HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for HO 10-25-21Tm �@Im I I- f` • s t w -1 y i I -74 z U) -4 z DITCHAD —iii icH RD IUL 4T A 'I .1w N4 rT) vr rn A X -S'N d IlOtN IN Rflw.�� r c rf, Exterior colors subject to change per homeowners final approval. IF ` �\ � MM Z Z Z Z Z X3 31Nd9 „O-,Z- \ I Li I I I Li 1 I L) I I Z 0 F CL cn z I I I j w rw Li lk: ry _ '\\ x l I I ZA } m LJ I I / I r� I I I I I I I 4F V9- — — 13YMON3 1NONJ ,09 I V) a W W � U u Z O J U J Q � O a Z (AZ W > J W Q W Ld Of � U U / - �N I � � N 0 0 0 3 � V m All Ooiuc-rC''t e w - --1 j l l Vs# Lj/`f *jS V)�jlecj 13a� qN D 3 Rows of a« xy �q ( S G 7i e x N W i -h h m a r► f`avB a l a 0 4 4— MKIIJ i/ 0 1— % 11 I ar 7Yr pI e I7 --�._ 'Peg 13 r f� ost Vol VI a S-/8I' OS B Ra°� T�jS%Pl 15 I,Ie 4, Cene4�'8a"6 l q 6etlia4 o oA $ X 06 - 3p d' ax6 �wa,I�S r/rCTR Ic �a �00E -Pl v rl � 70 CO D J5- A�+ch e D T d EXSIST+t'r ��►!d 1 N5 5° 0 w To New a„,! I) rwq �V I �1 I' =1 Scale: 1 "=40' GRAPHIC SCALE b ( IN FEET ) I inch = 40 IL LEGEND O —G— Fence Buried Gas Line AC Fire Hydrant —OUL— Overhead Utility Line Air Conditioner ElTelephone Pedestal H Wate, Valve 11 Inlet (— Gvy Wire 9Manhole IN Curb Inlet eO? Ulillty Pole [I Mailbox T Sign tl Electric Meter Gas Pipeline Marker To Telephone Manhole a+rar�wewafr aeu , MAXS,. ap9, 21006i — 's�rr 7a.tlw •tlY •.• r'a.M n.�soGsy+ArM ., f 4 G ti � �Y' ��FSSYRRF nrawme 1P rPia��afpl soda of oe.e ran. ' 51 I la rii 5tIirnna of Deer FAaa W l 'o III .4 a/ sah`,sna aa�ierw to e / / ! 1 r� i — •-• - _ 1j� pp �Mr [ --b at atA aA / aA aulr, � as � 1___� 'gam-------,�' . �{7 3.1 /f f / of i � Q �� / b / •/eFr a� f f / OYI �f Olx �� CIA Ous Out = GR [N_ p0I �_ S• .-. 131 sl Slrecl tmxt. 7use) 1 ^—� .—.^ —• {Ahfum6tl ()00riAgi s ��xstl M S89.15'34".11? 576 4S o VA CerOfiWe al Survey 1, d wd,,i®Ird, a Regislemd Lwd Surveyor in the Swm oflndi"` 1fy Ihw Nis survey was prepared under my supervision and, In the best of my hnowhdgeandbelief,w caueutedaccordingwsurveyrnryi—.ingfie AC 1-121rore rclra —olsurvey Prnpeny Addreav: 13120 Six Points Rwd. C-1, IN 46032 Propcny Oescripnoo: PART OFTHF. SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27- TOWN'SI III' 18 NORTI I, RANGE 3 FAST, IN HAMILTON COUNT•, NIDIANA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE. SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP IS NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST; THENCE SOUTH R9 DEGREES IS MINUTES )4 SECONDS WEST (ASSII-INFO REARING) ONAND ALONG THE SOUTH LINT 536 65 FEET; THEL CENORTH W DFGREES 13 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST 6011611 FEET; THENCENORTH A9 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE AFORESAID 537 W FEET TO A POINT ON THE FAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER THAT IS 608 fig FEET NORTH 00 DEGREES M MINUTES S3 SECONDS WEST OF THE BEGIN MG POINT; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEUREE.S 06 MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST ON AND ALONG SAID EAST LINE 602 M FEET TO THE BFGNNfNG POINT EXCEPT: A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27. TOWNSHIP I R NORTH. RANGE 3 EAST HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA. BEING THAT PART OF THE GRANTORS' LAND LYING WITHN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES DEPICTED IN PLATAS SHOWN IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 9, 2007 AS M. TRUMENTNO 2007063268. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID QUARTER QUARTER SECTION DESIGNATED AS "509" ON THE PLAT AS SHOWN IN INSTRUMENT NO 2007062126S; THENCE SOUTH 99 DEGREES 29 MNLTF.S 52 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 536 45 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE GRAIRMS LAND; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 50 00 FEET ALONG WD GRANTOR'S WEST LINE, THENCE NORTH N DEGREES 29 MEN-UTES 52 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 4E6 54 FEET TO THE POINT DESIGNATED'12' ON SAID INSTRUMENT NO 2007063268; THENCE NORTH. DEGREES 48 MINUTES dl SECONDS FAST, A DISTANCE OF 35.55 FEET TO THE POINT DESIGNATED'S' UNSAID INSTRUMENT NO 200706326R: THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 07 MCR:TES 33 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 7501 FEET TO THE POINT DESIGNATED "4" ON SAID NSTRL'MENT NO 2007061268; THENCF.NORTH 99 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 52 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2S OOFEFT TO THE FAST LINE OF SAID QUARTER QUARTER SECTION AND THE POINT DESIGNATE[)'35' ON SAID INSTRUMENT NO 2007063268; THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 07 MM. -ES 33 SECONDS WEST.A DISTANCE OF 150.01 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 0.6R0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, INCLUSIVE OF THE PRESENTLY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY WHICH CONTAINS 0 155 ACRES, MORE OR LESS THE PORTION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE WHICH IS NOT ALREADY ENHIRACFD W fFHN THE PRESENTLY FXISTNG RIGHT-0E-WAY CONTAINING 0525 ACRES. MORE OR LESS Surveyors Report! lab 0111224 In acoardmw wnlh Title 9d5, Am,I, 1 I, Chaper 12 of th Indiana Adminissrativc Codc, she following abservutions and opinions are subiniwd of the cause and amount of unernaimy in the petition of the linter end cameo eetublished on Ihis.survey as a rccult oC IA)Asailabiliry awl co,Witian ofuf �rwmlmcnls (C) Oeeupalian or passesian lines IC) Gerity w lnbiguity ofthe rwnM de¢ription wed and of adjoiners descriptions, and We relationship of Nc lints of Ole subject Elul wiOt adjaincrs 1.)The M. iW pWitiannl a a ,nrd. --is, IA) Rmenec Monwnrnu: Momrrnwfs whirl woad the lines and w—of We swvay,d prepeny a,c as I'oll- 1) Hai. rrmnwnun nxrnewd at the SoIa—I amtw of the N'onhwest Quarter of Scnion 27-TI8N-R3E pn County Surveyors Accords 2) Harrison mamunnrl row -as the N.Mrndemner of she Nunh—t Q.—'of Sec`DL, 27-TI8N-R3E per Cvunly Surveyors Records 3)Harrisonmwamrnt turn Ial Ne Soulhweet meterof the NarJlwczs Quarter o1 Steuart 21-TI RN-ll per County Surveyors Records Ths Elder I rasvalnRpt milwlq sluntetw[ed%ml_And es7tue 0_S_nhtuN tism-xmf P.. Toe xvld a,I'1,4 " sl wmsl pans hoc t-.Rw-wAMti01 rinse Ours Iplfrk,—iwi vod fr i—i WImar sumn/rcr. ssmc mmwevad by bti har, udp the w ww gaverovas the pxstnn0 wtiIww-aOuthngmgosm--hxe.l h—w w4cm6ad.1h'b-A..wozy*m n 4n pmaslrn nt woh Sn0-I morwnnsla.4adv urere pt-A wsdr FSe ht.wlh or the mYMxl a al war 1?ea•xm or she a,u rnry sbwni.drtwls of diruepesenv with 4s iaing mwwrenlum The pwgRNd genlen elan nipnrl pnhin laidnrrey 4s rx[NprcTdhy rlre enmsy s5ngrr rA rbeehwsty ih whnh dve rasa uias 1. prnha frrt nsdn.te oTtha ewer'. IdmieA The msairnwn unccromry ssmcwnb utiN ref nw mwunr-nB as i[ alYccts the suncyrd pmperry is =8J5 ! r. Cnhss noted ghenuise- ntmouocnss sc't skis survey su;IA' diainewr s 24" long rebar wish red cap stamped F IRM r. Wfifi placed al grounJ level [B) Pnarxiw Lino: I ) A prMion of Ore Eon side of the a—ycd mdn lies within the right 01 wry of Si, Paints Road 2 ] Adjoinds asphalt drive tics 0 9 fees North w 0 7 favt Suush of the HIM dced line as shown 3) Adjai,,'. plasmic fa¢ -ands 3 3 feet Saulh of the NoM deed line us shown 4 )Woodf lies 06 feel w l 5 feel South or the North deed lint mshown 5) Wood feru:c lies 0 6 fcct W cst of the Wcst deed lint as shown 'The cliwt shwld ossrune Ih— n r amount or uncertainty along:lny line equal in ,nano it.& to the dwo,p—, in the Ioculion o11he lines of pu»esawn III. doe zwvryed lino ) (C) Rewrd D—ipiiom: L)Theeseapliw d—pliun is unadift rbxvi-fbcanr ,I— thep—I van d—nplian 2) Rewrd deceripu was oe,,—h d fu prior mmey by HSG m IMOOO and no —fli ft were discovered M)Rd,C- Positional AeearxyofMe —ot: The accuwry.I lhiz survey ix within the acrxpwhk NUsivx positional eccurary Ibr a subwh:w xurvcy Survey Canpl•'rud: J.—y 9, NI2 Ccnifi.LJanuary H%2012 lo-iscd:5wc9- 2016 T,x Jeffrey Lymt Geudol; CeMW Letsslup I►WII Insurance e Cnman py(V566R24) SA� 0 11)wd A. DTht.I. Rf•/sflere-I i v Nu Job 9111274 r 7A�- ;0Au0RIPtN NOTES: 1 )The wtlhin described tract of land does nw lie wilhiv that Special Fluud I{urtrd -Lone 'A" sa s:nd Erect plots by stole nn Cwmnwdly Panel Nwnber IM157 C 0206 F vFllle Flood Insuruncc Ralc Mups, (nwp detect 2119l2003). ar Grwp. Inc BALLOT SHEET: FINDINGS OF FACT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to M out 1st two blanks only) Docket No.: PZ-2021-00184 V Petitioner: 2. 3. Zachary Pinkowski DATED THIS DAY OF Board Member 20 Page 10 of 12 Filename: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application & Instructions 2021 Revised 2/25/2021 FINDINGS OF FACT SHEET- DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to rill out 1-3 + first two blanks) Docket No.: Petitioner: PZ-2021-00184 V Zachary Pinkowski The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The structure will act as a private basketball court to the homeowner, as it is not a public structure- its affect an the community will hem -existent__ - - 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The footprint of the proposed structure is exempt due to the ordinance stipulating no maximum for properties over 3 acres. The lot for the proposed structure is 8.83 acres, well over the _threshold for structure footprint. The height variance will not be deleterious to the use or value of adjoining properties for the same reason of acerage. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The limit in height of an accessory building to 18' would prove impractical for its proposed use, as the wall height would be greatly reduced do to pitch of roof required for a structure of this DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals 20 Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Lefter of Grant. Page 11 of 12 Filename: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Application & Instructions 2021 Revised 2/25/2021