HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1266-97 Add Approp /CTOrdinance No. D:1266-96 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA PROVIDING FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FROM THE GENERAL FUND CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE LINE ITEM 632 - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the City of Carmel (the "City"), in order to more efficiently meet the needs of the community, must occasionally update its systems and methods of achieving the most efficient government possible; and WHEREAS, the Clerk-Treasurer has researched the technical and financial needs required to develop a new accounting system (the "System") for the Clerk-Treasurer' s office; and WHEREAS, the Clerk-Treasurer has determined that the cost of the completed System will be $118,000.00; and WHEREAS, the 1997 Annual Budget for the City did not include monies to implement the System; and WHEREAS, the Clerk-Treasurer has determined that the deduction from the City' s General Fund, as set forth below, will leave the City' s General Fund a sufficient remaining cash balance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that for the expenses of the taxing unit the following additional sums of money are hereby appropriated out of the 1997 General Fund and for the purposes specified, subject to the laws goveming the same as follows: GENERAL FUND CLERK-TREASURER'S OFFICE BUDGET LINE ITEM 632 - COMPUTEREQEffPMENT $118,000.0o '~ IO~,OoO~,~u~o PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indianathis 9q~ dayof ,~c.broa~ 19 qT, by avote of ,.~ ayes and c~ nays. Jller / K , Robert BattrleaH Ronald Carter t ..... alker ' ' Diana L. Cordray, CI~k-T~~ Presented t~h.e;a~r of the City of Carmel, Indiana this d_ay of · 194~ 'eat ' t o' clock. . · ATT~.ST: , Diana L. CordrayI, Clerk-T: r Forn~ Prcscribcd by State Board of Accounts /'7~ /T, t' /T/~A- County, Indiana Gcncral Irorm No. 99P (Rcviscd 1995) " ,' ' ' "'. """ PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT ' 'F " Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of.the advertisement is set) -- numl~cr of equivalent lines ....... ...... Head -- number of lines ............................... Body -- nun~bcr of lines .......... . ........... . ....... .. · .., . . . Tail -- nmnbcr of lines.. . .' ..... 2;L...L ...... ., · j.., ~'. .... 2; . ::.". ... ........, .....' ' "' "~' "" "'1" ':' ....' ,' : . i, "~ .... Total number of incs In notice..; ..... ............ COMPUTATION OF CHARGES at ~ 2Z [ cents per line ..... , ...... "i . . '.. 2 .: 2 .' .'.. .' .' '.' .' '. ...... Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 pcrccnt"ofabovc amount). '. ~ ........... Z"j-..-.'..-.-.:z.-:': ~..':'.'. Charge for extra proofs gf pqb!iCation ($1.00 [or cach pr. oof,,: .. '. ~: in excess of' two)" :': · "';; "" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' · , . .......... .. ........ '~ ~ · . · .". !:i :'- TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ............................ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column 'Nun~bcr of Insertions Size of type It9 point ellIS Pursuant Lo the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, .. · I hereby certify that the foregoing account is Just and corrcct,-that the amount claimed :.':':', :,: i':. .: !' :." 2z ".";'i.- !.' ~::2'.:' ': ~ ("..'-' " ' ' ~: """' ~ ' .. . , Dale.j"b.,o,t,_'e rn/::):~rr"//2' ' 19~]~ Title: Publishers ., - . "'(' ': """"~ ':2 ":'!~' :: ''-( "~':' ': " ;!~'f' '~1 ~;'!:2!.',; '.+" ' State 'of Indiana. SS: Hamilton County "PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVrl~ Pcrsonally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county ancl: state. the undersigned David A. Lewis who. being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Daily Ledger a dally newsimper of general circulation prix~t- cd and l~ublishcd in the English language in the town of Fishers in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached 1-mrcto is a truc copy, which was duly published in saicl pal~cr for { Lime__, tim dates of pub- lication being as follows: : ,:' i: !heGenemlFund,' ': "'- '2':-'..':" ~7": , : '~ ;* [ "; ~ me ' ' ' Tlxplyem Ipplerlnll ' /':f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M Io ~': ;:i ' . ., ' ·: :~ ,: '~'" '~ ' ~ :" ''!!' . ~ __ ~.. ~.~ .. , ,] Subscribed and sworn to bcforC me tliiS: day o 9 . t~ 8tree ~ :.d .'T~?:;: : ' - ......................~ ............. ~.~... T~ hr~. ~1.:,. .................. , . ~ .'; '~' ':: .......:: "· ~; ' f ', _....._...:,.; : ~ t~ a tu~ lin ~- ,- .... ' ':. ~Trmu~.:' "~;::' ::, '3 '' ' r: ~ " ~' ,.:: .... --.."-"',' "' //-;g- f7 i. ,, ..~~ My commission expires: ~ . :, Residerib of ~ Counby