HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Joinder Carmel/Clay CONTRACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, AND CLAY TOWNSHIP OF HAMILTON COUNTY 1991 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, hereinafter called "City" and Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, hereinafter called "Township" as of the 1st day of January, 1991; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City and Township have heretofore entered into contracts for fire protection of said Township; and WHEREAS, said City and Township have agreed to continue said fire protection arrangements for the additional period of one (1) ear beginning as~of January 1, 1991, and continuing through December 31 1991 and WHEREAS~ the ity and Township have agreed that said Fire Protection shall not be discontinued until the 1992 Contract is negotiated and ratified between the parties or until the Township has retained alternate fire protection. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. The City agrees to furnish fire protection service to the residents of the Township outside the limits of the City, including basic life support emergency service, the Communication Center Service and administer the "911 emergency service" (herein "Fire Protection"). Complaint Objecting to Discharge of Debtor and Determination of Indebtedness Page 2 2. The Township hereby agrees to leave all of its fire fighting equipment, trucks and accessories, and basic life support emergency vehicle at the disposal of said City. 3. The City will continue to operate the four (4) stations now in use, and to operate the basic life support emergency vehicle out of the station to be designated by the chief of the Carmel Fire Department. 4. The only monetary liability of the Township for Fire Protection to the City will be to pay the contract payments as hereinafter set forth. The proportionate share of the Township for fire department budget shall be the ratio based upon the Township's assessed valuation computed to the City's assessed valuation as they relate to the total of the two. The proportionate share of the Township for the Communication Center's budget shall be one-half of the Communication Center's budget multiplied by the ratio based upon the Township's assessed valuation computed to the City's assessed valuation as they relate to the total of the two. 5. The City agrees to maintain a minimum of fifty (50) full time, paid firemen at all times during the continuation of this agreement, including a full time, paid Fire Chief, nine (9) of said firemen to be on duty at all times, with at least three (3) full time, paid firemen to be maintained at the Carmel Headquarters Fire Station. The City further agrees to maintain the Communication Center and Complaint Objecting to Discharge of Debtor and Determination of Indebtedness Page 3 administer Emergency "911" services and make the same available to the Township residents. 6. The City agrees to purchase all materials and supplies, to pay all compensation to regular firemen, pay the costs of the operation of said fire department, to carry all necessary insurance on firemen and on all equipment of the City and Township, and to save the Township harmless from any and all liability. A copy of the Liability Insurance Policy on the Fire Department shall be furnished to the Township. 7. The City has providedto the Township a complete inventory of all apparatus and equipment, together with a statement as to its operation condition. The City further agrees to furnish a statement of all 1991 operating expenses no later than January 31, 1992. 8. The entire budget for fire department of the City and of the Township in 1991 has been fixed at $3,349,084.00. A copy of said budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Of that amount it is mutually agreed that the share of the Township should be $1,272,652.00. In the event the expenditures in 1991 are less than $3,349,084.00, the money unspent shall be applied against the budget for 1992, and the pro rata share of the Township of the 1992 budget shall be reduced accordingly. 9. The entire budget for the Communications Center of the City and of the Township in 1991 has been fixed at Complaint Objecting to Discharge of Debtor and Determination of Indebtedness Page 4 $518,324.00. A copy of said Budget is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Of that amount it is mutually agreed that the share of the Township should be $98,482.00. In the event the expenditures in 1991 are less than $518,324.00, the money unspent shall be applied against the budget for 1992, and the pro rata share of the Township of the 1992 budget shall be reduced accordingly. 10. In order to pay its share of the above expenses in the amount of $1,371,134.00, the Township has duly appropriated and expects to receive State Tax Board approval of the appropriation in the sum of $1,371,134.00 in its Fire Fighting Fund, and by this agreement, the Township agrees to pay the entire appropriation of $1,371,134.00 to the City as payment of its share of the total costs of Fire Protection less any refund due it by reason of money unspent out of the 1990 budget of the Carmel Fire Department. 11. The Township further agrees to seek authorization to borrow funds, if necessary, in an amount sufficient to enable it to complete the payment of the tota~ sum payable for its share of the costs of Fire Protection. .12. For and in consideration of the promises and agreements herein and subject to the approval of all necessary state agencies the Township does hereby agree to pay said City the total sum of $1,371,134.00 in the following manner: $685,567.00 on or before July 15, 1991, Complaint Objecting to Discharge of Debtor Page 5 and Determination of Indebtedness less any credit due the Township under paragraph 8 of the Contract for Fire Protection between the parties hereto covering the year 1990. $685,567.00 on or before December 31, 1991. 13. This agreement shall be in full force and effect as of the 1st day of January, 1991, and continue through the 31st day of December, 1991; provided, however, that the City shall continue to provide the Fire Protection services set forth above until the next contract for 1992 is negotiated and ratified between the City and Township or until the Township has retained alternate fire protection. In the event that the City has provided Fire Protection in 1992 and a mutually acceptable contract is not reached between the City and the Township for 1992, the Township shall reimburse the City based upon the same formula utilized in this agreement based upon 1992 assessed valuation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the/~day o~ , 1991. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CARMEL Hamilton County, Indiana Complaint Objecting to Discharge of Debtor and Determination of Indebtedness Page 6 Attest: Date: Clerk Treasurer Approved: Date CLAY TOWNSHIP Hamilton County, Indiana J n M. Hensel ~ '* * BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR .,.. (1{ CIty ofTown Budget, Enter City ofTown Name) For Calendar Year PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries and Wages Items 2,066,614 240,868 BudgeL IOl'lfi llU. L ~kuV. .~,~ County Budget, Enter County Name) I Total Estimate Approved 2,307,48l Employee Benelite 4,o21 279,153 ?18f902 Other Personal Sewlees 25.._~0 TRAVEL ....... 25__!.1 CLOTUING ALLOWANCE ....... 25.J~2 TRAINING e INSTRUCTION ....... Total Pereonai Sorvices ....... 2 SUPPLIES OilIce Supplies 301 STATIONARY & PRINTING 6,009 47,250 7.500 i,500 60,750 3,007e134 Operating Supplies 31__L GASOLINE ....... ~ OIL ....... 313 TI~ES & TUBES ....... 315 FUEL OIL ....... 317 PIESEL FUEL ....... Repair and Maintenance Supplies 750 1,500 2,500 6,000 10,000 21,750 10,000 Other Supblles ~,5~ BUILDING MATERIALS ....... 500 ILL ~ITgHIHOU6 HATERIaLS ....... 250 ~ O:TJ{ER sth~J,L[;6 ....... 13.000 ~otal Supplie9 ....... , ' 52, EXHIbit, A. 3 OTHER SERVICES AND CI4ARGES Professional Sewices Communication and Transportation 441. ReSTAGE Printing and Adveritslng 46~5 ELECTRICITY ,,,453 Gas Repairs and Maintenance 471. E.~UIPHENT REPAIR 472 BUILDING & STRUCTURE REPAIR ....... Rentals Debt Service Other Sewices and Charges ~ .3.J~ll COLLECTION Total Other Services and Charges ....... liems 1,250 16,OOO 2,000 23,000 5,500 13,50e 23,500 20#000 5,OOO 6#550 Total Estimate 1O,000 17,250 2,000 42,000 55,050 11,750 146,050 Applerod 4 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Land Bulldlngs Improvements Other Than Building Machinery and Equh~ment 64_..32 OTUER E~)UIPHENT Other Capital Outlays .~g FURNITUne & FIXTURES Total Capital Outlays ....... Total Budget Estimate ....... Total Items Esthnata 56,400 4#~O0 3,000 ~0- -0- 60,400 3,000 63,400 3,349,084 Approvad (I) C~/e) hereby certlly thai the foregoing Is a true and fair estimate of tire necessary expense of the (Name ol OilIce, Board, Commission, Department, Institution or Fund) for Ihs calendar year 19__ Ior the purposes tlre~etn spaallied. Date th{s day of .19 Signature and Title of Officer(s) or..Oepartment Ilead (~IS- '9.4.4 04 t-'R|NT-L~IF=. Uzl/u4/'~l 91 1u:L GI:-.i'4ERRL FUND 11':, L:LInI'IUNIL::RI IUFI CI:.NIEI< 3 U 'L ..... 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