HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1452-00 Council CommitteesORDINANCE NO. D-1452-00
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 3, Articlel, Division II, Section 3-17 of the Cannel City
Code, the Common Council of the City of Carmel has the authority to create by simple majority
vote of the Council all committees of the Council not already established by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Cannel desires to create certain standing
committees of the Council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Common Council of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, as follows:
Section I: Sec. 3-17 of the Carmel City Code hereby is amended by the deletion of the
language which is stricken-through and by the addition of the language which is highlighted, to
read as follows.
Sec. 3-17 Council Committees'
(a) The Common Council shall sit as a committee-of-the-whole in preparing
the civil budget of the City and the utilities budgets of the City, and. shall be called the
Budget Committee.
(19-) Lk) The President Pro Tempore shall preside at Budget Committee
meetings. Final action on said budgets shall occur at either a regular or special
meeting of the Common Council.
(-c-) (!i:) The President Pro Tempore may create sub-committees to the
Budget Committee for the purpose of preparation of budget requests to the full
Budget Committee.
(-4) ti.i:i) The President Pro Tempore may create a three (3) member sub-
committee entitled "The Finance Committee" for the purpose of reviewing or
considering any financial matters affecting the City. This Committee shall consist
of the President Pro Tempore, a Common Council Member appointed by the
President Pro Tempore, and the Clerk-Treasurer.
(b) The standin~ com. n~ittees of the Council shall be as follows:
Administration Committee, Annexation and Land Use Committee, Economic
Developmen.t Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee, Public Safety Committee,
Rules Committee, and. Utilities Committee.
(i) The stranding committees of the Cotmcil shall consist o:t7 three (3)
men~bers determined by the President Pro Tempore. The President Pro Tempore
shall. name the chairperso:n of each standing committee from. among th.e me:mbers
named to the committee. Council members may indicate to the President :Pro
Tempore their pret~rence for committee me~nbership.
(ii.) It shall be the duty of standing co:mmittees 0:[7 the Cotmcil. to
consider all proposals relYfred to it. A standing comn~ittee may consider any
other matter properly concernin~ departments or subject matter indicated by the
name of the standing com.mittee. A stranding committee may hear such testimony
or public com.ment as the committee deems proper.
(iii) Any member of the Council shall be entitled to attend and
participate in the discussion before m~y standing. committee, but such members
shall not be entitled to vote or be counted in determining a quorum.
(iv) Following the first reading. all. proposals shall be assigned by the
President Pro Tempore to the appropriate com. mittee having jurisdiction over the
subject matter predominating in the proposed le~isl.ation, for consideration and
(v) The committee to 'which the matter is referred shall make a report~
recon~mendin~ passage, non.-passa~e, amendmen.t, or no recomn~endation. Any
committee to 'which a proposal has been referred shall. report to the Council 'upon
such. 5proposal at the next m. eeting of the Cotmcil (the "Reporting Date").
Nothwithstanding the preceding sentence, the con~mittee chair may receive one
automatic extensio~n of time to report to the Council upon such proposal, to the
Council's next meeting .following the Reporting Date, by submitting a written
notice to the Clerk-Treasurer on or before the deadline t:'or adding items to the
agenda :ti3r the Council meeting. to be held. on the ~Reporting 5Date.
(vi) The committee chair shall make the report for the committee.
Committee reports shall state the opinio:n of the majority, but a n~inority opinion.
may be filed. All reports shall be made in writing m~.d filed with the Clerk-
Treasm'er prior to presentation.
(vii) All other original matters such as petitions.. resolutions, mid
communication.s may also be refen'ed. to a committee b~, the President Pro
Te:mpore, unless decided othe:t~,ise by the Council.
(viii) Standing committees of the Council shall establish at least one ( 1 )
regular meetin~ time and date each month. Other meetings of standing
committees shall be held at the call. of the committee chairperson, provided actual
notice to each. member of the committee and p'ublic notice is given as required by
law a't least forty-ei~h't (48)lm'urs before the 'meeting, excl.'uding Saturdays,
Sundays and legal holidays.
(ix) .At any regular m.eeting of a committee any proposal., which has
been referred. to the committee 'but has not 'been reported back to the Com~cil,
shall be a proper item of busin.ess.
(x) .A quorum for purposes of taking official action by the committee
shall. be a majority of those appointed to the committee.
(-e-)cLcA All other committees of the Common Council shall be created by simple
majority vote by the Council.
Section H: All prior Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent with any provision of this
Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section lll: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and
signing by the Mayor.
P SSED by the Common Council of the Cit of Carmel, In 'ana this / c~ day of
5P~U~ , ;000, by a vote of ~ ayes and ~ nays.
Robert Battreall
Ronald E. Carter Wayne W~son
Diana L. Cordray, i~C, Clerk-~T~e, surer
,~000 .
Diana L. Cordrreasurer
Approved by me, Mayor ofthe City of Carmel, Indiana, this/~ dayof-,~lq~_F~ ,
~ a~e~' Brainard, Mayor"l~
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-~urer