HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1221-96 Add Appro/1st Ave Amendment to Ordinance No. D-1221-96 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIAN& PROVIDING FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FROM THF, GENERAl, FUND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY ACCOUNT 625 - IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDINGS WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the City of Carrnd (the "City") to repair and maintain its infrastructure so as to best serve the public; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer C'Engineer") has determined that 1st Avenue Northwest (the "Project Area"), a street within the boundaries of the City, is in need of reconstruction; and WHEREAS, the Project Area currently has inadequate storm sewers resulting in deteriorating pavement on the street, curbs, driving approaches and sidewalks; and WHEREAS, the deterioration of the Project Area is such that replacement of the street, curb and sidewalk pavement, storm sewers/inlets, driveway approaches and street lighting (the "Project") is required; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has determined that the cost of the Project will not exceed $950,000.00; and WHEREAS, the 1996 Annual Budget for the City did not include monies to implement the Project; and WHEREAS, the Clerk Treasurer has determined that the deduction from the City's General Fund, as set forth below, will leave in the City' s General Fund a sufficient remaining cash balance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana, that for the expenses of the taxing unit the following additional sums of money are hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the purposes specified, subject to the laws governing the same as follows: GENERAL FUND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY ACCOUNT 625 - IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUH~DINGS $950,000.00 PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Common C/~ of the City of Cannel, Indiana, this P ffi il AT ST: · , · -- Presented to the Mayor of the City of Carmel this ZZfr,3 o ' clock. 15qe~day of ~J~ ,1996 at James Brainard: Mayor ATTEST: Diana Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer 1 ISTNW. ORD Display Mattcr (Must not cxcccd two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the bbdy of the advcrtiscn~cnt is set) -- number of equivalent lines ...... ~ ...... Head -- nmnbcr of lines ................................. Body -- nun~bcr of lincs .................................. Tail -- nunsbet of lh~cs .................................. Total nun~bcr of lines in notice ................... .. ....... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES a'T7,2.:~ / cents pcr line ................ ' ................... Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of abovc amount) ............................... Chargc for extra proofs of l>ubllcation ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) ........................................ TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM ........................... DATA I~OR COMPUTING COST Width of single colulnn ~ ctns Nunsbet of insertions / " Size of typc //~ point 7. q6~ l'ursuant to thc provisions and pcnaltics of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is Just and con'cct, that the amount claimed ,. ,.,.,,, ,....~...,,...~, ~,, ,.., ,..,,,..., ,,., ~0 ~.~~;E.~ - ,f,. Date ~"t~, ,~ ~ 7 , 19 ~"' ' I Puli h r Tit e: b s c s State of Indiana HamiltOn County PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT , · .v~~;.Pcrsonally appeared bcforc me, a notary public in and for said county and ., . , ,, ,, . ,,,, .,,. ,,,,,..,,,.,,...,0.,,,,,,, ,, ,,0.,.,,. is Publisher of The Daily Ledger a d~fl~ newspaper of general circulation print- , ' ~' cd and pubiChod In the English language in the town of Fishcrs In state and ~~ ~ ~ county aforc~id. and that the printed matter attachcd hcrcto is a true copy. .~ . ~ ~.~ .~' which was duly publlshcd in said paper for ~' time__, the dates of pub- '"~~ ~ ~ e 7 ~ . ,~. / ~ S~ ~,,}~~ · . ,~,., ,, ~. ~ ~ ~- i 5ubscrlbcd and sworn to bdore me ~is ~ day of~ ~ ~ I9 ~ ,~~~'~'. My commission ~pirc,: //' ~' ~ ~ Forn~ Prcscrlbcd by State Board of Accounts ,'/7~A-- County, Indlan~"T' .. LINE COUNT "'"; t.~ . ,; . , DIsplay Matter (Must not e. xcecd two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of type:In which the bady of the advertisement Is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............. Head -- number of lines., ........... T !'~ i!"'. ~ .......... ~"' Body -- number of lines ...... ...... .. ,. ..... . ............... Tail -- number of !lnes ........... .. ..... .... ~ .... ; ..... . ..... Total number of lines In notice '.' ' I '. ' '~:Ti ..... ". ........ "" ....... COMPUTATION OF CHARGES ; ;- -2~tccnts per line ........ · .:; ...... ~ ................... $ , ,: .. ~ '. Additional charge for notices containing rule or tabular w6rk {50 percent of above amount) ..... .>. ...... ~'; ' i ' '" ............. Charge for extra proofs of publlcaUon ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .............. ' ....... '; '; ....i ......:. .......... ,: (: ...~ .: . DATA FOR COMPUTING COST WIdth of single colun~n F Number of insertions / Size of type ~4~ point ' ' · ,..{ General Forn~ No. 99P (R~vised 1995) Pursuant to the provIsions and penalties of'Chabier' i55; Acts 1953, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account IsJ'Ust 'and C0ITCCt, that the amount claimed m paid. '. .". i' · ' - TItle: Publishers · ~FIDA~T StaLe of Indiana ss: ........ ' .... ' · · HamiltOn County . .,'.. '. Pcr~nally appeared before me, a nota~ public In and for said county and' stale, the undeslgned David ~ Le~s who, being duly sworn, says that he ~ Publisher of The Dally Ledger a dally newspaper of general circulation print- ed and 'published In the English language In the to~ of FIshers In state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hemto Is a true copy, a~,, .... .~' ~,~. which was duly published In said paper for . ' ,[ tln~L, the dates of pub- . ~. ~. .~. llcaUon being as follows: :.: ;.: . '~.... , · . - ;:. ,~. ~ ~. ., ....,:,,./., ~'~l~': ::' .: 1' bj, L.'[l., :',,: . .. ~ ~.,-c-~,'~..-~ .... Subscribed and sworn to bdorc mc ~ /~ day of ~ ~ 19 ~ ~O~~a~. .. .-, ....t~ .',: 9 .. ' ' ~'~ ~ Resident of. /~~;'/~/--. ' County