HomeMy WebLinkAboutCClay Prk/Carmel/Prairie Medow Monday, December 22, 2003 Mayor James Brainard One Civic Square Carmel, In 46032 The Benefits of Parks and Recreation are Endless...m Dem' Mayor Brainard: I am writing to you on behalf of the Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation Board to request your signature for open burning on an established 5-acre prairie at Prairie Meadow Park. The parkland is owned by the city and reqmres the property owner signature for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management bum permit to be issued. Historically, periodic fire played an important role in influencing the landscapes of Indiana. Scientific studieshave dem°nstrated the benefits °fprescripti°nburningin regaining the natural character of these landscapes and more specifically of prairies. Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation proposes to utilize prescription burning among other resource management activities to revitalize and maintain the natural areas at Prairie Meadow Park. I respectfully request that this item be acted upon during the first BPW meeting in January 2004 to allow time for the IDEM permitting process for a open bum in March 2004.. ~r Interim Director Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation CC: Diana Cordray Mary O'Dea Attch: IDEM Application 1055 Third Avenue SW * Carmel * Indiana * 46032 Phone (317) 848-pARK (7275) * Fax (317) 571-2468 : JFNew Wise Growth Through Stewa~silto 6640 Parkdale Place, Suite S Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 Phone: 317-388-1982 ext. 33 Fax: 317-388-1986 Neill Mullett Field Supervisor Restoration Management Division email: nmullett@jfnew.com Coroorate Office Walkerton. Indiana Crete qlinois ndianaeolis. Indiana Grand Haven, Michigan Cincinnat Ohio Native Plant Nursery: Walkerton. no~ana www.jfnew, com December 18, 2003 Mr. Patrick Powlen Indiana Department of Enwmnmental Management Office of Air Quality 100 North Senate Avenue P.O. Box 6015 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6015 Dear Mr. Powlen: I am writing on behalf of the Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation to request a variance for open burning on an established five-acre prairie at Pra~ne Meadow Park. Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation is responsible for 15 separate parks, managing 477 acres. The variance is for prescription burning to restore and enhance native prairie communities While also promoting awareness, education, and local community involvement. Historically, periodic fire played an important role in influencing the landscapes of Indiana. Scientific studies have demonstrated the benefits of prescription burning in regaining the natural character of these landscapes, and more specifically of prairies. Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation proposes to utilize prescription burning among other resource management activities to revitalize and maintain the natural areas at Prairie Meadow Park. JFNew will manage the prescription burns through our Restoration Management Division. Persons who are red card certified through the U.S. Forest Service will lead our burn crews. Together our training includes course work under IDNR State Fire Coordinator Steve Creech, as well as several years of field experience with the IDNR Division of Nature Preserves. JFNew is the first contractor enlisted by the IDNR to conduct prescription burns. Our experience and professionalism in conducting prescribed burns ~s well documented. In 326 lAC 4-1-9 of the Burning Regulations, it states "no burning shall be conducted within one hundred (100) feet of any structure or power line." We are requesting an exemption for a central wellhead structure located directly in the center of the prairie (see map). We are proposing to mow a 20-foot buffer, used in conjunction with Class A foam, to secure and protect the wellhead structure. The perimeter of the structure consists of gravel and turf grass, further aiding_in safety and control. Subsequently, we are confident prescription burning will pose no threat to the structure itself. We are also requesting another exemption for a homeowner located within one hundred (100) feet of the proposed burn area. A six-foot asphalt pathway, a nine-foot mowed fire lane, and approximately fifty feet of turf grass will separate this property from the project burn site. All potentially affected persons, including this one, have been notified and contacted by Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation. Furthermore, we have developed prescription parameters to avoid smoke management complications that could potentially arise with adverse weather conditions. Prevailing winds, relative humidity, ceiling height~ etc. will be utilized to ensure the safety and health of the Carmel community and fire personnel. JFNew utilizes every precaution to effectively and safely conduct each and every prescribed burn We have developed burn plans to ensure our management objectives are met while avoiding hazardous conditions and/or smoke management problems. If you have any questions in regard to this request, please do not hesitate to call. Regards, JFNew Neill T. Mullett Enclosures JFN File # 01-02~01' B JFNew Wise Growth Through Stewardship NOTE: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM 326 lAC 4-1 PRESCRIBED VEGETATION BURN State Form: 50864 (PJll-02) INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT This is an application for prescribed vegetation open burning approval to amply with 326 lAC 4-1. Complete and return this application to the Office of Air Quality address provided in the upper dght hand side of the form or fax fo 317-233-6865. In case of questions someone may be reached at 317-233-5672 or (in Indiana) 1-800-451-6027 press 0, and ask for extension 3-5672. You can fill out this form electronically, using your mouse and keyboard. Simply click inside of the number one (1. Name) field to begin, and advance to the next fields using the "tab" key on your keyboard, or by clicking in the field with your mouse. Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality - Air Compliance Branch 100 N. Senate Avenue P.O. Box 6015 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6015 Phone: (317) 233-5672 or 1-800-451-6027 (Indiana Residents Only) 9. Name: Organization Name: Restoration Management Division JFNew 11. Address: 6640 Parkdale Place, Suite S · A site is that part of the property on which a particular type of vegetation occurs, and a unit is a par[ of the site upon which the burn will take place. Requesting approval for how many years*: [] 1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 * ff submitting for more than one year, a bum plan must be included with the application (See the information to be included in a burn plan) and the fire/crew leader must have attended at least one prescribed burn training session presented by DNR or the National Park Service, or other training accepted by IDEM. A certificate or other documentation must be submitted to show proof of attendance of such training. Please note that if the location for burning is in Lake, Porter, Clark, or Floyd counties a variance will not be issued for more than one year. 18. Approximate total number of acres involved: (Continued on page 2) Available from the IDEM Office of Air Quality or on the Intemet at http:llwwW.in.govlicpr/webfilelformsdiv149635.pdf Page 1 of 2 Prescribed Vegetation Bum P Jr 1-02 Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality A. 1 Burn Site: [] Located in an unincorporated area: [] Within 100 feet of a power line: [] Within 100 feet of a structure: [] Within 300 feet of a frequentiy traveled road: Burn Site: [] Located in an unincorporated area: [] Within 100 feet of a power line: [] Within 300 feet of fuel storage area or pipeline: [] Within 100 feet of a structure: [] Within 300 feet of a frequently traveled road: 21. Site Address or directions from roads/street/intersection/and which side of road: 5285 Ivy Hill Drive 22. City: 23. County: Carmel Hamilton 24. Fire Department having jurisdiction (include address): Carmel Fire Department 2 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 I hereby certify that the information above and the attached burn plan are accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature Ne[[I T. Multett Type or Print Name 12/18/2003 Date: (mm/dd/year) Field Supervisor Title Page 2 of 2 IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIALLY AFFECTED PERSONS State Form 49635 (R2/11-02) INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NOTE: · As part of the application for open burning approval, and in order to comply with the Administrative Orders and Procedures Act lC 4-21.5- 3-5, complete and return this form with your application to the Office of Air Quality address provided in the upper right hand side of the form or Fax to 317-233-6865. in case of questions someone may be reached at 317-233-5672 or (in Indiana) 1-800-451-6027 press 0, and ~k for extension 3-5672 indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Air Quality- Air Comp6ance Branch 100 N. Senate Avenue P.O. Box 6015 Indianapolis, iN 46206-6015 Phone: (317) 233-5672 or 1-800-451-6027 (Indiana Residents Only) http:llwww. IN,qovlidemlaiflcornpliance keyboard. Simply click inside of the number one (1. Name) field to begin, and advance to the next fields using the '~tab" key on your keyboard, or by clicking in the field with your mouse. o dures A~ and to a ~ ~ ~.~ ~ . rat ve;O~ema~ Pr, ~ ~ cE~elo~des ated a > ,~ ease~fis~t~e~ [o e ownersnamem~tb~m~]9~ ~;_gn ..... ~e [~th:~ ~pl ~i0n. P P P ~ ~ ~:thtsJormand;' [~i e~ap 4. Zip: 3. City/State: IN 46032 5. Name: 6. Address: 8. Zip: 7. City/State: IN 46032 9. Name: 10. Address: 12. Zip: 11, City/State: IN 46032 13. Name: 14. Address: 16. Zip: 15. Cia/State: IN 46032 17. Name: 18. Address: 20. Zip: 19, Cia/State: IN 46032 C~el .... ,,' 21. Address: 22. City: 23. County: ., I hereby ce~[~ that I have listed all affe~ed pa~ies, as defined by lC 4-21.5, to the best of my kno~edge, if none are listed, it signifies that Type or Print Name: Date: (mm/dd/~) Approved and Adopted this CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety BY: es Brainard, Mayor ~, te: ~/~ ,7' 0 ~/ Date: Loft,Watson.~e~l~er , ~ day of ~ ana Date: identification of Potentially Affected Persons State Form (R2/11-02) 24. Name: Stein Residence 26. City/State: Carmel 28. Name: Normand Residence 30. City/State: Carmel Eppink Residence 34. City/State: Carmel 36. Name: Meiss Residence 38. City/State: Carmel 40· Name: Dedinsky Residence IN IN IN IN 25. Address: 13293 Stagg Hill Dr. 27. Zip: 46033 29. Address: 13298 Stagg Hill Dr. 31. Zip: 46033 Address: 13306 Stagg Hill Dr. 35. Zip: 46033 37. Address: 5268 Navajo Way 39. Zip: 46033 Address: 5266 Navajo Way 42. City/State: Carmel 44. Name: Macy Residence 46. City/State: Carmel Name: Grainda Residence 50. City/State: Carmel 52. Name: McDonald Residence 54~ City/State: Carmel 56. Name: Collins Residence IN IN IN IN 43~ Zip: 46033 Address: 5264 Navajo Way Zip: 46033 49. Address: 5262 Navajo Way 51. Zip: 46033 53. Address: 5260 Navajo Way 55. Zip: 46033 57. Address: 5261 Navajo Way 58. City/State: 59. Zip: Carmel IN 46033 · Identification of Potentially Affected Persons l~diana Department of Environmental Management State Form (R2/11-02) Office of Air Quality 24. Name: Young Residence Address: 5263 Navajo Way City/State: Carmel Name: Jaderany Residence City/State: Carmel 32, Name: Blank Residence IN IN 27. Zip: 46033 Address: 5265 Navajo Way 31. Zip: 46033 Address: 5267 Navajo Way 34. City/State: Carmel IN Zip: 46033 Address: 13289 Stagg Hill Dr, 36. Name: Mastej Residence 38. City/State: 39. Zip: Carmel iN 46033 40. Name: Zhao Residence 42, City/State: Carmel 44. Name: Blystone Residence 46. City/State: Carmel Name: Xu Residence IN IN Address: 5274 Ivy Hill Dr. 43. Zip: 46033 45. Address: 5276 ivy Hill Dr. 47. Zip: 46033 49. Add,ss: 5278 Ivy Hill Dr. 50. City/State: Carmel Chand Residence IN 51. Zip: 46O33 53. Address: 5279 Ivy Hill Dr. 54. City/State: Carmel IN 56. Name: Irizarry Residence 55. Zip: 46033 Address: 5281 Ivy Hill Dr. 58. City/State: Zip: Carmel IN 46033 Identification of Potentially Affected Persons State Form (R2/11-02) Name: 25. Address: Lusby Residence 5283 Ivy Hill Dr. City/State: 27. Zip: Carmel IN 46033 28. Name: Anderson Residence 30. City/State: Carmel IN 32. Name: Wilson Residence 34. City/State: Carmel ~N 29. Address: 5287 Ivy Hill Dr. 31. Zip: 46O33 Address: 5288 Ivy Hill Dr. 35. Zip: 46033 36. Name: Address: Wilhelm Residence 5290 Ivy Hill Dr. 38. City/State: 39. Zip: Carmel IN 46033 40. Name: 41. Address: Lange Residence 5277 Ivy Hill Dr. 42, City/State: Zip: Carmel tN 46033 44. Name: 45. Address: Wang Residence 5275 Ivy Hill Dr. 46. City/State: 47. Zip: Carmel iN 46033 Name: 49. Address: Sawyer Residence 5273 Ivy Hill Dr. 50. City/State: Zip: Carmel ~N 46033 52. Name: Peterson Residence 54. City/State: Carmel IN 53. Address: 5272 Ivy Hill Dr. 55, Zip: 46033 56. Name: 57. Address: Mauskapf Residence 5270 Ivy Hill Dr. 58. City/State: 59. Zip: Carmel ~N 46033 indiana Department of Environmental Management O~ce of Air Quality Identiitcation of Potentially Affected persons State Form (R2/11-02) 24. Name: Address: Reimann Residence 13299 Stagg Hill Drive 26. City/State: Zip: Carmel IN 46033 28. Name: 29. Address: Homma Residence 5267 Ivy Hill Drive 30. City/State: 31. Zip: Carmel I N 46033 32. Name: 33. Address: Muldoon Residence 5268 Ivy Hill Drive City/State: 35. Zip: Carmel IN 46033 36. Name: 37. Address: Vandeuren Residence 5292 Ivy Hill Drive City/State: 39. Zip: Carmel I N 46033 Name: 41. Address: Resident 5285 Ivy Hill Drive 42. City/State: 43. Zip: Carmel I N 46033 Name: 45. Address: Resident' 5271 Ivy Hill Drive 46. City/State: Zip: Carmel IN 46033 48. Name: 49. Address: Resident 5269 ivy Hill Drive 50. City/State: Zip: Carmel I N 46033 Name: Address: Resident 13307 Stagg Hill Drive 54. City/State: 55. Zip: Carmel I N 46033 56. Name: 57. Address: Resident 13294 Stagg Hill Drive 58. City/State: 59. Zip: Carmel I N 46033 PRESCRIBED BURNING PLAN JFNew JFN project number: 01-02-01 B Variance No.: Site Area Nme:Cannel-Clay Parks Prairie Meadow County: Hamilton Projected size of trait to be burned: 5 acres. Projected date of burning: Spring/Fall 2004 Description of area (include all fuel types present) Tall ~'ass prairie with forbs Objectives of bum: Management for the prairie and for planting/seeding preparation History of previous bums (when burned, results, etc.) March 7, 2002 Successful bum with no weather, public, or smoke issues Weather Conditions for Burn: Wind Velocity: 3-20 mph Temperature: 30-85 Other: Wind Direction: Westerly Days Since Rain: 1 ~2 Relative Humidity: 25-70 Time of Year: Spring/Fall List smoke sensitive areas and descriptions: There are houses on the N, S, and E sides of unit. There is a house on Ivy Hill Drive within 100' but well contained Special precautions and contingencies: Smoke management criteria shall be met under strict guidehnes to avoid smoke sensitive areas, i.e. homeowners. EQUIPMENT NEEDS BURNING EQUIPMENT SAFETY EQUIPMENT Number Item Number Item 4 Flappers 4 Helmets 2 Council Fire Rakes 4 Gloves (pr) 2 McLeod Rakes 4 Goggles 4 Drip Torches 4 Radios 4 Water Packs 4 Nomex Clothes x Matches 1 Weather Kit x Water Tank (200 gal) 1 Safety Kit x Drip Torch Fuel Barricades Brush Cutter + PPE's 2 Signs Brush Cutter Fuel Chainsaw + PPE's Chainsaw Fuel x ATV-mounted Foam Unit X Other: Truck mounted water pump and hoses JFNew Page 1 Prescribed Bumigng Plan Fire Boss: Neill Mullett Sources of crew: JFNew 12/18/2003 BURN CREW Crew Size required: 4 persons. Crew division of labor (e.g. ignition, control or holding, etc.) 1-Ignition, 2-Control, 2-Holding PERMITS REQUIRED: Burning variance: PERMITS, NOTIFICATIONS, SAFETY Agency Individnal granting permit, phone IDEM Office of Air Ouality (317) 232-8222 NOTIFICATIONS: (e.g. fire departments, county sheriff, etc.) Agency Individual to notify, phone Carmel Fire Department Gary Hovt 317-571-2619 Carmel Police Department Maior Jim Barlow 317-571-2527 Carmel Health Department Larry Beard 317-776-8500 SAFETY: Sources of emergency aid: fire fighting: 911 First aid: 911 Date granted D~e notified Police or Sheriff: 911 Traffic control and/or other public safety consideration: Contact list Other: PUBLICITY Neighbors notified See attached sheet Reception (e.g. cordial, neutral, hostile): Any contact with news services: JFNew Page 2 12/18/2003 Prescribed Burnigng Plan FIRING TECHNIQUES and PREPARATIONS Make a diagram showing ignition sequence, equipment and crew placement, and other important information. Identify the following information:. Plan Scale, Burn Block, Firebreaks, North Burn se uence is shown on ma . With ~ FIS 1 will initiate backin fire at lA and roceed to lB. When sufficient blackout has occurred FIS1 will continue from lB to lC. FIS1 will then tin the um house usin backin fire and wet line to secure the structure. FIS1 will continue back~n fire from lC to lB to 1E. FIS1 will stretch flankin fire from lB to lC to 1D simultaneousl FIS2 will start stretchin a flankin fire from lA to ID. Continue stretchin line until fuel is consumed within the unit. In the event of other wind &rect~ons w~thin the rescn tion arameters rotate firin method 450 or 900 accordin I . ~d 45~ or90~ accomm t . Fire breaks: (see diagram) Position perimeter pump House Perimeter Method Date (s) constructed Completed() 6' Asphalt path and 10' mowed grass February 2001 15' Mowed line with wet line February 2001. Plan prepared By: Neill T. Mullett Reviewed by Project Manager: Reviewed by property owner: Date: Date: Date: 11/20/03 Page 3 JFNew