HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1267-97 Add Approp/DOCS Ordinance No. D-1267-97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is necessary to appropriate additional sums of money to cover costs associated with the operation of the Department of Community Services; and WHEREAS, the additional sums appropriated pursuant to this Ordinance will be used to pay salaries for the positions of Administrative Assistant, Permit Services; Building Inspector; and Administrative Assistant, Urban Forestry; and WHEREAS, the Clerk-Treasurer has determined that the deduction from the City' s General Fund,. as set forth below, will leave in the City' s General Fund a sufficient remaining cash balance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana, that for the expenses of said municipal corporation the following additional sums of money are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart of the funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same: General Fund Department of Community Services Budget Line Item #100 - Full Time $88,391.42 Line Item #210- Social Security $ 6,761.94 Line Item #230.02 - PERF $ 4,198.59 Line Item #220 - Health Insurance $15,120.30 Line Item #389 - Other Maintenance Supplies $ 750.00 Line Item #450.02 - Printing $1,500.00 Line Item#504 - Contracted Ground Maintenance $13,000.00 Line Item #509 - Other Contracted Services $ 2,000.00 Line Item #530.99 - Equipment Rental $ 300.00 Line Item #570.04 - Instructional Fees $1,000.00 Line Item #601 - Trees/Shrubs $11,500.00 Line Item #635 - Ground Maintenance Equipment $ 2,000.00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION $146,522.25 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and alter its passage and signing by the Mayor. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana this ; 7't~day of ;~,~,~f , 1996. / AT~ST: Diana L. Cordray, Clerk-Treas,~ .'r Presemed to the Mayor ofthe City of Carmel, Indiana this 1996 at ~'.'3D/~, o'clock. ~ ay~r James Brainard Diana L. Cordray, Cler~ Government Un~ / General Forn~ No. 9 To: ~ LINE COUNT Display Mattcr (Must not excecd two actual lines. neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set)'-- nuntuber of equivalent lines ............. Head number of lines~ i:, . -- · .................... ,..4 ...... i..~- Body -- nuntuber of lines .... - ................ .!.. . .. .... . Total nun~bcr of lines In notice .. ,. COMPUTATION OF CHARGES at, Z7 [ cents per line ..................... '... '..; ........ $ Additional charge for no[ices _containing .rule or tabulax' work · (50' pcrcent of above amount) .... · ............. ' ..........· ........ · C!iar. gc for cxtra proofs of publica.tlon ($1.00 fox- each proof .... ~: ... . ' ',,7 In excess of twO) ......................... - ..................... TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ........ ~ .................. $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single col un~n (~ enls Nunlbcr of hlsertlons _ ~ ' -,' ' ' - -- z .. ~,; !:.~,~ ,. '-:,~ {?..L~.':~:I... Size of type ~o point " Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, lhcrcby ccrtiry .that the forcgoing account is.just and correct. that the amount claimcd ..;::.. . ;:..' ~'.:". L,~,~.L'. ,:: ',::: '. '~: 'r ~:~ ,: ".'; .'.'7 .. ..:"' _ lly.duc. after allowing all Just credits a .' ~"~,l I; ' t; i , .. . ~ -,"1'. ~t. · ," ~" ":".' ~ ., .': ~ ' ~[ ' F for 1~7. G~E~ FUND , ~P~E~ OF ~MUN~: S~V~ES ~ Line. ~m ~u~t ~: I~ .~.~ '~ :.~,,' ~'~ '. ' ' '~.' ~'.~ ~ne ~m ~ Ground ~.~':- .. .. State of Indiana ss; Hamilton County PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT PerSonally appeared before me. a notary public in and for said ·.cOunty and state. the undersigned David A. Lewis who. being duly sworn. ': says that he is Publishcr of Thc Daily Lcdgcr a dally newspaper of general ch'culation print- cd and published in the English language in the town of Fishcrs in statc and ;; county aforcsaid. and that the printed matter attached hcrcto is a true copy. which was duly published in said paper for . tinge . .. the dates of pub- lication being as follows: ' Subset,bed and sworn-to before;me tillS":"'i 'Or,etg_._; }!