm response, thc CFD a.hall respond Laddsr~l to the following WTFD box alarm areas: thc areas previously described in paragraph 2.1-1 for Boxe$ 2216, 2244 and 2245 on which the closest CFD engine responds on the ~cend alarm, and the areas previously deacribed in 2.1-3 for Boxes 22~3 and 2246 on which the closest CFD engine responds on the third alarm. Purz!~am to the request of the City of Carmel Fire Chief, the wr~-D shall provide greater alarm mutual aid in the aseas of the City of Carmel or Chy Tow~hip ~:r,Ace district North of 96th StmeL South of Cannel Drive bet'ween Town¢ Road and Gray Road as li.~ed I~low: 2.2-1 In tl~ ev'e~ of a working incident within the area described in paragraph 2.2 ~luiring a second or third alan~ the C, FD incident eommandsr may request the respome of the cl0..eeSt ~FI'I~'D oorop~_.nies not to exceed one engine and/or One aerial. MI3TUAL AID - EMERGENCY A~SISTANCE 3.1 Pursuam to the W,&ueat of the Washington Township Fire Chief. ia the ~veau of a major emergen~ of any nature oc,~Urmg within the Washington Township fire service district, the on.scene WTFD incident commander may request the re~on$c of the cloaegt available CFD equipment and lXXaonnel to bring the emerge~-y trader control. 3.2 Pursuant to the request of the City of Carmel Fir~ Chief, in the event of a major emergency of any natuto oocurring within the City of 'Carmel fire servico disffict, thc sc~ne C_FD incid~m commaade~ may request the response of thc closest available W reu equipment and personnel to bring the emergency under cont'a~l. MUTUAL Ail) - MOVE-UP ASSISTANCE 4.1 Pursuant to the requef, t of the Washington Township Fir~ Chie~ i~ the event of a major emergency within the Washiagu)n Township fire se~4cc district requiting thc extended commitment of W't'l~o equipment and pec~omael to the degree that the ability of the W'I'PD to render emergency fire and me.~cal servic~ in other areas of/ts fire service distuct is severely impaired~ the ou-scene WT~D incident commander may ~tucst the response of the closest available CFD equipmcot and t,,ersonnel to move up to a WTFD fire slation. 4.2 Pursnaat m the request of the City of Carmel Fi~e Chief, in the event of a major emergency within the City of Carmel rite service di~fict requiring die extended commitment of CFI) equipment and persoonel to the degree tlmt the ability of the CED to rendsx emergency fire and medical services in other areas of its fire ~r~ice district is $EP-06-2000 13:48 FROM- T-083 P.O05/O07 F-643 5.0 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.1 $.0 8.2 ~everely intp~rcd, thc on-scane CFD incident commander may request the response of thc closest available XVI'FD equipment and persounel w move up to a CFI) fire stat/on. MUTUAL AID - EMIr-RGENCY MEDICAL $]~RVICF~ 5.1 5.2 5,3 In tl~ eveax~ of a modi~l emergency within the Wa~hinglon Township fire service district, WTFD may request the response of the closest avai 'lablc CFD E_M,S. apparatus should Wli-o primary response apparatus b~ unavsilable. In thc event of a medical emergency within th~ City of Carmel fire service dis/ri~, CFD may request the response Of the closest available WTFD E.M,S. apparatus should CFI) prin~,y ~csponse app~.ratoS be xmavailable. In the event of a medical emergency within either fire service ~istrict, the transporting department shall maintain sole reSponsibilhy for patient billing. INCIDENT COMMAND AND CONTROL Thc rite department having teafitorial ju~sdi~tion maintains ultimate responsibility for overall incident command. 6,1-1 6,1-2 6.1-3 6.1-4 All responding personnel she, il comply with thc Incideat Commander's directives, regardless of the lnddent Commander's or personnel's depanmant affiliation. Personnel affflinted with the ~_~Si~fing fire depaxtment eh~ll have tho ~ powem alld duties as corrcsl~mding personnel employed by the assi~ed depanmant~ but 0nly in the period they a~ engaged in activitic~ a~morized by the a~slsted deparmm~t. TI~ department providing assistance remalnu resp/msible for the condu~ of personnel and for their medical expenses and workers' compensation. thc assisting ~pm.,~ apparatus to a nm-ready Every effor~ shall bc made to return ....... nt's slat~ as soon as possible. I:I~e,E CAUSE INVESTIGATION The fire department h~vimg territorial jurisdiction maim~_$-~ ultima~ responsibility for fire cau~ and or/gin invcsfigation w~!hin their tiro servi~e district 7.1-1 Investigative ass~_~-¢c from the Wino or the CiD shall be made available to the lncidcnt Comman~r of either ~rartmCat upon request, RESPONSE OBLIGATION The Washington Township Fir~ Dcpanment shall aOt be obligatod to respond as described in this agreement ffto do so would evdan~ ~he citizens of Washington Township or impa~ the ability of thC Ws~hiagt, OU Township Fire Depanmeat to randc~ emergency rite or medical s~iccs wi~hln its fire service dislricc The City of Carmel Fire Dcpartmen~ shall not be obligaled to respond as described in this agreement if to do so would endanger thc citizens of thc Cily of Caund or uupair the ability of the City of Carmel Fire Department to render emergency lire or medical services within ils fire se~'ice distd~- $EP-05-2000 13:48 FROM- %083 P.OO6/OOT F'643 9.0 9.1 10. lO.1 10.2 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION Both tiro depamnonts agrCc that the services dascn~bed in this agn:f-ancnt ~hall ly~ provided to one another without cost. 9.1-1 ]~ach department rcmaias financially responsible for any of its apparatus or equipment that may be los~ stolen or damaged and for any m~licai expenses incorr~:d by its l~rsonnel, regar~ess of the jurisdiction in which thc loss occurs. INDEMI~'FICATION Washington Township agrees to indamn;fy and hold harmless thc City of Carmel, its fire depanmcat a~i officers, agents and employees of ~ch trom any apo all claim or threat of claim, loss, lial~lity, judgment or lien ansmg out of the negligence of Washington Township, its fir~ department and oltlccrs, agents or employees of each ia di~patchlag any eqtupmen! to any ia¢ident described within this document. Such indemnity shall include atlorney's fces and ail cost of Other expenses arising thcmfrom or incurrod ia connection therewith_ The City of Carmel agrees m iadem.ify and hold harmless Washington Township, its fire de]y~r~__mCnt al~d off¢¢a'~ aggllm an~ e~mployees of each from any and all claim or threat of claim, loss, liability, judgment or lien arising out of thc negligenco of the City of Carmel, it~ fire department and officers, agents or employees of awh in dispatching any equipment lo any incidam described within this document. SuCh i.~demnity shall include artomcy'$ fees and all cost of oth,~r exgc. mes arising thcref~m or incurred ia connection therewith. I1. EFFECT 11.1 Once signed, this agreement modifies and supersedes any and all other mutual aid or dual ~spons~ agrccmems between the WashingtOn Township Fir~ Department and the Oi~y of Cannel Fire Department. ] 1.2 This agreement ~hnl! remain in ~ forcc and eff~-'t until modified or tcrmiaaled by nmtual written consent Of the parties Or upon thin'), (30) days writ~n amice by either party to the other party. ~a~in~ ~P, Fire Chief City ofeam~el ire ' '~ ~L~yor c]erz t~/! / I /~rd Memhcr 13:49 FROM- T-083 P.O0?/O0? F-643 ADI)mONAL TERMS AND CON1)mONS The following terms and condilio~s nhall apply to and goveril that cer/am document entitled Washington Township, Marion County/City of Carmel, Hamilton County Fire D~aa~aent Mutual Aid Agr~ment (the "Agrc'cme~t" dated ,20~ by and betweaa the Washington Township Fire Del~mmCnt ("WTFD') and the City of Cannel Fire Department ("CFD") govemin§ the p~ovision of optimum ~ a~ld cracr~nc~ medical send,cs along and adjacant to thc washin~ou Township/City of Carmel houndar~. Notwithstanding anything m the contrary, the City of Canuel's liability with respect to its obl/gation m inc~anify and hold Washington Township ham,-less shall be limiled to thc maximum cd the lesser of (a) the amount of in.sur~ce coveraEe fOr such claim aBd ill eft'cci at the time of the clailll or Co) the amomlt allowed xl.nder IDdlalla Ton Ciairon Act 34-4-16.$4, as amended, at the time of the cJaim or (c) the amotmt allowed under hvtiana Tort Claims Act, as amended, at die time of the cxccufioa of the No~arithsUmdmg anything to the contrary, Washington Township's liability with respect to its obligalion to hldemnify and h01d the City of Carmel harmless shall bc limited to the ilhaximum of tbe ~ of (a) the amount of insuranc~ coveral~e for such Claim and in effect at the time of the claim or Co) The amount allowed under Indiana Tort Claims Act 344-16.54, as amended, at the lime of the claim or (¢) the amoum allowed under iptllana Tort Cl8ims Act, as amCllik'd? at the time of the cxc'o~on of the Agreement. It is so a~reed, lhis__~-'~J day of C. ff/j~ ~1~. t[~i~gto~f/~mship Fire Chief ,he or · //Board Member By: Board Member